Wednesday, November 4, 2009

They're Everywhere!

For the last four years at this same time, I have driven myself crazy getting ready for the SOUTHERN CHRISTMAS SHOW NOV 10-22.
It is soooooooooooooooo much work and it always gets me wondering why I put myself through all the stress! Anyway, there are snowmen all over the house staring at me!
I think they're judging me...they all look pretty darn smug!
Only a few more days and they'll all be out of the house and into my booth! Thank Goodness!


  1. Your snowmen are wonderful!! I'll bet you sell them all!!

  2. Hi, I'm Melissa from The Vintage Attic blogspot. First time at your blog and love it. I added you to my sidebar, looking forward to your furture blogs. The snowmen are great!

  3. Oh but I bet your booth will look adorable. I used to do those kind of shows many years ago. I do remember how much work they were but they were so fun too and you meet so many interesting people.

  4. I think I have all the first cousins to yours lurking in my craft room, ready to take their traditional spot in every nook and cranie

  5. Been thinking about you and all of the creativity happening in the OTM workshop! Didn't you hear? There are elves who help with this kind of thing! LOL! Seriously, I know you are going to have one fabulous space. You'll have to look up my friend, Tammy Taylor, who is doing one of the Christmas rooms. She's a sweet gal and very talented, too!

    Love your background and music!

    Best wishes and hugs to you! - Wanda

  6. I know why they are looking so smug...I'll text ya!

  7. I LOVE your little guys :)
    They are jusst to cute!
