Friday, February 26, 2010

Just a piece of JUNK.....

That's what the guy said when I asked him what it was and how much was it. I instantly fell in love with the rusty, crusty texture and the shape. Can you guess what it is??? Think ~ Think~ Think.....AN OLD SWIVEL STOOL BASE! I know...go figure...way cool! My first thought was that it would make a great cloche. Couldn't wait to get it up to the booth at The Depot and see how it would look. I was giddy happy with the outcome. (It doesn't take much). I love how it looks with the herbs but possibitlites are "thru da roof" on what you can put underneath it!
The same guy also had this little old fry basket ( at this point I think he is starting to feel sorry for be because all his other stuff was big ticket crystal chandeliers and I couldn't even afford a single drop crystal ...PRICEY but beautiful!) anyway I flipped my lid ' on this cuz I thought it would make a fab napkin holder.The handle moves, so it will keep the napkins nice and snug in there. So I bought his two trashiest pieces and LOVE them both!

Some of you aren't going to like this last picture.....ESPICIALLY all my friends toughing out the Noreaster going on up north....OR maybe JUST MAYBE this is the little "sign of hope" to help get you thru. I'd like to introduce you the first Daffodil of the season. She arrived yesterday out by my birdfeeder and was out in all her glory this morning soakin up the sun.

Her message is simple........PATIENCE MY FRIENDS, SPRING IS ON IT'S WAY!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A bunch of old bags....

So, last summer after yelling at a bunch of skate board kids to quit skating on my bench at the shop I was promptly called............
an old bag!
This blog post is NOT about that type of OLD BAG!
(seriously...ME? an OLD BAG? please...I am only in my EARLY...waaaaay EARLY 40's with the mind I still had in my 30's....waaaay early 30's....HOW DARE THEM....brats....anywho.....)
It's about these beauties below...lately I have scored some rather awesome ones that are begging to be made into pillows or used to upholster something...take a peek...........A MIDWEST bag for a midwest girl.....
Just waiting to be made into something wonderful....

WOW!! This QUAKER OATS one blew~my~mind~ It's in GREAT shape and HUGE!

This one is my absolute FAV! Being an OHIO girl...this one is gonna stick around...

Heck....I just love lookin at them like this, all bunched up in piles and stacks! Thought about even framing some. Any ideas for an old bag???? (THE ones in the PICTURE!!!! Got it???) LOL!

Monday, February 15, 2010


It has been awhile since I have taken any pictures of my booth space located inside the SLEEPY POET ANTIQUE MALL in CHARLOTTE. I finally remembered to take my camera yesterday~ so I snapped a few to give you a peek at what I have going on there! Old rusty milk can with wonderful blue/greenish paint, neat old chippy white scale....

these are old rusty metal seed drawers!
I have restocked the bottles with the old brass numbers on them...they are a great accent anywhere!

Just brought in the old scale and desk lamp. Think they look pretty good together.....

This big cupboard is new too the booth too...light gray and chippy! I have re-arranged and brought in lots of new stuff last week. See anything you have to have just shoot me an email or head on over. Have a great day!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Weekend Mother Load of JUNK!

Mr. OTM....."You know, we really need some bigger pieces in the shop!"
Me...."Well....we COULD go on a buying trip like all the big wigs do in this biz...."
Mr. OTM....." Were would you want to go?"
Me......"I have a few ideas...I did get a call from a gal with a barnload of junk..."
Mr. OTM....."Let's roll.......................!"
And that's how it went! We packed an overnight bag, the dog and some snacks and hit the road just like two big wigs! We had a blast and found some PRIMO junk! He was right, I needed to get some bigger stuff in the shop as we have sold quite a bit of furniture in the last few months. So as if we needed an excuse~ this was an honest to goodness "business trip!" The hotel we stayed at was wonderful and pet friendly WITH a hot tub to boot. After a good day of junkin , it was so nice to be able to go sit in the tub and think about all the cool stuff I just bought. Ahhhhh...I would really like to have one of those at my house...THAT REALLY made me feel like a JUNK QUEEN! Now...onto the pics.................
I was thrilled to find some great base cupboards....

After stepping on this old dustpan and having the handle *WHACK* me in the shin ($%&!), I took a second look and decided that it had been trying to get my attention~ so I bought him!
The chippy meal bin is a fav! All it needs is a knob and the top hinged back on...........

This little red ladder jumped out at me. I LOVE this one!

This old workbench is on wheels and a great color!! Nice and solid, I thought it would make a wonderful potting bench! Already have it in the shop!
If ya see anything you like and are curious about a price just shoot me an email or I'll see ya at the shop!