Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I can honestly say that this post took me longer to do than the kitchen!! Whew!....Warning... there are a TON of pictures here and it is looooooooooong but I love lots of pics when I am looking so ENJOY!!This make over was long over due....

burgundy walls made it dark......

the wide border brought the ceiling down in an already small kitchen. We have dreams of bumping it out one day but until then....

we had to stick with a tight budget and use alot of what we had already. I had already taken down the curtains in this photo because it was too dark in there to get a picture...duh that told me something right there!

The HUGE snack bag box is totally charming right?
Okay...enough befores.....are you ready for some afters??
Here ya go...

Whoa.....I am LOVIN it!

Nice and bright and fresh!

Not to mention is is clean a whistle!


this was such an inexpensive update to the pantry...sheet of wainscoting costs about 20.00 at Lowes. We plan eventually to add it as the backsplash around the kitchen too.

I love how it makes it look like an old vintage built in cabinet

one of my fav finds ever!

my mom gave me this old cutting board that now has a rightful place of honor

With no money for stainless steel, granite counter tops or a new floor, I was really pleased with how everything blends together now

pst.....that's the date we met....subliminal of me huh??? I can be sneaky like that!

I don't miss all the baskets up there...this is neater looking to me and easier to clean

had to keep the wine rack!

inspired detail

gotta have some green seems to always pull it all together!
So there you have it. I am loving this whole look now and it was all put together for about 200.00 including the paint, paneling, sink and new faucet all bought over time. This doesn't include all the goodies I already had around the house.
I am going to link this to White Wednesday over at Faded Charm. There is alot more inspiration to see over there too!
Have a great day!


  1. Beth~

    Love your makeover. And on a budget too. Love all the little captions on your pics. The frosted flakes one cracked me up. Those chippy shutters are just wonderful!! Thanks for the inspiration!!


  2. WOW what a difference
    that is beautiful, so light and happy.
    I can't believe it was a 200 dollar makeover, that is so cool.

  3. LOVIN THE NEW MAKEOVER! I have to say, I am thinking of stealing that shutter idea! Those are totally awesome flanking the kitchen window! Thanks for sharing your beautiful kitchen with us!

  4. I will be your maid servant if I can stand at that sink all day and gaze at those shutters ...

    will cook and clean for gaze-ing!!!

  5. Wonderful job!!!! I love everything about the transformation. HUGS MARY

  6. Your kitchen makeover turned out fabulous! I cannot stop looking at that window with those pair of old-looking shutters! I ADORE THEM!!!
    Stopping by from White Wednesday.

  7. This is one if the best kitchen make overs I have seen! I love all of the vintagey architectural elements you added.

    Great job!

  8. Awesome Beth! This same project is on my to-do list too! Just hope it turns out as nicely. We'll be painting the cupboards too - it's so hard to decide on colors! I love the shutters you used - can you tell me how you attached them? And are they old ones? Or are they painted to LOOK old?

    Good job!

  9. Love the makeover and the budget!!! It looks wonderful...and so bright! The display cabinet on the counter is awesome!!!

  10. What a transformation Beth and a great one at that. I absolutely love the shutters at the window. What a wonderful idea. I hope you enjoy your new kitchen for many years!

  11. Love, love, love it! I had wainscoing in my old house in the kitchen. I never grew tired of it. The shutters are to die for too! Enjoy!

  12. Wow! It looks amazing! I love it all - especially the shutters near the window and the wainscoting! I always love before and afters! Thanks for sharing!

  13. Hi Beth,
    You did a wonderful job and LOVE the fresh/clean/country look :) The shutters are my fav!
    deb :)

  14. Oh Beth,
    The Kitchen make over is Fabulous ~ the size looks so much Larger.... You did an amazing job & for $200, Hard to Believe! (I Loved all the photos)

  15. Definitely worth the wait, looks fantastic. The shutters, the porch pillars, the baskets, the cutting board, the antique cabinet, what's not to love?!

  16. Hey Beth! Great makeover in your kitchen! It looks so much fresher, cleaner, and more airy! Adore the shutters on the window and the numbers on top of the stove. :) Did you distress those shutters yourself? Lovin' it!!

    xoxo laurie@heavens-walk

  17. Hey Beth! Great makeover in your kitchen! It looks so much fresher, cleaner, and more airy! Adore the shutters on the window and the numbers on top of the stove. :) Did you distress those shutters yourself? Lovin' it!!

    xoxo laurie@heavens-walk

  18. It looks beautiful!! I especially love those shutters!

  19. WOW...what a wonderful makeover! It's always so amazing what a little paint and redecorating can do to a room ;)

  20. Oh my gosh, what a difference you made! Love all the pictures and it makes me want to get off my hump and get some things done. Thanks for the inspiration, if you don't mind, I may copy cat your window shutters, looks sooo pretty!

  21. Love the change. Amazing how it brightens up. You should go over the top and paint those cabinets white and have your total white chippy heaven. Love it all- and that little glass cabinet- swoon.

  22. What a wonderful makeover! I love all of the chippiness of it! The black chandi is perfect as are all of the rest of the details you added. The lighter color on the walls makes it so inviting! Nice Job! Theresa

  23. My favorite is the white shutters! It looks great!

  24. Your make-over looks wonderful. I love how your shutters are placed at an angle which makes them look like they have always been there. Great white additions everywhere.

    Thanks for sharing with us.


  25. Beth, amazing transformation...and amazingly inexpensive! Love those shutters, too!


  26. Fabulous makeover! Of course I do love the lighter and brighter look! And it didn't break the bank!

  27. this literally took my breath away - just stunning the difference between before and after...and the after is AMAZING. Well done!

  28. Oh, I LOVE what you've done! Gorgeous! I think you already said it best "Swoon".

  29. It looks wonderful!! I know you are loving it as much as you and Russ spend in the kitchen preparing your goodies!! Hugs, Janna

  30. Totally looks great! LOVE the window and shutters!!!!

  31. looks great! i love before and afters.
    now get cookin' ! ;)

  32. FA BU LOUS!!! You can tell you put so much of YOU into the design.

    Every detail was so well thought out.

    The light from Mom is perfect, and I too am coveting those gorgeous shutters.

    Great job Ms. Beth

  33. What a great makeover! It really inspires me that I can change the look of my kitchen without painting the cabinets (which I would love to do, but we are renting). You did a fabulous job!

  34. The make over gets straight 10's from the judges :)
    Wonderful transformation!!

    I just love it...come see my DESK in my kitchen, it belongs in your kitchen.
    kepp on inspiring all things flea market chic.

  35. love the look and totally love the shutters!

  36. I can't believe I'm looking at the same kitchen. Wow! Love your chippy shutters, wainscoting pantry,
    ....everything! Beautiful.


  37. Love, love, love it!!! No really...I love it.

    Thanks for posting all of the before and after pictures. I am in the middle of repainting my kitchen, and trying to tie things together, but declutter at the same time, so I appreciate how much is involved.

    Wonderful job!
    Wooly hugs,

  38. Oh Beth your makeover is F-A-B....I LOVE the light you've bought into the room & the details....The chippy shutters are TO DIE FOR & the lack of clutter is SEXY....!!!

    WAY TO GO you clever Junker....!!!

    I'd love to come visit for a cuppa & relax in this neat space....Not hinting or anything....Just sayin'....hahahahaha....

    Cheers Lovey,
    Tamarah :o)

  39. A great low budget makeover. Looks like a million bucks!
