Thursday, September 30, 2010


Well today I finally got around to a project that screamed my name at me everytime I walked through the garage.
I was given these fantastic old chairs that have certainly seen better days. I love the shape and patina of the wood and since I know DIDLY SQUAT about chair caning I came up with something else for the seats.
Want to know how I did it?? Take a peek....Here is all you need for the project:
the chairs
material (this is where the cement sacks come in)
screw gun
scissors (good ones that you use for material ONLY~ not the ones that you've tried to cut wire and maybe a prune your bushes with....material scissors ONLY! :0) )
staple gun and staples
crappy scissors
jig saw
I started off by cutting off all the extra caning left on the seat...for this you can use your crappy scissors...not your material ones! I am just trying to help ya out here!! Trust me...been there...done that! GUILTY!
After that you need to measure the seat opening and draw a circle on the plywood and cut it out with your jig. Next take the wood circle and lay it on the foam and trace it with the marker and cut it out. Next you will need to place your material on the foam and situate it the way you want it to lay~ center it up and cut your material.

Here is what your three circles will look like

Next start stapling. I like to secure four sides then finish up around the shape....

Here is what you will have when you are done with all the staples

And then flip it over and VOILA~ two new padded seats for your chairs!

Time to screw them into the base of the chair. I used four screws one on each side to make it nice and tight.

And here you go!! The finished pair of freebie chairs!!

This whole project took about an hour from start to finish not counting an apple crisp break in there and losing the screw gun.
I love the results and how easy it was to do.
These will be for sale at an upcoming show I will be exhibiting at:
Rowan County Fairgrounds in Salisbury NC!
I haven't done an antique show in awhile and I am getting geared up! I have some great stuff stashed away for this show! It will be a fun weekend for sure~ Oct. 17 & 18
More to come on that!
Hope you enjoyed the make over and feel inspired to tackle a project that has been screamin at ya for awhile now! :0)
For the first time I am going to link this to Debra's Vintage Inspiration Friday!
Hop on over there for some divine inspiration!!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Everyonce in awhile somebody does something.....

I just wanted to give everyone a HUGE THANK YOU who made it out to our Harvest Tyme at the Marketplace Open House and ShopKeeper Sunday. We had a wonderful weekend including the rain!! One shopper in particular, Tammy from Junk Wild came out with friends and did a wonderful post about her time spent at the shop. I hope you can take a minute to visit her blog and read her sweet words that made me get out the kleenex. I love what I do, and it makes me so happy~ but when you see the joy it brings others...there's NOTHING that can top that!
Thank you ALL from the bottom of my heart for letting me do what I do.
It means the world.

Sunday, September 26, 2010



Thursday, September 23, 2010


Please join us to celebrate
SEPT. 24TH & 25TH 10-6
You'll find Fall goodies like these...and these....

and these....

Plus our NEW Crossroads Candle scents!

I made the spice cookies this morning~ bought the Apple Cider last night and we are READY FOR THE SEASON!!
PLUS....the fun continues on Sunday Sept. 26th for
Come shop all of out outside vendors for even more great antiques, vintage finds, handmade goods and MORE!!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

A Whirwind Weekend!!

My OH My did this weekend FLY by! I gotta tell ya all about it! goes...
Got the shop all set for the Boll Weevil Festival ~
had a freezer delivered for all the ice cream~
all the mums arrived to fill the porch~
wreaths were made~
went to dinner~
got engaged~
went to Wal Mart~
came home to bake Easy Apple Turnovers for the Pilot Club Bake Sale!
WHAT???? read it right...I GOT ENGAGED!!!! Mr.OTM popped the question right there in the middle of our favorite Italian restaurant Mama Lena's!! I cried~ the waitresses were crying~ the owner Raymond came out with a huge delicious bottle of Ballatore Champagne!
What a night! I have been on cloud nine since! We have both been down the aisle before and we know we want something small but boy will it be fun planning what it is! Bringing our families together will be the best part! Oh I cannot wait!
Okay so onto the rest of the weekend! The Boll Weevil Festival was AWESOME! We always see a ton of folks though the shop that day and love chatting it up with everybody! My arm hurt from scooping ice cream!
This weekend coming up will be a BLAST for SURE! Friday and Saturday is our HARVEST TYME at the MARKETPLACE FROM 11-6 and SUNDAY is another SHOPKEEPER SUNDAY with the best vendors on earth!
As a little teaser, I am going to show you pictures all week of the shop all decked out for fall!
Would love to see you all there!

That's it for today!! More to come tomorrow! Have a great day everyone!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Some of my recent Virginia and Georgia Junk Picks!

OKAY GIRLS ( you know who you are.....) I hear ya!! Here is just a small sample of some of the goodies I have found recently in Virgina and Georgia.....Don't know what these numbers are for but they came with the cool wooden box too...
The table was a VA find.....the yummy crackly old paint sucked me right in....

see what I mean??


These darn old scales get me EVERY time! Espscially this has the cutest little face!

Instead of just taking the old hardware OFF the door~ somebody just decided to cut a hunk of the door out with the old hardware still attached! Thank goodness....I love it!

