Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Here we go with the before.....I have no idea what the thing on the left is SUPPOSED to be but here is what it turned into......................
TA-DA!! Now it's the coolest old prim lookin bowl/charger holder!!! keep lookin below..................

This is one of my favs!!! I love the little drawer. After I took this picture I was messing around with everything and made a display with an old cutting board set in the back and then I set a rolling pin in the grooves in the front.....O M GOSH!! Batteries went dead on the camera so ya didn't get a pic of that one...but you can see it right???

Here is the whole she-bang. EVERYTHING here was done on Saturday! I had alot of this in the beginning stages for weeks but I finally was able to get it done!! It was alot! I didn't get before pics of it all but it was all just plain ole wood.....try to picture it in your head. I have let it dry over the weekend and will be at the shop later today pricing it and putting it out!

See the big mustard "plate?" Well it is actually a lazy susan! I know you have seen them layin there in the thrift get all excited cuz you see this big wood plate then you turn it over and see the turning mechanism and think "crap...I thought this was a plate" and you set it down!! WELL PICK IT BACK UP AND PUT IT IN THE CART!! First of all you can take the mechanism off OR leave it this case the mechanism helped to add depth when I placed it inside this new FABULOUS PRIMITIVE BOWL/ PLATE RACK!! If you do take it off you can always fill in the holes with wood filler...but who is gonna see them anyway right????
Well there ya go. The table in the first photo is going to be finished today so I will take a pic and post it later. OH>>>GO CHECK OUT the other blog JUNKIN ESCAPADES for a really NEAT and EASY THRIFT STORE TOTE BAG MAKE-OVER!! Have a great day!


  1. WOWSERS!! I am totally loving all of your make-overs. They look primtastic and you totally out-did yourself this time. Yep, I am in love and your gatherings of everything looks fabulous as well. Did you re-do your bowls too?

    Really looks wonderful... I am just jealous that they aren't mine (lol).

  2. Great new goodies! I love those lazy susans, I have redone some and people buy them like crazy in the shop. Your "bowl" rack is just the best! Dawn

  3. Awesome stuff! It all looks wonderful!

    Have a great day :)


  4. Lots of great goodies and wonderful make overs.
    I really need to get going on my wood pieces that I have found. Now that the weather is nice again, I can work out on the porch and get them finished.


  5. Wow...everything looks awesome..
    great job...
    Prim Blessings...

  6. WOW!!!
    You did a faboulous job on everything! I love how you converted that box like thing into a bowl rack. Awesome idea! We always need to use our imaginations when we want to convert something into a primitive piece.

    Can't wait to see the table...I know it will look great :)

  7. Wow! You accomplished ALOT! I love everything I see there and the makeovers you gave them! Hmm...I will think differently now about those lazy susans!


  8. Everything looks just wonderful! Great job!


  9. Great finds...I have one of the little drawer chest...I need to finish the prim job on it. Beth

  10. Ok, I will never look at a lazy susan again in the same way. I so pasted one up on a TS because it had the hardware on the back and I thought o, what could I do with that anyway. Shot! I want to go back now. The plate/charger, wow! I love that with the wire holding rack. See this is why I love you girls and the sharing of ideas!!Dawn

  11. Your makeovers are great. I'd love to visit your shop sometime. I know I'd have to mortgage the farm to pay for everything I'd want to buy. lol I have an old lazy susan that I've been considering selling at a yard sale. Now it's coming right back out of that box and getting a makeover. Thanks for the tip.


  12. Wow.. I love it all. You did awesome!!


  13. You are the makeover artist! Love that mustard plate!

  14. Nice job, on the makeovers. I need to go thrifting and find me some makeovers. I guess we need to think outside the box.
    I have you saved under my favorites

  15. OMGosh! Your inspiring me to get out some paint! hehehe Love your new goodies!

  16. Oh I just found your blog from Lisa at Primitives From Above...THANKS!
    I love your blog and all your make overs.
    I'm so putting you on my blog list and I'm following you.
    Hugs, Karen

  17. Wow! You are a gal after my own heart! I love Goodwill, garage sales, to find treasures! You have done an amazing job on all of these....especially love the bowl rack!
