Tuesday, January 6, 2009


As I was going through all my pictures , I came across these two of some decorating I recently did in one of our bathrooms. I found these wonderful old barn shutters in Pennsylvania last fall. They are the most perfect shade of barn red and have just the right amount of "chip-i-tude" ! During Christmas I had them on either side of my fireplace. When I took all the christmas decorations down they just didn't look as good left there but I was determined to find a spot for them.....SOOOOOOOOO I walked around the house with them and took a look at the vanity in the bathroom and said...hey wait a minute.....maybe if I just set them on the vanity????? Well the rest is history...as soon as I did it I really liked how it turned out and started "shopping"around the house for other goodies to complete the look. This whole "make-over" cost a whopping $15.00 bucks......yep...that was the price for the pair of shutters! Plus I didn't have to haul out any power tools! Now I need to tackle the computer/craft room....ugh!


  1. Oh, that looks really good. I love it. Great job. And at a bargain too.

  2. I too love the look of the old shutters. I have them hanging on walls,on display shelves. I can't pass them up when I see them at tag sales! Great idea you have there! Dawn

  3. What a great idea! That looks super!

  4. What a neat idea. I'm gonna have to be on the lookout for old shutters. Thanks for sharing your creative ideas with us. We have got to get back to your shop. We went to see Pam at Antique or Not Monday and we passed right by your shop. We did stop in there the day of the Boll Weevil Festival but it was just too crowded. Hope to see you soon.

  5. Beth, I have an award for you; just pop over to my blog to check it out!

  6. I just found your site, and have bookmarked you. Great idea. I love it!!


  7. Those shutters are gorgeous!! And I love your blog header being a log cabin dweller. Thank you for your kinds words and stopping by my bird blog!

  8. What a great idea!! Bathrooms need all the help they can get!!
