Sunday, May 31, 2009

A Little Tweaking and Ready for Retail!!

It was a beautiful day here today...sunny high 89 ....NO HUMIDITY.....a good hair day and the PERFECT weather to do some projects!! So, on go the grungy T-shirt and shorts, hair goes up in clip ( good hair day gone to waste), gloves go on then come off because they made my hands get all sweaty, mosquitos start using my legs as a buffet so I go inside to rub a Bounce sheet all over me (another great tip I learned in blogland), head back outside and FINALLY get started.... almost....gotta turn the radio on, then the fan, go back inside and get some ice tea to take back outside with me remember I have to water the petunia basket out by the mailbox and NOW I AM READY TO START....... WHEW.................! Anyway, I have to admit....I love doing total make-overs on stuff BUT it was really nice today because all these items needed was a little TWEAKING for them to be ready to sell AND I got a TON accomplished! (I owe my progress to the success of the BOUNCE sheet...without that I would have dried up no thanks to the mosquitos....ugh!) This old tool tote got a fresh coat of paint and distressing, a wire make-do support handle and some cool old metal numbers!
The big old wire basket is one of my favorites and it probably took me the longest of all the stuff today. First I had an old piece of tin sitting around and I found this old Octagon soap label so I put those two together and slapped it on the front, then I had to re-weave part of the bottom so I grabbed my rusty wire and did a primitive weaving job...good enough now so you can actually use it for something!

Found these old chippy molding pieces the other day and loved the color! Had some old chippy numbers laying around and put them together. They look super great inside this wire chippy basket that has a a fab tag on the front...(go back to the first pic and click on it to make it bigger and you'll see what I mean....waaaaayyyyy cool!)

And OH THE CHIPPY CUPBOARD.......All I had to do to this honey is just clean it out , so I fired up the leaf blower and blew out all the cobwebs and paint flakes and dead bugs( actually ...BUG...there was only one trying to build a nest) and stand back and sigh..........ahhhhhhhhhhhh

Most of the other goodies just needed cleaning or a little help here or there. Everything is ready for a price tag which I need to go and get done. I am going to be taking these all up to my booth at the Poet tomorrow and will try to remember to take some updated booth pics. Til then.................:0)


  1. Sure wish I lived close enough to visit your booth! You sure do find some great goodies and I love to see what you do with all of them. Keep up the great work! Dawn

  2. Looks Awesome!!!! Congrats on the easy re-dos!!! You find the best stuff!(junk) :P

  3. LOVE IT ALL! I am so jealous.


  4. I don't know how you find so much stuff to fill 3 booths and a shop! You have to be "Wonder Junker Woman"! Love it all!

  5. You did a great job.....too bad I'm not close enough to visit your booth...I'm sure I would make that a weekly stop!

  6. Leaf Blower!! As I recall, I always bought your dirt!! LOL!!

  7. You find the most awesome junk !
    lol it all ..
