Monday, March 29, 2010


First off... STOP THE PRESSES>>>>>>this is a MONUMENTAL post of sorts because...if you look closely you will see that there are NINE.....yep 9 pictures all within one post!! Many of you have had to listen to my constant frustration on only being able to upload 5 pictures at a time and FINALLY a blog angel named Julie swept in an rescued me from blogger turmoil! I CANNOT THANK YOU ENOUGH!! WHEW!!
With that said...let's roll on to the pics!
Found this old hand made tool box with a flip down front! Great color, cute little drawer and it was loaded with cool junk inside too!
One of my MOST FAVORITE FINDS EVER has GOT TO BE this stand. It was used at a camp as as check in stand. The paint is gray~ ish over white and it is PERFECTLY CRACKLY!!

Just got in some of these cool chippy metal pots (perfect for herbs) and they are lookin like they have belonged with the stand forever...

Notice the pussy willow branches to the left! We have loads of those in and look perfect in an old milkcan, crate etc... We have them stuck everywhere and they add that perfect spring accent...instantly!

Our popular GO GREEN and THINK GREEN canvas bags are back in stock!
They are 9.95 each and WASHABLE!

Oh yes...the stool! Let me just say it is a faded blue, metal, crackly paint and the perfect height to go under the camp stand if you would want to use it like that. Yummy!

Yep...more pussy willows and the cutest darn old vintage wicker sewing stand! It swings open and the lid lifts open and it oozes chippy charm! Makes a great side table too!

Our black STAR dishes are always a fav and I have them all re-ordered and back in stock! Come in for one piece or get a discount when you buy a whole set!

HANDMADE BUNNY PILLOWS are ready to hop on out! Vintage wool bunnies sewn on an antique quilt squares~ 9.95 each!
Hope you all have a great day!

Monday, March 22, 2010

SHOP PICS! part 1

I remembered to take my camera to the shop the other day and ACTUALLY USE IT to snap some pics to share with you of some of the new stuff that has been coming in! Since I have yet to figure out how I can upload more than 5 pictures at a time (grrrrr...this is so frustrating!) I did this in two posts. Please keep scrolling down to see part 2...if you want to. I mean I am the type that luvvvvvs a whole lotta pics. I could have done this in 4 parts but it made me feel really stupid because I can't figure out the pic thingy~ so 10 pics was the max! Hope ya like what you see! Enjoy!This rusty ole milkcan was a great auction find~ espicially since it looks so darn good with the hydrangeas in it.
Old looking farm baskets are always great seller..

These little concrete bee skeps are ADORABLE! Only $ 9.95 each. They also work great as a string holder.

Apothecary bottles, quail eggs (real), and this metal twig nest make a great arrangement without spending alot of moolah . Perfect accents for spring.

We are SOOOO LUCKY to have gotten in some WONDERFUL OLD quilts recently. Right now we have about 20 of the best ones I have had in awhile. Great colors, old feedsack material, retro and vintage fabrics, cottage and primitive styles. A few are cutters to use on some great projects. Prices range from 28.95 to 65.00.
Remember to keep scrolling down to part 2 for more pictures.
ALSO~ for quick shop updates you can follow us on Facebook! Just click on the Facbook image in the right column and become a follower!

SHOP PICS! part 2.....

Thought you'd like to see a few more pics! So much new stuff.....
A pidgeon house.....

Mr. OTM 's window house....

the handmade egg crate is one of my favorites...

newspaper birdies are going fast.......!
Many new items arriving for our
APRIL 23 & 24TH!
We'd love to see ya~ stop by anytime!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Before I started this post I re-read my last post and had to chuckle at the beginning sentence~
Today was one of those days, the not so good kind. I finally felt better this morning after having a doozie of a cold and I got alot of paper work and computer work done. My goal was to head on up to The Sleepy Poet in Charlotte where I have one of my booths. I got the car loaded up with some new goodies to take and hit the road.
Cruising along and jammin too some Let's Hear it For the Boy (80's at lunch)
all of the sudden it's Let's Hear it For a Flat Tire! .....ugh
and I am on 485...a major busy interstate...of course
all alone......of course
the tire was JUST put on this past Saturday....of course
my car is loaded with junk......of course
the spare tire is UNDER all of the junk.....of course what's a girl to do! Well I say a quick prayer and call roadside assistance.
They will be there in 45 minutes.That gives me PLENTY of time to unload all my crap along side of the road. I even thought for a TINY little minute how funny it would be to make a YARD SALE sign and lean it against all the stuff. YOU know you would have stopped right?
Well as it turned out I didn't have time. All of the sudden it was like I had all these people that I don't even know spring into action to help me.
FIRST~ the Roadside Assistance Guy called me to verify my location
SECOND~ As I am trying to describe my location a State Highway Patrol officer pulls up to see if I have help on the way. He was able to verify my location to the "T"
THIRD~I get another phone call from Roadside Guy....he is lost...of course
FOURTH~ As I am on the phone with Roadside Guy, a big ole truck pulls up behind me and the nicest guy walks up and asks me if he can change my tire for me. Roadside Guy says that sounds like a good idea. So Chad introduced himself and proceeded to be my knight in shining armor along 485. I asked him if I could please give him something for all his kindness. He said he has a wife and two kids and would want someone to help them out like that. He really made my day and made me stop and think. All these people crossed my path today for some reason. I may never see them again or even meet them face to face. I think about Roadside Guy and hope he still isn't lost. I think back to Chad and how proud his wife and kids would be for what he did for me today. I think about the State Highway Patrolman and what a relief it was to see him come to my aid instead of the the nervous feeling you get from being pulled over.
Oh~ and as far as the new tires? Those people are making it right with us as well.
There are good people out there. I met three of them today (almost three...Roadside Guy remember?) and I am so glad I did. It did my heart good and made me realize that I didn't have to go looking for them either. They just appeared. How cool is that? Today I felt blessed and thankful. What a great feeling. Today turned out to be one of those days~
the good kind.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Yesterday was one of those days...the good kind!
First of all Russ (the famous Mr.OTM) got called back to work after being laid off right before Christmas (Praise the Lord!! Whew...prayer at work again!)
Second of all the weather was ...BEYOND WONDERFUL! Sunny, 72 and no humidity so even though I was outside workin in my grungy hair looked great! Down here in NC, that means somthing...let me tell ya!
Third of all...or is that thirdly of all...or just thirdly??/ Anyway because it was so nice, I got a BOATLOAD of projects done. A SERIOUS 20 different things....D~O~N~E!
I was on a stool kick yesterday for sure. I have been itchin to get these buggers done and I really was lovin the way they turned out. Take a peek.....
Okay, the best part about this baby was the color for sure! I did nothing to that...just added the frenchy burlap pillow insert...
The bar stool was an icky yuckky orange~ the kind of orange that stains on your hands after putting on self tanner lotion...ackkk! Get the picture? So I did the ole whitewash and jazzed it up with a burlappy cover and hopefully someone will love the No. 5!