So there ya have it! Will that hold ya over for a bit?? LOL! I have more to show you but lots of things needed to get either in the shop of the booths right away to fill in empty spaces.
I promise there is more to come!
OH!!!! If you are local, our little town of Marshville is having their Boll Weevil Festival (don't ya love it) this Saturday the 18th! The shop is ALL FALL if you know what I mean so come on out!

Monday, September 13, 2010


This past Sunday , Mr. OTM and I headed down to the grand ole state of Georgia for a work~ slash~ fun road trip. First the work~ I had an appointment to do a design consultation in Atlanta(that was really a fun part too!!) and since I was down there I was able to pick up some product for the shop (which was also a fun part but lots of work for Mr.OTM) . After that~the FUN!
You know I had to map out some junkin time so we hit a few shops and had a blast! Our first stop on the way home was Braselton! What an adorable little town! And talk about findin stuff!! WOO HOO!! (I will be taking some pictures tomorrow to share)!
In Braselton you'll find:
Braselton Antique Mall ...lots of booths with an upstairs to boot!
Flea An'tiques....again more awesome booths and lots to see
Countryside Antiques....adorable Big ole fat cat on the porch
Vintage Blessing.......even more great stuff!
Whoa Nelly!! Can't wait to go back!
By the time we did this, it was time to get our butts back in the car and head for home. We still had a few hours of drive time left and were getting pooped.
We packed alot into one day and while it was fun , I couldn't do an Atlanta day trip all the time. It wore me slap out! But I did find some goodies and I got to scope out some new territory so it was sooo worth it! I'll share the pictures soon!

Friday, September 10, 2010

The Shop has Fallen into Autumn!!

Oh have we been busy!! The shop is DECKED out for the fall season and looks great! I will be taking some shop pics this weekend to post but for all of you who have been calling...COME ON DOWN!! You don't want to miss a thing!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Fall was so different then...

So I'm at the shop today totally stressed out while trying to get the place all decked out for Fall. While drowning among four huge boxes of fall florals that need to be fluffed, my mind started to drift back to "remember when."
Now I may loose some of you here because this post has nothing to do with junk finds. Believe it or not there was a time when something meant even more to me than JUNK!
Chippy white stuff even.....I heard all the gasps!
Back in the day...let's say like between 1984 thru 1987 , when Fall came around my life was CONSUMED with twirling!!
Yep! I was a majorette all thru high school and nope these pics aren't me. Had to use some stock photos so I had something to show in this post! I love all these vintage girls showin what their momma gave um!
Anyway, I LOVED it! Fall was so different then. It was about creating routines to super cool (HA!) songs like Ghostbusters and planning on what outfit to wear for the game. No boxes to unpack, no merchandise to price. Just wondering if my hair grew long enough to finally put in a french braid. Then trying to learn how to french braid my own hair. Finally figured it out while watching a Waltons rerun!
How many of you are still here? Hello? Is this thing on?
Those days seem like forever ago yet just yesterday We Got the Beat came on the radio and I was doing the whole routine in my head. There is no way in *H E double tooth pick* that I could fit into the skimpy uniforms we used to wear....(we had this red satin number with black sequins that was well........skimpy but oh so awesome) but I can still bring out the moves...most of them anyway, well some of them, um perhaps a few...but definitely I still remember some of the routines! Flexibility has left the building.

Right now my baton is in the garage. I used to practice all the time. By myself, with a coach, with my corp, band practice, majorette camp, band camp...practice , practice , practice. All the time. I can't tell you how many times my hands were on that baton. And now it just sits. Done.

It must have taught me alot. Dedication, responsibility, courage, strength, belief in myself....all of which I apply to my life today as I take care of my shop. So I guess that even though my baton is no longer a big part of my life, the lessons learned from it are.
Now if I could just fit back into those shorts...........

Thursday, September 2, 2010


I remember my mom telling me that there were some yard sales going on.
I woke up the next morning from my old bed in my old room and looked out the window across the street.
This is what I saw!
Holy ta moly. I never got dressed fast enough! I flew down the stairs and ran on over and snagged this little darlin!She has that great old vintage blue just barely peeking through...

She is nice an solid, with the veneer just starting to peel in the top. A quick bit of glue will fix that!

Great texture and chippitude!

The inside of the drawer has that blue! Looks great! This is one of my favorite finds and I almost had to leave it at my parents. With some quick rearranging of other stuff I was so happy it fit!

I wish I could wake up everyday and just go find stuff like this across the street!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


That is what my driveway looks like...CHIPPYVILLE!
I know these pics aren't fancy but this is exactly how we took it off the truck. This is just the first part! Lordy did I haul some stuff! Go ahead...take a peek.....the sun is dappling everything.....

but I think you get the idea! LOL!
There is still stuff inside stuff waiting to be unpacked....

So I will leave you with these today and will take more pics when I make more progress! I am back at the shop today getting ready to get the place all decked out for fall! The Butter Maple Candles are back in stock and I need to refill my bare cupboards!
I am linking this to White Wednesday over at Faded Charm. Kathleen always get a great turnout for this. Hop on over! Have a great day everybody!