Sunday, April 26, 2009


I really am excited! Let me tell you why..................this woodland garden has been in the making for 3 years. When I moved here, the first spring I had the idea (after drooling over countless country garden mags) to make this ugly patch of dirt into a divided shade garden. Mr. OTM (Russ) was totally on board with the idea and was more than willing to help. AND BOY DID I NEED IT! To start with I needed to figure out exactly how to divide it and we both came up with idea of doing four sections. Next we went and got some recycled concrete to use as the path.THIS STUFF IS GREAT and I highly recommed it. It packes down like nobodys business and weeds really don't have a chance to grow up through it. That was quite a job hauling wheelbarrow after wheelbarrow full of it to dump on the path. Then we mulched and stood back and couldn't believe how great it looked.....neighbors were coming by on their golfcarts to see, the compliments were flyin....THEN SCREECH>>>>>>>>>we came to a complete hault! Since starting the garden we have gone through a frost and I lost a good amount of stuff I had planted, slugs ate every hosta I put in there and we had a MAJOR drought and I had to deal with my first MANDATORY WATER BAN and couldn't water anything! It was sooooooooo frustrating to say the least. Welllllll FINALLY this SPRING is the first real honest to goodness time that the garden looks to show some promise!! YIPPEE!! We have put down tons of BLACK KOW.....I love me some good cow poop.....some mushroom compost and Mr.OTM surprised me with a bag of 10-10-10 the other day( he truly knows the way to my heart...LOL!)
All this lambs ear came from the driveway!! My neighbor has wonderful flowerbeds that border our driveway. Last year all these little baby lambs ears had sprouted up in our driveway so I transplanted them to border the path.

See MR. OTM's wood star on the fence? I snagged one out of the shop cuz I knew it was the perfect spot! The hostas come from a local gal who always sells them at this antique show I go to. She sells them two for $5.oo and I can always divide them up and get about 8 to 10 of them to spread around.

The flora bunda roses in the corner here were $1.00 on the Lowes junk cart. This area gets enough sun and they love it there. I was so happy they made it through the drought. Well I hope you enjoyed a peek at my garden. I am headed out there right now to water. I Hope your day is great!


  1. Your garden looks so wonderful!
    I can see all the hard work you did really paid off because it is truly amazing!
    I love the star in the rock...where did you find that!

  2. Just beautiful...looks so cool looking (weather wise:)

  3. I love to garden too, and really enjoy seeing what others have done. Your garden looks amazing! Great job!

  4. I just LOVE♥, LOVE, ♥LOVE♥ your peaceful garden..♥ Your hard work is paying off and I know you are enjoying it.. It is so natural looking and love all the stone figures you have in there.. This is my kind of garden.
    Enjoy .. you deserve it for alllll the hard work you put into it..

  5. oh your garden looks fabulous! did such a nice job..I am jealous...where do you get the reycycled concrete from as we are wanting to put down a border as well..the grass just doesn't grow and with the angles makes it hard to mow anyway..take care you did a wonderful job..:)

  6. What an inspiration! I'm just getting ready to go work in my yard today for the first time this spring. Your garden is so beautiful. Thanks for sharing, Dawn

  7. Looks really nice, I am jealous. We are just getting started today with the yard...I think the potting bench I got from ya is going to come in handy. I will have to send you over some pics when we get done! Tootles,Janna

  8. Congratulations on your garden..The natural beauty is so inviting and relaxing! Have fun!!

  9. I must say, this is exactly what I would have done...I double clicked with angst...trying not to be "green" with, my dear are on your way to being a master at gardening.

    a very genteel setting, to be sure.

  10. I love your peaceful garden and it's certainly obvious that you put alot of thought and time into it. Just my style, too. Peaceful and pretty. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Looking good! And that wooden star is wonderful!

  12. I love the idea of recycled concrete. I'll be checking into that. It is really a beautiful spot and one I am sure you are going to truly enjoy! MMMMM, does anything smell better than compost? Well, maybe the flowers it will be making! Debbie

  13. I LOVE IT!!! Can not wait for my hostas and ferns to start sprouting on my garden path! You know how it is here in NE Ohio! Yours is BEAUTIFUL!!

  14. The garden looks wonderful and I'm glad everything turned out for the best.


  15. Looks like you have a great start to a wonderful new garden. I noticed in one of your pictures that there is a square cement block with a star shape impressed in it - so cute! Did you make that? Is it a butterfly bath?

  16. looking very nice, coming along great. A solution for the pesky slugs is to pour a can of beer in a small bowl and they will be actracted to it like crazy, they dive in, get drunk and drown themselves. It works.

  17. Thank you for visiting and commenting, sugar! I think that tea dyed fabric drying in the sun with the woods is absolutely gorgeous! I mean it. That is a very pretty photo.

  18. You garden is quite charming.

    I recently posted an essay about gardening that you might enjoy, if you have time to stop by.
