Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A *little* sneak peak!

Hello Friends!

It's great to be home!

The road trip was FANTASTIC! Mr. OTM got to go with me which was unexpected and I LOVED IT! So much more fun with your honey beside you . (Plus he can help carry the heavy stuff to the truck *wink*!)

We found some PRIMO chippy, rusty, peely, crusty junk and filled the truck!

I got to finally meet my ADORABLE nephew, Colton who is quite possibly the cutest thing on earth!

And I got to share time with other family and my dear friends.

That ALWAYS feels soooooo Gooooood!

And YES!!! We got a snowstorm too! PERFECT! YIPPEE! I was so happy!

I don't have all the pictures uploaded yet but I just wanted to give you a little tease of one of the pieces that we found.

Chippy ~ cracklie~ perfection!
Care to take a guess of what it is???
You are gonna die!
All this stuff is making it's way into the shop and my booth spaces this week.
More pics to come!

Thursday, January 19, 2012



I cannot wait to get there!

I've got a brand spankin new nephew to meet with the cutest cheeks ever that need some pinchin and about a million kisses......

My BFF's have all been warned I'm comin........

Mom is making her homemade cream of mushroom soup........I'm hoping to get to see some of THIS.......

Yep....I love the white stuff!

And you know I'll be diggin around for plenty of THIS.......

And just in case you are wondering...THE SHOP WILL BE OPEN regular hours while I'm gone.

My girl Kimmie will be happy to help you!

Soooooo.....I am off and YES.........I've got my camera all packed and ready to take tons of pics.

See you when I get home!


P.S. For those of you who have given me your wish lists...I've got that all packed too and will try my hardest to find what you are looking for!

Wish me luck!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Winter Garden.........

Hello Friends!

When winter rolls around~it's often hard to say good by to all the beautiful colors that once graced your yard, porch and deck areas.

Just because all that goes away doesn't mean that you can't create some wonderful winter displays in those same areas.

Here ,I am sharing with you what I do on our back deck area.

Since we have french doors that lead out from our dining room ~ this area is very visible and I always have it loaded up with containers and baskets in the summer months.

Once winter gets here, it gives me the chance to do something different!

This year I chose to utilize all my specialty pumpkins instead of tossing them into the compost pile just because Fall was over! (If you did that, you can probably still go rescue a few!)

I wanted a natural look and something E*A*S*Y and low maintenance.

I started out with this adorable handmade small wheel barrow. I had petunias in it (you can still see one in the front) this past summer. I pulled out all the dead stuff and left the dirt as a base. I started with the pine and stuck some of the branches right in the dirt to act as an anchor for the other pieces on top. After the pine I added the super cool white kinda flat white pumpkins (real) and the huge pine cones (fake). I like the look of mixing the real and fake stuff. In this case it's what I had on hand and I thought it looked great!

This was my $10.00 real Frasier tree from the North Carolina mountains that only cost me $60.00 for the tank of gas to pick it out! Every year I always like to put a tree out there for the birds. I usually have little suet ornaments on it but they had wiped me out before I took these pictures. Yes.....we have other trees in the yard and yes I put feed in those bird feeders (Mr. OTM likes to point out this fact every year.) BUT...I like that this is closer to me on the deck and I can see the birds better while I am eating my breakfast.

I've got it sitting in an old galvanized tub surrounded by more pumpkins, pine cones and statuary.

Not alot of effort needed to pull this look off. Just work with what you have and watch the scale of size.

See this little concrete cat? I just saw one in an antique mall yesterday for 150.00 bucks. If this one is missing off my deck I am going to come get you! lol!

My rosemary is still goin to town so I didn't have the heart to yank it out to make this arrangement balanced. Who cares right?

I am lovin it anyway.

If I could have white pumpkins to decorate with all year round , I think I would.

They have got to be the cutest little things and I love the color.

Eventually all these will start to get mushy, but until then I look forward to being able to enjoy them for a few more months.

This particular pumpkin is nestled in a pine bough nest inside a big old wire birdcage. Sorry for the lack of a full on shot of that but it's easy to picture it. You could easily get this look on a much smaller scale using a standard size birdcage with the small white pumpkins.

I hope this inspires you to create some winter beauty for your outdoor spaces. The only thing that is lacking for me is a beautiful dusting of snow. A good 16-24 inches worth.

What's that?

You think I've lost it?

What can I say......I'm and Ohio girl!

Enjoy your Winter Garden!

*this post is linked to the wonderful WHITE WEDNESDAY over at Faded Charm!

Friday, January 6, 2012

I CANNOT believe this!

Just when you thought you were done reading posts about my

camera....BAM here comes another one!

WAIT!!! Don't click off just yet!

You've hung in with me this far......

You've offered the kindest words to keep me from thinking I was losing it.....

One comment even stated that I was going to FIND my camera now that I got a new one.....

I know....hilarious right?


Yep!! I found the little sucker hiding in the console of the car!

I swear I could hear it giggling when I lifted the lid.
So I guess I have grown my photography arsenal!!!!.I hear that some of the big time picture takers have duplicates of their favorite cameras in case- God forbid- something would happen to one of them.

Feelin a little bit like Annie Lebowitz right about now...........

(P.S. The sunset photo was taken in the Gulf of Mexico a few years ago. It has nothing to do with the post except for being eye candy cuz we all hate posts without pics right?)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Call me crazy.....

Hello Friends!

So on my last post you found me boo-hooing about my lost camera.....

(which still remains lost by the way.)

I decided that I just needed to take the plunge and go ahead and get a new camera.

Just jump on in there and spend the 400.00 and have a nice big ole fancy hi-tech

number loaded with thing a ma jigs and doo dads.

So I began my online assault of all things "camera!"

I hit Amazon....

I hit Best Buy.....

I hit Overstock.....

I hit ebay......and that's where I found.......


My old camera.

And I bought it.

For $74.00 plus shipping.

I know...I know...You can't tell me anything I haven't already told myself BUT I have this totally rationalized (in my head...)

See, I have a BOATLOAD of awesome items to get into my etsy shop....

I have a new nephew to meet in a few weeks.....

I have NO time to sit and figure out my ISO and aperture right now on a new camera.

I need to take pictures NOW!

See....alllllllll rationalized.....

Call me Crazy?
