Sunday, January 31, 2010


Well...I told you I had a surprise and here it is...... I recently opened up a NEW BOOTH at The Depot at Gibson Mill in Concord NC! I was so excited to get the chance to be a part of this neat venture! This old mill was once used to make pillow cases. The ceilings are unbelieveably tall, the wood floors are fantastic,and the big huge windows let in lots of beautiful sunshine! I chose a booth with one of the big windows! One reason, for the sunshine and the other because it made me do something different. I have always been partial to adding an awning for display and I have played that one out. It always looks good but I wanted to try something different . When Mr. OTM and I were setting up he suggested putting chippy shutters on the windows and that set the stage for the whole booth. I thought you would like to take a peek at what I did this time.
The booth took on a "chippy white"theme~ ahhhhhh~ enjoy...............

Well......wa da ya think? I'll post a few more pics (to show the shutters and other views) in a few days. If you are local you will NOT want to miss this! Heck even if you're not local.....get in the car, hop on plane, rent a U-Haul, take the bus, WHATEVER!!! You'll be glad you did! There is soooo much talent in one place! Under one roof you will find great vendors like: The Pack Rat, Nails, Thorns and Blessings, Homethrown Pottery, Villas & Bungelows, The Shepards Fold, Artsy Fartsy, Refunked Junk and MORE!!! I am not kidding! They open TOMORROW Feb. 1st!
Wish us luck!

Thursday, January 28, 2010


This past weekend Mr.OTM and I had a great opportunity to head on up to Raleigh NC!
The reason for the trip was a surprise birthday party for JJ ( Russ's niece)~ and we got her good too! She was completely surprised .We always have so much fun when we all get together! And the FOOD~ Boy do we have the food!! Okay...(get ready Marcia & Jan here comes your Shout outs) MARCIA (Russ's SIL's sister) made THE BEST Ramen Noodle Salad and French toast(sort off) and JAN ( Russ's SIL) made this KILLER Mac and Cheese and most of the French toast! LOL! I will do a recipe post in the future cuz you are gonna want to try these! Oh and one of the best parts was I received and handmade afgan Jan made me that I LOVE!
AND....I also got to go junkin!! YIPPEE! TAKE A PEEK !

This is the first old dolly that I ever bought and she is fantastic and in great shape with a wonderful face. Most of the stuff came from the flea market at the fairgrounds. I have wanted to go there for awhile and finally made it. Had a blast!
Not sure what the architectural piece is from. Any ideas? It had the perfect chippiness! LOVe it!

This little old doll quilt was a whopping 5 bucks and one of my fav finds! BUT~ One of THE BEST FINDS WAS THIS..............

SuzAnna's Antiques!! Holy ta moly you gotta go! I got to meet Jenny and what a super sweet gal! I was freakin out (in a good way) as soon as I rolled into the parking lot! There is JUNK EVERWHERE ( a good way) and I think I sprained my eyeballs from lookin around so fast. I couldn't decide which way to turn! The displays are great and you gotta love a place the uses the words "peely paint" on there business cards! I will be back~this time with the truck!
So that's it for now~ I have a few surprises coming up this week so stay tuned!
Have a great day!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Pay close about to add some very important words to your vocabulary~
Thanks to Mike( aka Hottie McHott Hott according to Vintage Rescue!) and Frank" If I had a pork chop sandwich for every time I heard that one" you will totally need to be in the know for "freestyling" and "windshield time". Two very high tech terms for........ junkin!
Have you watched AMERICAN PICKERS yet??? I can't even believe it's on~ I mean FINALLY a reason to feel like you belong ~ to something~ cool even. It's been along time coming and frankly (pun intended) I am totally hyped! Life as a junker holds major excitement as many of you know. Treasures lurk around every corner~ the thrill of the hunt is addicting. Most of my shirts have stains on them, I never have a manicure, I keep gloves , a crowbar, wellies and screwdriver in my car at all times. I deal with cobwebs, mud, spider eggs, dust, dirt, you name it and well~ I guess that's the part where you loose most people in a conversation. Funny thing though, when they see a piece they LOVE and you tell them that "Oh that came out of an old chicken coop covered in chicken poop" they are AMAZED!
YOU GOTTA WATCH THIS SHOW~ the people they meet are the true stars, and their stories are even better. One of the best parts is that Mike and Frank ~ have a heart and don't try to rip these people off . Oh they dicker and do get some deals which is fun to watch and TOTALLY part of the junkin experience. So when I leave the house today, my head will be held a little higher, stained shirt and all and know that I am now part of the COOL group! It feels great!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

In the mood for a make-over??

I interrupt my last few boring posts to give you a FANTASTIC MAKE-OVER!! Are you ready for this one???? I found this little cupboard on my buying trip . It stands about 24 inches tall and is about 16 inches wide. It is made very well, nice and sturdy~ a great piece to start with. As soon as I saw it , I pictured the result in my head......................
I remembered this piece of tin that I had in my "stash of things to to something wonderful with later when I found the right thing" ...well I found the right thing and this is how it turned out........

TA-DA!! I am lovin this!! Mr. OTM cut the tin and inserted it for me while I painted it and then I sanded and stained it up tonight and FELL ~IN~LOVE. Ran to get the camera because 1.) You all deserve a great post after all my boring ones and 2.) You have all wanted to see some of my goodies from the buying trip (more to come) and 3.) I love make-over posts!! So get busy girls!

You'll find this prim beauty at the shop! It's headed there tomorrow!!

Friday, January 15, 2010


Since alot of you have Monday off~ we are going to BE OPEN MONDAY JANUARY 18TH 10-5!
I had received a bunch of calls this week asking if we were going to be there sooooooo it got me to thinkin~ hey, maybe that might be a good idea! ( Every once in awhile, something sinks in!)
We have NEW ITEMS ARRIVING DAILY! I have to take some pictures from my recent buying trip and I promise to post them so you can all get a peek! HOPE TO SEE YA THERE!

Thursday, January 7, 2010


All the Christmas decorations are down at the shop and now it's time to LOAD IT UP WITH NEW STUFF!! After a spur of the moment converstation, my friend Shellee is on her way here to pick me up for a 4 day shopping trip !I am keepin my fingers crossed I find some wonderful stuff! My garage is already loaded with some great things that will be ready to go in when I get back! Mr. OTM is minding the shop til I get home! I gotta get packin....I'll fill ya all in later!