Monday, August 17, 2009


So I was finally able to just sleep in, relax , get up whenever.... ARE YOU KIDDIN?? Up at the crack o'dawn on Saturday I rustled Mr. OTM outta bed (with the promise of coffee and breakfast biscuit)and headed out to some yard sales! I love it when you can find sales with more than just baby clothes......This was a great day! The basket has already had the makeover you see here. I got two of these vintage wire bicycle baskets and painted and aged them up and added the old metal utility pole tag. They look super hanging on a wall or wherever! The little clocks are actually a opens up to reveal two cubbies inside. UPDATE....VINTAGE BICYCLE BASKETS...BOTH SOLD!!!'s the deal on the big white old postal cubby box.....I DID buy it at a yard sale in Ohio....but like over a year ago....does that still count? I have just decided to take it up to my booth at the Sleepy Poet in Charlotte. Just look at how it all goes together....everything is either crusty or rusty!!

Butterfly and dragonfly candle holders look great with the placemats....wait a minute...I did buy them at the same sale so I think that gal already had that idea goin on.....anyway she had good taste!

I felt like I was being stalked when I was buying this little old vintage birdhouse....I'm not kidding!!! The guy finally fessed up too! As I was picking it up, there was this guy standing right behind me at bit too close , looking over me. After I had it in hand he backed off a bit to not seem so "in my space". Well as I was asking the lady how much, he moved in closer and so I must have gave him a look because he admitted that he was wanting it and was waiting to see what I was gonna do....he said he was trying to be "inconspicuous"! Well , we both started laughing because he was so bad at it!
Okay, some of these items are going to my booth and some are going to be heading to the shop for this weekends SHOPKEEPER SUNDAY!! It's all for sale....just let me know if there is anything you'd like to get your grubby little hands on!!


  1. Oooo .... too bad that Oregon is way to far to attend the Shopkeeper Sunday. Looks like a hecka good time!
    Have a super week!
    Betty :)
    ps - I LOVE rusty and crusty and chippy .... us older things have ATTITUDE! (Some might call them wrinkles ...)

  2. Hi Beth
    You scores some great stuff this weekend! I hope I'mgoing to get out there this Sunday but it's turning out to be a very busy day so I may not be able to. Hope it is another successful sale.
    Hugs, Rhondi

  3. Once again you have come up a winner! Love the bicycle baskets and the tag you added. Gives 'em personality...kinda like yours! I love old faucets. My kinda stuff.

  4. How I would love to have that postal cubby. What a great find. Your baskets are adorable.
    Have a great weekend.

  5. I would love to have one of those old "postal cubby boxes" for my retail store. Those would be perfect for all sorts of things. The new ones are just TOO EXPENSIVE.

  6. Hi Beth, I so wish I lived close by - I would love the bird house. Thank you for visiting Brabourne Farm and for leaving a lovely comment - glad you enjoyed your visit. Leigh

  7. Very cool stuff.Thank you for visiting my blog.I hope you have a great time and good weather.Pics get some of those.I am looking forward seeing them.Fun Finds 2 U..Chickie

  8. Fabulous have such an eye! I love them all.

  9. Your blog is happy to find it.

  10. Such beautiful things! You have such a good eye!
