Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Seven Deadly Sins of Outdated Decor.....

Hello Friends!
While munching on my Special k this morning, I was skimming thru the Charlotte Observer and landed on
She got my attention.
After reading the whole thing , I was like....
"Oh.... I SO think everyone else would love to see where they fall into The Seven Deadly Sins of Outdated Decor!"
Here we go.....
SIN ONE~ NO MORE MAUVE!  She states that while the heyday for this color peaked in the 80'S and 90's, there is NO ROOM for it in our future. I have to agree~ get out of the time warp.

SIN TWO~OVERDONE LIGHTING aka Track Lighting being "bulky and clunky". Excess lighting( including recessed lighting) clutters up a beautiful ceiling. She says floor lamps are making a huge question is "Where did they go?" and I cannot possible put a floor lamp in my kitchen.

SIN THREE~BAN THE BORDER...oh I am soooo guilty on this one. Yep...STILL have a border in the master bath...and guess what...I STILL like it but I's gotta go. "While wallpaper itself is staging a MAJOR comeback~ the 6 inch wide borders are sooooo yesterday."  Okay okay....I can take a hint! Geez......

SIN FOUR~TILES: TIME TO COME CLEAN Her point here is that basically bright vivid patterned tiles are WAY OUT and clean subway tiles are WAY IN. Bring color in with accessories, not zig zaggy horrific tiles.

SIN FIVE~ SIMPLER SOFAS.....NO MORE FLORALS! Okay, I hope my mom sees this. She's been in love with floral patterned sofas forever. The author says that "Fabric in dramatic patterns isn't generally a wise investment!" (I think I should just show that part to my dad!)

SIN SIX~NO MORE DROOPY SWOOPS (especially mauve ...eek!) Nice simple tailored valances are IN....using mega yards of fabric for window treatments is out! Again....classic look=IN....flouncy and droopy =OUT

SIN SEVEN~ SOFTER COLORS FOR RUGS....Avoid the cheap mass produced Oriental rugs in hideous colors. If you have a nice expensive rug in a  dark color ~ for a mere $500.00 you can get a chemical wash done to make the colors softer! Easy as pie! (geez)

So to sum it up:
Later today you need to ditch the sofa, scrape the tiles off the walls, rip off the borders, tear down all the excess lighting,dye your rugs , paint the walls and scrap the swoops!
Don't forget to take tons of pics!
Oh ...and You're Welcome!


  1. So true, and love your sense of humor about it! I am patting myself on the back, I ditched my oriental rug last week and my house is currently decorating "sin free."

  2. Truly enjoyed this blog post. How funny. Repent and redecorate! Never guilty of mauve nor florals. Like you, when and where did the floor lamps go? Thanks again for the laugh.

  3. I haven't sinned at all. Yeah..I agree with all of it..classic has always been simple and classic is always in style.
    loved it Beth,

  4. So happy that the only border I have is in the laundry room , and I have been thinking about revamping that room for some time now . Guess it's time !

  5. LOL!!! I have mauve walls in my bedroom and love them...however I have been thinking of painting them a "sage" green...anyway... it should be what we like!
    Thanks for the decorating update!

  6. glad I ditched the mauve, wallpaper borders and floral sofa!

  7. What...nothing about the biggest sin of all...dead animal heads hanging on the walls? Definately is in TOP 10!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. An honest to goodness funny take on decoration. I wonder whether you were enjoying a glass of Seven Deadly Zins when you composed this article?!?! I'd say updating the house to match your personality still holds true. and, one thing I love most is to have a before and after renovation pictures for a year round inspiration. Out with the old--in with the new!
