Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Well yesterday was it...I hauled out my red white and blue flag bunting and draped the porch! It always puts me in a good mood when I am decorating the porch...espicially in the summer when the flowers are out and everything looks so green and vibrant and HAPPY! I am ADDICTED TO SWEET POTATOE VINE AND BACOPA!! They always put on a great show!

I just planted the fancy coleus today...got 10 4 inch pots for only .50 each! Hopefully they will come along..they are frilly and so colorful..............

There is just something about RED! It just brightens up everything...even my mood sometimes. These are three of my favs....old watering can, crock and bucket...........

A garden just isn't complete without a bee skep...I am in LOVE with these too! This one is gradually starting to bite the dust BUT to help it last a bit longer, I painted it white (dry brush) and sprayed it with a coat of poly. Hopefully I can have it for another summer.

What's on your front porch??????? Have a great day!! :0)

Sunday, June 28, 2009


I have been so excited to show you all what a little love, caring and generosity can do!!
In April I mentioned in one of my posts about a friend of a friend who was out walking her dog on Easter Sunday and her house burnt down! She lost everything. I reached out to the PRIM BLOGGER world and the donations came in by the box loads!! I collected the donation until the end of May and my friend Karen loaded it all up in her explorer and took it back on up to Ohio for me! The gal finally got to open everything on June 20th! I had to wait to post the pictures so I wouldn't spoil the surprise. BIG BIG thanks to all of you who sent items and those of you who included the gal in your prayers. She has since moved into a new house and is currently decorating it with all these wonderful items. YOU ARE ALL PRICELESS!!

Even the doggie got a treat!!!

Isn't this all AMAZING!!

Thank you!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

*****Junk Huntin in Asheville!*****

So I get a phone call from my friend Wendy......"I've got the bug...we have to go shopping!! " Well like any good friend would do I agreed to help her out (LOL!) and we planned a trip....to ASHEVILLE NC!! If you aren't familiar with Asheville, it's home to the Largest House in America... Biltmore House! Been there ...done that....it's the antique and junk shops that get me back there! Take a peek............ The whole she-bang............................. letters, bins, chair, table, tin roof tiles, tool box...it was my day to find metal stuff for sure!

This old cupboard is from England and made of slate and wood and H-E-A-V-Y!!
My fav find is this rusty, crusty old metal drawer with porcelain top!

Net old file drawers...look great stacked on top of each other...........

Love the old red roof tiles AND the neat red flag numbers??? Well they are from England as well and I was told they are part of an lawn golf game! Neat-o! What did you find this week???

Saturday, June 20, 2009

100th POST WINNER ...drumroll please.............

This is sooooooooooo exciting...my first GIVEAWAY ...it's time to get this party started....... Each name carefully handwritten on a your classic white scrap paper.....( I can hear this picture being enlarged all over town!!!I know you are all looking for yours...I PROMISE it is in there!)
This is supposed to be a pickle jar...BUT I had an issue with it.....the opening was too small for me to reach in an draw the name which is crucial to this event! Here goes....

*******CONGRADS...Lisa from PRIMITIVES FROM ABOVE!!!******** wHOOO WHOOO.....bang .....boom...bang (those are firecrackers going off!) You have Just Won OLDE TYME MARKETPLACE'S first GIVEAWAY!! What are you going to do now!!LOL!
Now the fun part starts....obviously you are a prim gal...soooooooooo I am off this week on a treasure hunt like no other....I will stop at nothing...I will go into every thrift store within a 100 mile radius to seek and gather you some of the best thrift prim goodies south of the Ohio River. I can't wait to see what you are gonna get! It will be a fun week for sure. Please email me your address and I will be getting this out to you at the end of the week! You lucky gal!!
Thanks to all who entered this give away!! If you didn't win this time...I know I will be doing another give away like this sometime because it is so much fun so please try again next time!!

This just in>>>>>Ohio Girl Wins BIG in North Carolina...PRIZES GALORE....Olde Tyme MarketPlace owner on LEGENDARY HUNT FOR TREASURE....WILL STOP AT NOTHING>>>>>Winner is SPEECHLESS....her life is turned upside down...HOLLYWOOD IS CALLING.....TABLOIDS ARE RELENTLESS>>>>>Stay tuned for more updates as they develope...................BACK TO YOU!!!

Shop Anniversary Pics!!

Here is a re-do post...blogger had issues with the Picassa Photo albums sooooo I needed to re-load the pics!! Enjoy! Vintage flour sack apron..............
Too die for chippy cupboard...............

Front porch LOADED with plants and FAB junk! **** Love the little cart!!****

Chippy chairs brought by Wendy + chippy table brought by me = a match made in HEAVEN!! ...UPDATE....CHAIRS SOLD!!!

When in doubt...decorate with flower pots...the look great ANYWHERE!!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Huge Thanks...PLUS 100th POST GIVEAWAY!!!!!!

