Friday, September 30, 2011


Hello Friends.

When two gals hop in the car at 5 am for a 5 hour drive just to get to your shop~

you know you may be onto something.

There was no other reason for the trip.....

they just wanted to come to the shop.

I was blown away.

And so happy.

That got me to thinking about anybody~ near or far

who hops in the car to make the shop a destination

whether it's only 5 minutes or 5 hours.....

It continues to make me so grateful and amazed.....
and proud....

I LOVE that YOU LOVE what I do here.

I appreciate all the goodness that you bring to me each time to grace my door step....

I am grateful for the joy that MY shop brings YOU....

but more importantly I want you to know that it really is


YOU are the inspiration for the merchandise I buy......

YOU are the motivation behind the displays I create....
YOU are the reason that most of my clothes have stains and a manicure is a total waste of money....

YOU are the reason that I can get up in the morning to go to a job I love.....

For all those things I am beyond grateful.

THANK YOU for that.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Bella Rustica Barn Sale Photos!!!

Hello Friends!!

The wait is ov-ah!

Bella Rustica photos are here!

I gotta tell ya.....this is a looooooooooooong post

filled with LOADS of photos.....

(you've got time to throw in a load of me!)

Before we get to the photos of my booth....

I wanted to share with you part of the overall experience!

This is how I started out...

I told you that I would be leaving a chippy white paint chip trail from here to Tennessee!

I'd LOVE to know what goes thru people's minds when they pass me on the interstate!
See that wheel right there in the lower left corner of the photo??? Huh ??See it??

Well that's the one that decided it wanted to FALL OFF two hours into the trip.
(thankfully, I pulled over just in time!)
Adorable isn't she?

I was so flippin scared!

Note to wheel(s)....please don't EVER do that to me again.

Thank You.

Here is the Early Bird line starting on Friday!

This is the glorious Barn where Wendy and I lived for 3 days......

Susan who owns the farm told me that I had the honor of being placed in the birthing stall where all the babies are born! How sweet is that? Her parents were the most adorable folks. They welcomed us with open arms and hearts. They couldn't believe how their farm was transformed.

They openly gave thanks to the Lord though out the show for our wonderful weather and for all the folks that were there. And let me say this....when you see a couple who have spent a lifetime together and still hold hands......that is the definition of precious right there.

The tire swings were in constant use.....

Meet Hazel! This adorable vintage camper belongs to the equally adorable Michelle (and her husband) of Vintage Junky! I was so excited to meet her and see her amazing talent first hand. As soon as you stepped into the barn, it was her things that greeted you! A perfect beginning (which I didn't get a photo of...duh!) To see her amazing booth all you have to do it visit her blog and you will be drooling.Guaranteed!

Speaking of drooling....this is what I lusted after that entire time I was there ......

and these fantastic ruffled linens from Bella Vintage.

Carters Creek Station was just outside the back of the barn in their own little world! I was a great set up with tons of vintage chippy rusty goodness. It featured 3 separated shops all offering the best junk!

Like this.......

and this .........

(told you it was good!)

I am kicking myself by the way for not getting this wagon.

The gals from Three French Hens were our neighbors for the show and did a BLOW YOUR MIND job on their booth. This was one of my favorite displays they had. You can see more about these chicks in the current issue of Flea Market Style Magazine!!

It was such a good time being next to these sweet ladies. I can only imagine their shop!

simply adorable clothing from Little Cowgirl not to mention candles and cowboy boots!

Okay....are you READY FOR SOME BOOTH PICS???

Here we go!

Whew! The whole thing was amazing. Linda and Art from AGAPE were unbelieveable. They worked SO HARD. Oh.My Gosh. Two of the nicest people on the planet! We had so much help loading and unloading the truck and trailer. Talk about being grateful!! I can't even begin !

I got to meet some awesome ladies including Theresa from Time Worn Interiors, The Cranky Queen, Petticoat Junktion, SassyTrash (who I have blog stalked forever!! her!) and MORE! It's ALWAYS fun to connect face to face with a blog follower and talk live and in person!

Most of these bloggers have done their own posts on the show and have some amazing photos that they have shared!

I'd also like to give a huge thank you to my girl Wendy who worked her butt off helping me with everything and deciding to stick around even after the wheel fiasco!

To see even more photos of Bella Rustica you can go to their blog and for even more just Google it and you will be able to see lots of other blog posts that have been done and so on.

I was so happy to be apart of this event and will carry it in my heart always.
Except for the wheel part.

The end.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


You are all invited to a FUN FILLED WEEKEND

here at shop!

We have been BUSY BUSY stocking the place with TONS



Everything you need to get your placed decked out for FALL!


Corn Stalks

Hay Bales


NEW Dip Mixes

Our BEST SELLING Butter Maple Syrup Candles


Spiced Cider


on Sunday for our popular


Our outside vendors will have EVEN MORE....





Bring a Friend and enjoy a day in the country!


Olde Tyme Marketplace

121 N. White St.

Marshville, NC 28103


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Good to be HOME

Hello Friends!!'s sooooo good to be home.

Bella Rustica was A*W*E*S*O*M*E!

The people were W*O*N*D*E*R*F*U*L

The vendors were A*M*A*Z*I*N*G

The location was B*E*A*U*T*I*F*U*L


I am grateful to be home. This journey didn't go without it's frustrations.

Two hours into the trip I almost lost an ENTIRE WHEEL off the truck. Lug nuts were snappin like peas. My friend Wendy and I were sooooo lucky that it didn't turn into a disaster.

Add a flat tire onto that (different wheel) and I was ready to be home.

With that being said...I am SO glad I did it.

Such a great experience meeting so many blog friends......

Being surrounded by such talent.....

I will never forget it......ever!

I have loads to photos to share of the whole event!

That post will be comin soon!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Ready to Hit the Road....Bella Rustica here I come!

Hello chicks!

The trailer is packed.....

wayyyyy packed.

The truck is loaded too.

There'll be paint chips flying from here to Tennessee!

Now I can't wait to unload it all.....

in the Barn!

I am so excited to get there!

I even sprung on NEW batteries for my camera.

I can't wait to meet all the other vendors and fellow bloggers!

I promise to take pics........

LOTS of pics.

If you REALLY want to see all this FANTASTIC stuff...

Hop in the car and head to Franklin TN this


I'll be the gal with all the chippy paint chips in her hair!

See ya when I get back!

Monday, September 12, 2011

My FAVORITE piece that's goin to Nashville!


Can you stand it?

I mean......I just......I can't even.....

find the words!

When I spotted this about a month ago I knew

I HAD to have it. One of those "penalty for early withdraw from your 401k" kinda deals ya know!

I have never seen another tub like this.

Galvanized Glory!

Just picture soakin in this beauty with some lavender bubble bath while the birds are chirping in a meadow! (I am laughing out loud as I type this!)

OR...picture the studly cowboy...fresh off the range....all grimy and sweaty
with hay chaff all over him.......
soaking with his hat still on!
(still giggling)

I can't wait to take this there. I have a good feeling that it will be a great show stopper piece.
Not to mention....
Bella Rustica ......4 days away!