Sunday, January 9, 2011


Today was a work day.I actually planned on taking a day off but as luck would have it~ I sold a big ole chippy table in my booth at The Depot yesterday which meant a booth "re-foof" was in order.
I had a really nice shabby desk that I was just itchin to put out so we took it up there today to fill in the space. Mr.OTM would have much rather been at home watching the play-offs.
Trust Me. I was living on the edge to even suggest that we browse after I got the booth together. I was getting constant reminders like " you said you wouldn't be long" LOL! He was so sweet to help me and even sweeter when I knew he wanted to go and I asked him to back to the truck to get my camera. I explained that it wasn't for ME* wink*wink* it was for THEM~ meaning ALL OF YOU! Sooooo because it was YOU, I got the camera!! *WINK*
Here goes!old galvanized tub = perfect centerpiece
tried my luck at shooting a pic of a window with alot of light coming in...Jami (freckled laundry)~ I tried your tips and this was the best outta 7 ....I'll keep practicing

Huge C*H*U*N*K*Y corbels...think they would make awesome lamps!

Ironstone creamer and vase? Or do you think it's a sugar bowl just missing it's lid?

yarn balls in a concrete planter= easy care if you don't have a green thumb!

Here's the shabby, chippy desk!

New price tags this year!

old hardware=awesome

a chippy desk needs an even chippier chair
...ya know for texture and stuff

laying on the floor taking shots.....look out Pioneer Woman! Ha!!
chippy goodness...

this old buttermilk cabinet looks great sitting OR flip it upside down (or right side up~ depending) and it looks as awesome hanging up.

old tole candle holder

Now can you just imagine what my EXCITING NEWS IS?? Wellllllll
That means:
The booth RIGHT NEXT TO ME became available and I was lucky to get it.
So come the FIRST WEEK IN FEBRUARY look out for a whole NEW BIGGER BOOTH DISPLAY!!!
I'm looking forward to putting it all together.
I also have some projects in the works. If we get the snow/ice storm they are predicting I may just be able to get a few of them done in the next few days!
Stay tuned. :0)


  1. You sure did a good job tweeking! I wish I could pop over and do some shopping!!

  2. You find the greatest "junk" and sounds like business is well there!
    Have FUN with the 2nd booth.
    Deb :)

  3. Oh it all looks so lovely.
    I wish I could shop there, looks like you have a lot of neat items that would make great storage solutions.
    Which is what I am focused on now.

  4. I just can't tell you enough how much I LOVE your booth! I know I've told you many times before, but it's true! I see many things I would love to purchase if only I lived close enough to shop there. :)
    Your pics look beautiful, too, btw!
    Have a wonderful week!
    Jo :)

  5. I would love to come shopping in your booth. That's a great desk and it all looks great!!

  6. There you go,giving me more goosebumps again. Love everything and congrats on getting more space to create your magic in. Those corbels are calling my name......why do I have such an obsession with these things?

    Enjoy your week!


  7. Beth I love your space! You do such a wonderful job! I was just in ours today, I always go in with limited time to "drop things" off but have to putter and rearrange....I seriously need to devote a day to it! It's really fun!

  8. Now listen here Missy!...we ARE getting snow and ice here tomorrow ya know...and now you got me planning to get out in that mess.. to see that beauitful booth!! LOL!! You know I can't resist all your yummy stuff!! Once again you ROCKED IT!! You need to call me the next time you are planning a trip over to Concord...I'll meet ya, help ya...then we can have lunch and browse together! I love that place! But not as much as your shop! Love the new tags!
    Excited for you on the new expansion...just how do you do it...that's what I want to know!
    Take Care...
    Tammy :-)

  9. Good deal, being able to expand! Having a larger booth means larger furniture! Can't wait to see what direction this takes! The booth you have now is fabulous! I would love to be able to shop at the Depot! One of these days!

  10. Oh yes, spring/summer means a trip to NC with Connie! Your booth looks great and how wonderful to be able to expand. Keep the eye candy coming! Dawn

  11. Everything looks great and I especially love your new tags....sometimes it's just the small things :)

  12. Absolutely Fabulous Booth Re-foof as you put it... and the excitement of expanding that's great!!
    What hard working fun you will have setting it all up.
    I used to do booths for about 10 years so I know how much work it is but equally as exciting doing it just right!!
    I love all your goodies..
    May god Bless you three fold for all your hard work!!


  13. Looks wonderful and you honey sounds pretty wonderful too! Love the new tags!

  14. Love the booth! fyi - the ironstone pieces are a tooth brush holder and shaving mug from an old wash set (the pitcher/bowl kind?) Looks like I'm going to have to take a trip down south to visit!

    Wanda in NH

  15. Everything is wonderful. I love the buttermilk cabinet. Good luck with your expansion.

  16. Hi Beth I was just looking at your great booth pics last night, didn't leave a comment though (I'm sooo bad about that:( Saw you left me one though so I came back to let you know I'm always checking out your GREAT junk, just am a really BAD commenter!:)
    Thanks for the great pics and inspirations!

  17. Looking at our pics HAS MADE MY DAY!!! Great display inspiration with the BeSt Finds!!!
    Jeanine, ChiPPy!-SHaBBy!

  18. Beth,
    Well ain't that just dandy! You're telling me that when I finally get to meet you and the mister...he's gonna twist my head off for making him miss part of the game...thanks a load!
    The booth looks that second photo. I enlarged it to take in all the details and was gobsmacked to say the least.
    Wow...doubling the fun in 2011. Can't wait to see what you fill it with.


  19. Love the look of your stuff and how you put it all together.

  20. The booth looks amazing. You are expanding huh? I had the opportunity to take a space there in December but I felt a bit overwhelmed and truthfully - scared. I live about 2 hours from there and wasn't sure I could do it. I am wondering if I made the wrong decision now.
    I will have to visit again and see how the place looks.

  21. Beth - I have an idea. How 'bout setting up a nice BIG booth in my nice BIG barn....???? Just a! Love your junk, your treasures, and the way you display it all. You're one talented gal! :)

    xoxo laurie

  22. Beth it looks fabulous, as always. Congrats on growing. I can't believe how much you take on! XOX

  23. Your space is amazing! Man! I wish you were in California!

    Love that cabinet!!

    :) becky
