Sunday, February 1, 2009

Can I please play too?????

Now this was fun!!! Tammy at Country Girl at Heart had a great idea going with assigning you a letter and you had to think up 10 things you liked beginning with that letter! I love a challenge and things that make you really have to put your thinking cap on so I asked her if I could please play too!! LOL! She still had some letters left that she hadn't handed out yet and I was lucky to get the letter "F"! So here goes.......
1. FAMILY.....I am the oldest and I have a younger brother Rick by three years. I can still remember bringing him home from the hospital. I was sitting in the back seat with my grandma and we held him all the way home......WAYYYYY before the days of the seat belt laws. We got along like your typical brother and sister and remain close to this day. I used to make him dress up in my tap dance skirt if I wanted to play "dance class' and if he wouldn't do I would threathen him that I would tell mom I saw him take a piece of Brachs candy from the grocery store! It would usually work great, til one day he just cracked and went and told mom himself he took the candy!! That ended my blackmail streak and playing dance class forever!!! LOL! We are both so lucky to have parents that been happily married over 40 years. They always have let us try what it is we want to do and if we failed they would be there to help us pick up the pieces, if we succeed they are there to rejoice with us. Mom and Dad both have retired in the last few weeks and look forward to traveling around.
2.FRIENDS.........I could go on and on here but I would not be anywhere if it were not for the love, help, support, laughs, honesty, joy, strength, inspiration, trust, and encouragement that all my dear friends give me everyday. I read a great quote one time" I could fill a stadium with aqqaitences, but I could count all my true friends on my two hands" sooooo true. I love you all!
3. FREE......I love a freebie!! This could be at the grocery store, in the mail, on the side of the road, in a dumpster, at a yard sale, from a friend, at a restaurant, you name it.....IF IT'S FREE, IT'S ME!!!!!!!
4. FINDS........The THRILL OF THE HUNT is addicting and I love finding a wonderful treasure espicially if it's cheap. I have come across some wonderful finds in my day and never get tired of it. I know I get it from my grandfather...he would always come home with the best stuff....he would always gather up discarded lawn chairs from the curb and re-do the webbing and then resell the chairs at out annual yard sale every year. Another thing he'd do that would drive my grandmother nuts was pick up brushes and combs he's find laying around...gross right??? Welllllll, after he'd gather up a ton of them he would put them all in the WASHING MACHINE and run them through a cycle with HOT water and bleach and sterilize the heck out of them...bundle them into bundles of 6 and sell them at the yard sale too......he would ALWAYS SELL OUT! At least I come by this honest and can't help the influence that I was surrounded by! LOL ...I miss him like crazy............
5. FLOWERS.......Peonies are my favorite but I just can't get enough of any flower really! I love container gardens, hanging baskets, all my flower beds and look forward to being able to get to nurseries in the spring. I love the "junk" flower section at Lowes when they discard the stressed out plants.You can come home with some great stuff...just a little deadheading and voila....a great looking plant!
6. lucky are we to live in such a great country to have the freedom we do?? When I count my blessings, this is always at the top.
7. FLEA MARKETS......You know I had to put this in here!! I have been going to flea markets since the beginning of time and I love them!! You never know what treasure awaits......
8. FOOD.......LOL!! Goodness knows I couldn't leave this one out! I think I am probably the only 40 year old out there who still loves FRUIT LOOPS!! I think this comes from having to eat puffed rice, puffed wheat, Cheerios, corn flakes, oatmeal all the time as a kid (what was my mother thinking making us eat all the healthy stuff>>!) . I think Italian food is my fav but Mexican is a close second. I could be on this one forever...........chicken wings, cabbage rolls, stuffed pork chops, homemade bread.......okay I'll stop.....
9. FARMS...... I grew up on a farm but not the livestock kind....we grew grapes! Yep I grew up on a vineyard and my dad sells all his concord grapes to Welch's....still does! So next time you are in the grocery store, pick up a bottle of WELCH'S grape juice (the purple one)! You could just possibly having some of dad grapes!
10. FIXER UPPERS......I love to find something that might need a little help and turn it into a great piece someone would love to buy and have in their home. It is recycling in disguise and I get a kick out of it everytime!
Well I know this was a long post but I really enjoyed it and you may have all learned a little bit more about me and when I am the way I am!! LOL! Hope your day is great!! Don't forget to count your blessings!!
UPDATE!!!!! After telling Russ about my 10 things he said I can't believe you forgot.......FEEDING THE BIRDS!!! So I had to add number 11!!!! We may not have enough groceries in the house but my birdies will be fed!! I espicially love the Cardinals....... I once had 27 of them out there at once!! I was speechless! All the birds just bring a smile to a my face everyday!!


  1. I love your list, love all those same things. Have a wonderful day.


  2. Your list would have been my exact same list! Love that letter F!

  3. How nice to get to know you a bit more! Sounds like we could possibly be related!


  4. Hi, thanks for coming by for a visit.
    This post is so "F"un. That is so neat that you grew up on a farm where the grapes grow for Welches products!

  5. i agree with #3 you are the QUEEN of FREE STUFF!!!