First things first........A HUGE THANK YOU to all the great customers who came out to the shop to help me celebrate my 2 year Anniversary...there was a bunch of you and I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. Also I wish to thank everyone who sent good wishes and support. It means the world!!!
As I type, this is my 98th post...when did THAT happen??Goes by quick...ANYWAY ...I can hear you all wantin the nitty gritty, the low down, the dirt on what the heck THE PRIZE IS GONNA BE.....WELLLL HERE GOES..... Since so many of y'all LOVE the thriftin so much My give away is gonna be just that, A THRIFTIN PRIZE PACK!!!
EVERYTHING IN THE PRIZE PACK IS GONNA BE FROM A THRIFT SHOP...AND IT'S GONNA BE BIG!!! I am going to base the items that are in the prize pack on who's name is drawn as the winner!!! Soooooo basically if I draw someone who loves the primitive look then that's what the prize will be, if they love the shabby look then that's what they'll get!! PLUS....THERE WILL ALSO BE A GOODWILL GIFT CARD THROWN IN THERE TO BLOW ON WHATEVER YOU WANT!!! sooooo, to enter...leave a comment or two or four or whatever and your name will be put into a huge old pickle jar and will be drawn on THIS SATURDAY NIGHT June 20th at 11:59!! So spread the word and Good Luck!! :0)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


We have LOADED up the shop with TONS of NEW STUFF..... filled to the brim with all of our recent finds..the best "junk" around, new handmades, Americana, Butter Maple Sugar Candles are BACK IN STOCK !! Primitives, cottage, shabby!!!!
New DISPLAYS thoughout the shop...the front porch is spilling over with a great selection of plants, and concrete planters and the back yard is busting out with even more! NO JOKE>>>>you don't want to miss this one! Prizes>>> FOOD>>>FUN!!!
121 N.WHite Street
Marshville, NC 28103
June 12th 10-6 June 13th 10-5
and our First ShopKeeper Sunday!!! June 14th 11-5
Please give us the chance to say THANK YOU FOR 2 Great years!! Hope to see you there!!

Monday, June 8, 2009


Found this little table at GW last week...rough shape but solid...nice lines...sturdy....all that equals P-O-T-E-N-T-I-A-L!
After a little paint job and adding a fabulous old feedsack that I made into a cushion.....it turned into the best looking little ottoman!!

"POTENTIAL" is so rewarding when you get a great outcome. This could have easily stayed a cute little table with a new paint job, BUT after a little extra use of the ole noggin....I'm a likin this alot better PLUS it recycled not only the table, but the feedsack was repurposed and the padding I used as well. Recycling has some great rewards! I was inspired to do this after seeing a wonderful chair redone with feedsacks at a local antique mall....too see it click here. How were you inspired today????

Sunday, June 7, 2009

GOT JUNK?????????????

Oh boy did we have FUN today....even found the letters to prove it!!! Take a peek at this weekends finds! I was in the market for a table and boy did I find a goodie! Its a little drop leaf and has a fab chippy factor to it AKA...chip-i-tude!! ~~~*** UPDATE>>> Mercury Glass Lamp SOLD!***~~~
The old funnel will be turned into another planter! Love the little birdies...these will look great inside one of Mr.OTM'S window houses!

The concrete/pebble urn was a TS find and one of my FAVS!!! That just might be a keeper................

A GREAT little chippy yellow and white stool......can NEVER have too many stools!

FINALLY the cart!! Oh how I love this!!! It is going to look perfect on the porch of the shop with flowers on it! The mercury glass lamp looks great in person...that will be a great addition for my Sleepy Poet booth.
The rest of the items will all be available for sale next weekend June 12-14 at our 2nd ANNIVERSARY PARTY FOR THE SHOP!!!PLEASE JOIN US ...TONS OF GREAT STUFF TO GET YOUR GRUBBY LITTLE HANDS ON!! HOPE TO SEE YOU!!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Lookie What I Got!! PunchNeedle!!

I am sooooooooo excited! When my friend Karen came down last week, she handed me a big old bag and said this is for you from me and Kelly! Kelly is my other most dear friend I left up in Ohio when I moved and I miss them both terribly. Anywho.....Kelly has started her own business designing PunchNeedle patterns and selling supplies. You can find her work on Garden Gate PunchNeedle Patterns. I have mentioned more than once how I have wanted to learn how to do this and Kelly's response is always...."It's sooooooooo easy and FUN!" I have gone into shops that carry this stuff and have even had the sales girl show me how to thread the needle but I never bought one. I did buy a cute $11.00 pattern though that I have been able to look at for the past two years sitting in the ziploc bag! Why do we do things like that??? So after I opened up my goodie bag and saw what was in there, I was THRILLED!. Karen hadn't been at the house 10 minutes and I made her show me how to get started. Next thing you know we are heading off to Wal-Mart to get some more weavers cloth! When we got home I organized all my stuff in a new folder I had that I just got from Office Max! I am still not very good ...everything looks FAT. Kelly said it does until you fill it all in then it all takes shape! Sooooooo, I am onto a new hobby and I have to say....It is easy once you get the hang of it and FUN! If you have been thinking about doing it....give it a try...I think you'll like it!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


On the way home from taking my load of stuff up to the Sleepy Poet, I was stopped at a red light and looked over and saw this sign...at a car care center no less. It tickled me that it would be there so I had to take a picture and share it with you. I thought about the lesson....You can find moments of peace in the most unexpected places! It was perfect timing because as usual I felt stressed and rushed. So when the light turned green, I did exactly what the sign said and enjoyed a relaxing drive home. Keep your eyes open...you never know when you will see a "sign!" Blessings to you all!!

p.s. for a little treat I added some great "eye candy"pics I recently took while antiquing on my other blog..... JUNKIN ESCAPADES...go take a peek!