Friday, August 5, 2011

Some junk from the trailer!

Hello friends~ junk divas~kindred spirits~soul sisters of rust and crust!

Did I happen to mention that I bought a trailer?


(in case you missed the big news keep scrolling)

Soooo after receiving a few emails regarding the Junk in the trailer,

the pressure was on to get some pics posted.

Mind you....this is just the Tip of the iceberg.

Okay...this lovely 4 QT oil can used to be .......
in this heap!
The vintage cake carrier was once part of this pile......

Now it looks like this!

I couldn't even see this little one (all wrapped up in newspaper snug as a bug in a paper bag)

And this was almost smooshed to death by a huge bench thanks to some load shifting.

That's a technical trailer term for " stuff that has moved around while you are driving."

{You've gotta know the trailer lingo if you are gonna have one!}

Anyway, thank goodness it didn't fall on it.

I would have cried.

I promise to give you more photos of the junk as the unloading continues!

All of these items have just been added to my Etsy shop!

Feel free to go browse.

Thanks for reading!


  1. Cute stash Beth!!
    Garage sale-ing tomorrow for me! :)
    Have a great weekend!

    Deborah xo

  2. Great stuff! I went on the Lincoln Buy Way yard sales the last couple of days here in Ohio and brought home 2 loads of treasures!
    Waiting to see more of your stuff.
    Have a great weekend,

  3. Ohhhh my gosh I am thinking that is the coolest
    trailer load ever !!!

  4. I can't wait to see your junk with my own eyes at the show!

  5. You really have cool junk Beth....Love it all!! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin
