Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Got Junk?

Hello friends!
Seems like this last week all I have done is!
But in a good way!
These last few weeks have been all about the shop.
Once the Christmas stuff comes down~it's time to fill er back up!
And BOY do I have the junk!
After Atlanta, MR.OTM and I headed out for a junk trip for a few days and here are few treasures we came home prepared...there's a few drool worthy ones....don't say I didn't warn ya...*wink*
This little concrete birdbath top came from my friend came with dirt and all!
Here's the junk load...

thank goodness for straps...

they went every which way...

couldn't risk any of these falling out....

Seems I've acquired a new assistant at the shop. Meet Bibi! Here she is doing quality control on this awesome old folding lawn chair.'s sturdy!
This was a FAV with a capital F!

Flaky, chippy, rusty, crackley.......ahhhhhh

And this mirror made me forget my manners!

Check out this original finish....yummy

And then I saw this....a HUGE old wooden dough bowl in white paint.
That one did me in.
It* was* calling *my *name.
So I listened and bought it! Ha!!
All these items will be heading either toward the shop or one of the booth spaces.
You might not see the dough bowl though.
Right now it's sitting in the middle of my coffee table and it looks pretty darn good!
Today it was warm here so I was able to get some great pieces painted for the shop.
I have new stuff coming in everyday.
Think...birds, nests, concrete, garlands, candles, pillows, and a whole lot more.
Don't you just love this time of year?


  1. You find the bestest junk! I want that cabinet. And the cubby. It's still too cold here to get much done, so I'm living vicariously through you. XOX

  2. Wow!!! you could have just driven that whole truck load of goodies right to my door!
    I love the folding chair,
    file cabinet,
    dough bowl!!!!!!!!!!
    It's a good thing I was lying in bed when I saw that haul- I felt a little "woozy" from my head spinning!
    I know you had a good time! Take me along next time will you please?

    See ya soon
    Tammy :-)

  3. now that is is a truck load,
    I have those same white folding chairs in my garden. LOVE EM'
    Sounds like you have a smile on your face and can't wait to get spring started.

  4. Too funny, I just bought two white chippy folding chairs exactly like this one the other day......see I told you we were long lost sisters.

    Love every white chippy bit of it!


  5. Where do you find these things? Auctions? Yard sales? So awesome!! I need to learn where to "pick" better. Just don't have the time or resources (like a truck!) do do "big pickin'." You deserve to keep the dough bowl!! I agree, this time of year I am wanting to refresh, redo, and shop 'til I drop! ;-) Yikes!

  6. yummy! i really want that cement bird bath....can you ship? oxox

  7. Love. every. single. find. You are such a lucky duck, Beth!


  8. Wow, what finds! Those drawers are my favorite, so cute! Would be interested in where you went to fill that truck up with such awesome finds but understand if you want to keep that under wraps

  9. Waaaah!!!!! I miss junking!!! It's just too darn cold here to do any!! Which makes me wish for spring all the more..... :) LUV your treasures, Beth!!! Wow! I wanna go junking where you do!!

    xoxo laurie

  10. I, too, would take it all, but I especially love that cabinet!
