Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Junk Huntin Garage Sale Style

What do ya do when it's like 100 degrees outside with a heat index of 130?
You put on your huntin gear and head to garage sales!!
I have never sweat so much in my life! The humidity is 150%~
but it was all totally WORTH IT!!
Check out the VERY FIRST thing I bought Saturday.....!I saw this cage even before we got the truck parked so I had Mr. OTM just drop me off in the road! This thing is HUGE~ CHIPPY~RUSTY~CRUSTY!
This little door on this side table was major stuck but we got it open!
Us- 1
Humidity -0

Okay what do you think? This old window is in great shape EXCEPT for the very end where it is missing a glass panel. Would you have bought it? It's one of my favs of the day! The price was sooooo right!

I have been looking for an old lawnmower like this F~O~R~E~V~E~R! I was beyond ecstatic when MR.OTM said "hey I found somethin!" Holy smokes $12.00 later she was in the truck!!

Here is the rest of the goodies! Love the color of robins eggs blue table~the leaf stencils not so much so those will be going. The tattered stool is time worn perfection and of course I can never pass up an old metal tool box .
To see some more awesome finds~ head on over to Nifty Thrifty Tuesday at Coastal Charm!
Have a great day!


  1. I love the window too! I'm sure it must be heavy - looks like a lot of leaded glass. Maybe you can have a piece custom cut to fit where you are missing one? ~Ann

  2. Great treasures. I like the lawn mower. Are you going to use it for your garden? The window is a lovely too. sandi

  3. I would have MOST DEFINITELY gotten that windoW! Absolutely! And that bird cage!! Oh my goodness! You did GOOD!!

    Lou Cinda :)

  4. Hey Beth...didn't realize it was so hot in NC! It's miserable here in FL too...record heat yesterday!

    Looks like it was worth your time on Sat (sweat equity). The lawn mower is cool, and, yes, I would have snagged that window also...wouldn't bother me that some glass is missing. I'm sure you'll figure something unique to do with it.

    Have a great day....stay cool!

  5. Love the window. I would have bought it. I like that stool, bird cage... You got great treasures! Except the lawn mower. Grandpa used to have me mow his lawn with one of those. I would have run the other direction. lol. Thanks for stopping by.

  6. Great stuff. Love that birdcage!


  7. Love...love....love the cage!!!!!!!!
    and the window and yes I WOULD have bought it! How lucky you were to find such neat things!

  8. I must say, you know how to shop! What a wonderful bird cage! Connie

  9. We are planning a trip to North Carolina this summer to visit family. You have so many wonderful treasures. I can see that we will have to make a detour to visit y'all too!

  10. My great uncle John had that vintage mower and mowed every week with it
    I can still hear the sound it would make going back and forth over the lawn.
    This are great items and I too would head out to find such awesome items even if the earth is on fire

  11. this is such a great blog, the three piece cabinet is great
