Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Yesterday was really a rare day for me at the thrift store....WHY you ask??? Well typically whenever I find stuff, I need to re-do it or add something to it or clean it up. Sometimes it can get put on the back burner for those reasons BUT not yesterday!!...I about flipped my lid when I came across all these tresures yesterday.........AND I don't have to do a thing to them...(unless I want too!!!) The old galvanized bucket was a shocker and it was 1.00......I practically had tears in my eyes...the old cutlery tray is precious. I gave you a close up to see the little blue flowers on it. All the wooden spoons were in a bin right next to it ..... The plaid fabric in the bucket is a table runner, the little rooster holds cards, the collander will be used as a planter and the star is metal! I felt like I was in " thrifty primitive heaven "! Usually it is not this good. I have thrifted for years and rarely do you find so many treasures all at once. I know it will be awhile before it happens again! The best part is recycling in disguise! How great is that? Okay....are you ready to hear the total for all this loot???? Are you guessing yet????? Drum roll please..............................$9.89 plus tax!!!!
(as promised...there was NO GOOSE in this post!!....I WAS out lookin for one though!!;0)


  1. Girl, you hit the jackpot!! I have a star like that in a rusty fisnish. Love the tray, my new love is wooden spoons old or not they give a nice prim look in a gathering!

  2. Love it all! You're right about putting stuff off because it has to be "redone". It's great to find things that don't require any work!


  3. Wow, good for you. You were in the right place at the right time ~ great treasures.

  4. My Oh My Oh My! I am in awe of your thrifty pruchases!
    I love it all! You plan on selling all of that to me, right? I will give you $20 for the whole lot!
    You make the treasures that I found look dumpy!
    My favorite is the chicken card holder...that is truly unique!
    You did mighty fine girl!

  5. Beth where do you find all of these goodies?

  6. Oh, I just love everything, the runner is fantastic and I love the wood holder with the blue flowers!!! You sure were lucky with your finds:)
    Have a great day!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. You go girl! You're right. It's usually hunt and no gather, but you were so lucky. I love the cutlery tray. I think that will more than double your 9.89 investment! LOL Debbie

  9. WHAT A GREAT BUNCH OF LOOT! That tray is such a find, what cute flowers on it.

  10. WoW! How blessed are you! You did hit the jackpot!

  11. Great finds! It is very rare to hit the TS and not have work to do afterwards! LOL

    Have a great day!


  12. Well look at all your goodies... I thought you said you did not get anything good..... Looks good to me, Simply Fabulous Terrific Joyful, Talk at ya' soon!!

  13. WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW - You found LOTS of great stuff and for it to already look that great is amazing!! I am so jealous that I can't find a single thing while thrift store shopping.

    Thanks for sharing your great goodies!!

    ~ Lisa

  14. I love thrift stores! Thank you for sharing your treasures!

  15. Love it all! What a day. Makes me want to head out to hunt treasures too. Maybe this weekend. :sigh:

  16. You go girl! What wonderful finds. I would have been excited. My mom has a colander like that that she has used forever, do you think she'll notice if I take it, haha.
    Enjoy your treasures!


  17. Hi Beth,
    Love everything you got!! You sure went on the right day. I love those kind of days...when you hit the jackpot!! When that happens to me...I wonder if I just arrived at the right time and that they had just put it out on the shelves, because otherwise you just can't believe that it would still be there.

  18. What a haul--I feel a little envy starting in my belly ;-)

    Smiles and sunshine...Bev

  19. lordy lordy .... I went all over creation today and ...well... I did good but not this good ...wanna trade something?

    check out

  20. psssst....I DID find a Brighton wristlet for 8.00$

    ...does that count for a bargain?

  21. Beth, great finds!! I cannot pass up anything galvanized. It just calls me!! Makes me what tag sale season even more! Dawn

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Oh what goodies you got. Love the tray, love it all really. You really hit the jackpot!!

  24. Hi hon

    ...and the winner is... OTMPlace...
    PLEASE... email me with your shipping address... I will be right on it as soon as I hear from you.

  25. Holy cow that is awesome! I almost spit out my coffee at the "tear in my eye" comment Sounds like something I would say! lol Congrats!

  26. You lucky rascal! Lots of goodies! I love the ole cutlery tray!

  27. Love all your finds....great scores. cherry

  28. $9.89?? Are you serious? I need to come shop in your area. Great junking jaunt!! Blessings.. Polly

  29. I can't beleive your Thrift store had those fabulous finds. what a lucky gal!!

  30. I want to come to your area. I tried our local thrift store and prices have skyrocketed!! I hope the tag sales are reasonable this summer!

  31. I sell that star in my shop for $18.00!! You scored on that one!!!
