Friday, November 8, 2013

I made the right decision.....

In the middle of a super busy day drowing in a sea of Christmas garland , trees and lights ~ I had the extraordinary opportunity to chat with one of my customers who has just been thru a year of struggle.
I . Mean. Struggle.
Most of this past year had been spent in the hospital clinging to life as she awaited a transplant.
I did not get her permission to disclose her story so I want to respect her privacy. But we really don't need the details here.
She was so sick. And so tired. And she never gave up hope. She would get better to be able to be put on the transplant list, only to get sick again to be taken off.
I can only imagine.
One day, she was told that she was better and that she was put back on the list.
The TOP of the list. She was running out of time.
By that afternoon she got the call.
Her life was about to change.
Today she lives because someone was an organ donor.
I have never personally met anyone before who has gone thru something quite like this.
You should have seen how wonderful and full of life she looks. She was shopping, laughing and just living.
I made the decision to be an organ donor along time ago when I renewed my drivers license.
Today I learned exactly the kind of impact that decision can make.
I know without a doubt that is was the right one.