Tuesday, August 3, 2010


No doubt about it.....CHANGE IS GOOD! And boy have we been doing just that here at the ole homestead! Cleaning out the garage got me all fired up! The garage, by the way is still a little ways from getting organized again... probably be done by this weekend. I promise that the after pics are comin soon.
ANYWAY...onto other important news! We decided to tackle the spare room and to a RE-DO! That's where I have been for the last few days. This post is a little teaser! It shows you a few of the elements that are going in there to give you an idea of what's in store for the BIG REVEAL!
Take a peek....This beautiful antique toile chair was the inspiration piece.....
chippy antique cupboard...one of my fav ebay purchases from like 100 years ago...

coat rack...chippy of course...

antique mirror that has been having a "time out" in the corner of the garage for waaaaaay too long is finally getting a place of honor!

Bemis feed sack stool! Can you believe I was selling this in one of my booths? Wait til you see how it ended up!
I am linking this little teaser post up to White Wednesday over at Faded Charm. If you have never hopped on over there you better ...well hop to it! It's loaded with chippy charm!
Have a great day!


  1. Yayyyyyy Beth I WONDERED where you'd got to.... :o) !!

    LOVE your chippy 'elements' & of course I'm BESIDE MYSELF waiting for the big reveal.... ** sigh....Patience not being one of my MNAY virtues **....hahahahahahaSNORT....!!

    Cheers from Oz,
    Tamarah :o)

  2. ....Or typing either for that matter....DOH...!!!

  3. I loooooove the chair, I can't wait to see the reveal too!!!


  4. I love all the pieces going into your room redo. Can't wait to see the final reveal.

  5. I can't wait to see the finished room! I sure it is fabulous!

  6. Hi Beth,

    Looks like you've got a good plan going - it will be fun to watch your progress!


  7. Gotta love a girl who shops with herself! Love, love, triple love the chair!

  8. Can't wait for the reveal-love the stuff!

  9. Beth ~
    Can you send your
    energy my way pretty please !!
    You go girl !!


  10. Don't you love shopping at your "own" house? You found some awesome stuff while in the process of cleaning!!

    Take care, Sue

  11. I love that chippy cupboard. Hope it is getting a place of honor too!!!

  12. I can hardly wait to see your reveal! the chair is beautiful and everything else is so much fun too! Thanks for sharing! Debbie @ Hann~Me~Downs

  13. LOL, you are a tease!!!!
    Love your reveals and can't wait to see just what it will all look like together in the room.

  14. Beth- I can't wait to see those after pics of your garage!! and I'm lookign so forward to my next trips to Gibson Mill, Sleepy Poet and Shop Keepers Sunday! See you soon!
    Tammy :-)

  15. Ooh...intriguing, Beth! You have lovely pieces..we will definitely have to come back to see it all put together! Thanks for the teaser...


  16. I can't wait until your re-do is done. It looks like it is off to an awesome start!

  17. I love the chair. What a beautiful toile!

  18. Your booth at the Gibson Mill is my very favorite.
    I'm a big fan.

    I live in New jersey in the country and my husband works in Mooresville at a terrific new job. We are trying to bring our worlds closer together but the real estate Gods are conspiring against us.

    I'll be back down this fall... can't wait to see what's new...
