Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Finally...time to look!

Good Mornin Darlins!
Just a little quickie post to show you all a couple new items I have floating around here!
I've had them both sitting beside the couch for a few weeks now and have been itchin to get to look at um!
Finally....after a loooooooggggg" Christmas Tear Down Blitz Day" at the shop yesterday, I was ready to just come home, prop up the feets and R*E*L*A*X!
The first thing is this absolutely FABULOUS
Dreaming of Junking Calendar from my good friend Sue at
Any self respecting junker needs to have one of these!
The photos alone a worth a drool or two PLUS it's got important INFO......JUNKIN INFO!
If you want one...and I know ya do...just hop over to Sue's blog and she'll hook ya up!
The next item is THIS!! WHERE WOMEN COOK! Now here's the real scoop on how I got this:
Mr. OTM and I went into Boarders so I could look for an appointment book....we walked past the WALL OF MAGAZINES...*sigh* and this was on the end...I grab one...say "I'd like this for Christmas" ...Mr. OTM goes and pays for it...PLUS there is FREE gift wrapping that day and voila...he's DONE!
THAT'S how you do it girls!! Ha ha!

Anyway, I LOVE this mag! After reading it I wanted to bump out my kitchen, go buy a whole set of stainless cookwear, a new mega bucks camera,a cowboy hat for Mr. OTM, a new blender, a new food processer, a cute apron and stock my pantry with everything I could possible ever need to create whatever I wanted to cook...ever!
Need less to get's ya inspired!
Have good one!


  1. Love the calendar, Beth! Connie and I are trying to make plans so I can come see the shop and your booths when the weather breaks in the spring. Can't wait! Dawn

  2. I bought the WWC book and I am just loving it. I know you'll enjoy yours too. Happy Wednesday to you.

  3. Hey Girl! I've got a note here on my desk that says..." buy that calendar!"...think I'm gonna get it today!!
    and I love's the best book ever!!
    See ya soon!
    Tammy :-)

  4. haooy new year friend.
    at this end, i'm supposed to be doing a rpoject soon with WWC ... waiting to hear from the top dog ( er) editor.

    Going out junkin later today, always thoughts of you

  5. Fabulous items! I have them on my list, thanks so much for the info.~Cheers Kim

  6. Beth you always post such fun coming here to visit you.

    Those 'junk' calendars are wonderful! How neat.

    Never seen that magazine before - guess I'll have to look for it - sounds great.


  7. Loving my calendar, too! Sue did a great job!!

  8. Thanks for stopping by the blog today! I hope you do get to come to Texas in the spring! I would love to meet you! Make sure and make plans to attend Theresa Canos blog party! You won't be sorry! You'll be able to meet all kinds of bloggers! It's my favorite event while we are in Texas!

  9. I think Mr. OTM deserves his own apron for such a fab gift...even if he did just follow a huge hint! Hey...he followed didn't he?

  10. LOVE your header....i read that magazine yesterday....and LOVED all of it....


  11. I have gotta look for WWC up here! I have never seen it! Can't wait to see what you do with your shelf! Post pics!
