Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Country Roads...Take Me Home

Whew!.......1364 miles later~ I am home! What a time I had! I am completely pooped and worn out which is exactly how I should feel after a week back in my old stomping grounds.
I had THE BEST TIME. I got to see family. I got to see dear friends. I got to go through some of the BEST JUNK scattered across Ohio~ ALOT of which ended up in the back of the truck!Every single vacant space in this truck was loaded up.....
I hit every Antique Mall, yard sale, garage sale, auction and even want ads in the classifieds (thanks to Linda who owns the B&B I stay at...she was reading them and saw a few items listed that she thought I might want!! She was right!)
My dear friend Karen came over to help me do the final load up. She has been though alot of loading, packing, lifting, unloading, hauling and more with me so by this point I trust her opinion! She helps put things into perspective and when I heard her say " I think you can fit it ALL" I was so excited to not have to leave a bunch of it for my others to bring down to me. I want all my junk around me after I buy it! I didn't want to have to choose what to leave behind...the agony! LOL! SO we did fit it ALL! .

Here it is....my junk all around me......literally!

Just a spot for me is all I need and I am a happy camper. I admit though, that I am ALWAYS so happy to get out of the truck when I get home and UNLOAD it all. So as I unload and organize a I promise to take pics to let you see all goodness that is heaping in the back of my truck!
Stay tuned! It's good to be home!!


  1. Wow Girl! You loaded up on that junkin trip for sure! Looks like a lot of heavenly stuff to me...can't wait to see more pics ! I'll be taking a trip soon myself...to your SHOP!!
    Glad you are home safe!
    Tammy :-)

  2. wow that is a full load, glad you made it back safe and sound can't wait to see each item out of the truck

  3. gotta save room for the pumpkins ... they're hard to mush into a corner ...hehe

  4. Can't wait to see it all SPREAD OUT!! Glad you had fun and got home safely!

    Lou Cinda :)

  5. I spy some fun stuff....can't wait to see pics! I had to giggle when I saw the inside of your truck. When I used to travel with a girlfriend of mine, she always insisted on using 'soft' luggage. I found out why after a trip to the NC mountains. We literally had to unpack and stuff our underwear in any nook we could find!...a trip I'll never forget!

  6. Looking forward to seeing it all out of the truck! I'm glad you made it home safely.

  7. Move over Beverly Hillbillys...Beth is back!
    I cannot wait to see what is crammed into the pickup. BTW...love the thingy running across the top of your blog!

  8. Fantastic Beth....glad you had a wonderful time and wow you put on some miles there kiddo.
    Can't wait to see what you got there in the truck and what you are going to do with it.
    Hugs, Karen

  9. That is the GREATEST feeling! Woo hoo for you! Enjoy unpacking! XOX

  10. So glad you are home Beth, and glad you had a fun trip. Can't wait to see all the wonderful goodies you found just in time for fall!! Hope to see ya soon.

    prim friend, Sherrie

  11. Heavens Beth thta's a WAY FULL load....I'm glad you didn't have to stop suddenly else you woulda had it all over your lap....hahahahaha....

    I can't wait to see the pics when you unpack....!!

    Cheers for now,
    Tamarah :o)

  12. Look at all that stuff! Karen is so tickled that she made the blog! Glad she was able to help you get all that stuff loaded without leaving anything behind!