This little one is just a short squatty little thing , low to the ground with short little legs...she reminds me of my dog! Anyway, picture the worst tapestry fabric on earth and what was on here was worse than that! Puke Puke! I painted the little legs and did another burplappy cover and decided that the No.2 would surely rock someones world. I hope, I hope.....!

Then, since I had the white paint out~ I got to this adorable little wooden bucket and wire basket. I was thinking how sweet herbs would look in either of them. And can you see who is lurking in the background??? That's right folks....all the way from the garage to hearts all over America.... You all know her, you all love her.......

It's Miss Messy herself!! Ta-Da!! So after I stared at her for awhile ~ and before the neighbors thought I was a whack-job, I decided to leave her neck just like it was . I then took some watered down Tacky Glue and brushed that all over her chest area and folded all the batting and fabric back up on her and decided that I love her just like that! Just by doing that small repair, it made a big difference and will help that fabric to last longer too! Thanks to all who left comments and suggestions!
So that's about it. I did get way more done than the pics but I was pooped and seriously, I almost didn't get this photo shoot under my belt before it got dark.
Most of these items I took to my booth at The Depot in Concord.
If you haven't been there yet.....holy moly are you in for a treat!
If you'd like to see a super amazing make-over on some chairs, hop on over to see what Theresa did at Time Worn Interiors! In a word....Unbelieveable!
Well girlies , that's bout it for today. I am pooped and just realized I have antiquing stain on my right earlobe.....since yesterday.
And yes...I did take a bath!
Go figure! :0)

Sunday, March 7, 2010


I've had days like this too....
when I feel like my neck has been ripped away from the rest of my body...
okay......maybe not that graphic BUT all of us have been in her shoes right?
We may look a little rough at times BUT we still show POTENTIAL!
That's exactly what I thought about her...PLUS she was CHEAP!
(I hope she didn't hear that)

So what do I do with her now? I want to make her pretty again...rustic pretty ya know?

Should I re~attach her neck to her body? If so what do you think? Paper mache? or just glue or burlap or WHAT?
Should I just re~sew her batting and fabric back on and call it a day?

I'm waitin....

Thursday, March 4, 2010


This is just a funny little observation that I notice at the thrift store~This book.............
and this book are ALWAYS THERE!! I MEAN ALWAYS!!
So, the next time you are in one, go look.
You'll see what I mean. And , now since I put that little bug in your ear you'll probably do it every time like I's kind of fun and funny at the same time but I always go on a little hunt and BAM...there they are!
Just something to make ya laugh!
Get back to me.....

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

It finally found it's place...........

It has taken awhile for me to get to this
because it has been really hard for me~
I decided....
I owe it to my friend......
In the afternoon of February 2nd I noticed that my dear little White Kitty was having a very hard time breathing. Most importantly he wasn't eating....not even Fancy Feast...not a good sign. I also noticed a few other things and I knew I had to get him to the vet in the morning.
He was laying down next to my chair in my computer room. I didn't sleep at all that night constantly going in and checking on him, laying down by him and telling him it would all be alright.
It's wasn't alright.
I got him to the vet 45 minutes before they opened to be sure I could get in first. After "the tests" I was told that he had fluid around his lungs and that it was only going to get worse for him. The vet advised the "humanitarian thing" to do for a cat his age, 17 and I was completely unprepared to make such a hard decision. I have never had to decide to put one of my animals to sleep before and I can honestly say that it was one of the MOST difficult things I have ever done. I knew the vet was right. But I wasn't ready. How could I let go of one of the BEST things I have ever had in my life. I was there for Kitty when he needed me after someone had shot him in the tummy with an arrow. I can still remember what the vet said to me that day..."He must really trust you...looks like you got yourself a cat!
He was right.
In turn that cat was there for me all the time. He had been with me thru think and thin and everywhere in between. It seemed his sole purpose in life was to just be there for me, comfort me and just love me.
I made the decision to relieve his suffering. I still struggle with it but I have been told I did the right thing.
I suppose I am just being selfish....I miss my friend.
Russ had found this heart shape stone on a job site a few years ago and I had never found a place for it to go...
until now.
It finally found a place~ next to my friend ~among my flowers.