Monday, July 19, 2010


The day after a ShopKeeper Sunday I have a huge list of stuff to catch up on:
1. Laundry
2. vacuuming the floors
3. putting laundry away
4. emptying the dishwasher....major ugh.....
5. putting all the clutter away that has accumulated over the last few days
6. the list goes on , you know what I mean
So, I got up early to get started and I got to # 4 and decided to go to Hobby Lobby and maybe...just maybe hit a thrift store or 2....maybe.
Maybe turned into definitely....
Exhibit A:
genus: chippius rustus metalus plant standius
of the vintage familius...
aka: Vintage Chippy Rusty Metal Plant Stand
For like dirt cheap too! As soon as I laid my eyes on it I thought that it would be the perfect place to put......

THESE!! What do you think???
Turns out my inner MAXXINISTA needed a fix so a few weeks ago I went into TJ's and these were just sitting there on the shelf
like "hey wass'up I can't believe we are still here and nobody has bought us yet!"
I couldn't believe it either! To have all nine there and not be missing the 7 or something was a super shock! I bought um but really didn't know where I was going to put them. I'll confess...they've been riding around in the trunk of my car.
Don't judge me.
Too hard.

I couldn't wait to get home today and put it all together. I LOVE IT!
Now I just have to decide if this is going to stay at home or go to the shop to use as a display.
Please help me with some ideas as to what I could put inside all the buckets!

Okay~ back to Hobby Lobby...(I really did go)!
I must have been living in la~la land recently. I have heard of this Where Women Create
I have read it on many blogs
I have heard of Jo Packham
I am friends with Jo Packham on Facebook
here goes....
I had no idea this was a MAGAZINE!
I can hear you all....go ahead...just say it.....I'll do it for you
I know! I know! I think ...I just ...I...I...I....ugh
I have no idea but I am sure glad that I found this out.
The magazine is amazing and I am just floored at the spaces these women work in. I have got to get my act together and get my space done. I feel ashamed of myself just looking at the cover!

I bought the little crochet baskets there today too. Didn't need them at all~ just had to have them.
So that's it for today.
Oh wait....anyone else wonder why all the judges (esp. Vern) on Design Star are so rude this season. Is it just me? Genevive is way uptight too. They are almost mean.
Okay, enough rambling.
Talk to ya later!!

P.S. Sue from Vintage Rescue Squad has done a great post on her visit to the shop. Hop on over and take a peek. She'll be doing another post soon of where I took her on our day of junkin so you don't want to miss that either!
She's got a GREAT BLOG! Go check it out!


  1. Beth you GOOSE....I'm KACKING myself down here....I'm in Australia & I know about this magazine....We just don't get it here....EVEN at Borders....I get mine second hand from eBay though.... :o) !!

    You made me SQUARK out loud here at work with your "I feel ashamed of myself just looking at the cover!" comment....Does this mean you are going to be showing us a peek of your 'creative space' shortly....NO PRESSURE....hahahahaha....!!

    Your chippy cart is GORGEOUS & I LOVE the little buckets with their letters....I'm thinkin hydrangeas displayed would look FAB at the shop....OR 101 other YUMMY items....hahahahaha....

    THANKS for the chuckle lovey....Now GIT back to those chores....hahahahahaha....!!

    Tamarah :o)

  2. ....ughhhhhh....I make NO sense some times....Number NUMBERS I LOVE the little buckets with their N-U-M-B-E-R-S....That'll teach me NOT to try & type & laugh at the same time.... :o) !!

  3. Beth--if I'd known what kinda super secret junkin' you and Vintage Sue were up to in NC, I woulda hopped in the car and gone with her. Seriously, I'll be up there soon to get a NC junk fix!

  4. So glad I get to see all the great stuff you and Sue find -- only wish I could have been there myself! Agree with Tamarah on the hydrangeas in the buckets on the awesome cart. Your shop looks fabulous!

  5. Well I love the chippy cart even more after you told me the price. I am trying to get myself showered so I can hit the Hobby Lobby for that magazine!! See you soon! Janna

  6. HI Beth! Had a great time on Sunday- so nice to finally meet you and Mr OTM, and also Janna from Artsy Fartsy!! She's very cool as well! I also sent over to Sleepy Poets after your sale...loved both your's and Janna's booth spaces! The cart is sweet...have a great day!
    Tammy :-)

  7. Hi Beth, I love the things you come up with....the white vintage plant stand with the 9 buckets! Maybe you could fill each bucket with old gardening tools and seed packets...if there were only 7 buckets you could fill each one with a 7 day project start with the first one..this is what you do on the first day etc...then by the 7th day you could have the project done or use items for each day of the week, just throwing some things out there...they would look neat with white towels or white flowers in each bucket. Take care. Susan

  8. What a fun display! Missed visiting the Shopkeeper's Sunday but I had Mr. ICBW, (Interior Concepts by Wanda), represent our household. (And he wouldn't confess to buying anything!) Hope you had a fab one and I'll be looking forward to catching you, next time. Wanda -

  9. I like your rusty, chippy, peely vintage cart and those little buckets are perfect.


  10. I say lavender or hydrangeas in the buckets (which are adorable). But where've you been on not knowing about WWC? And you found the bestest one ever: Elizabeth Maxson. As to Design Star, methinks the judges are all crabby this season because the designers aren't very talented. Yes, I said it. XOX

  11. I love your buckets and the fact that you found all nine...amazing! I have two *5*'s and one *4*. And I got two of them on clearance.
    Love all your finds! That cart your buckets on is amazing!!
