Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Things I do for JUNK

It's not everyday that we decide to pack up the truck and head out on a junk run at 8:30  at night and drive and drive and drive just so we can be there Bright and Early in the mornin to get started!
But Sunday night we threw caution to the wind and tossed together an overnight bag (still packed TWO pairs of undies...just in case. I am more of a planner so this was me being "reckless!" lol) and hit the open road!
Wild and free and pooped to the max when we got there.
Memories being made I always say.
He didn't hear me. He was busy snoring while it was my turn to drive.
So I reminded him as we were coming home last night  and the headlights just decided to GO OUT on the truck.....on the interstate none- the -less...in the pouring rain.
(I think I hear a country song in there somewhere!)
You will LOVE what we did here......since the brights would work if they were held on...I got a bungee cord and hooked it around the bright switch and hooked the other end into where the seat belt strap comes out! Worked perfectly except it was raining so hard and the wipers needed to be adjusted and the bungee was in the way and ....UGH!
Soooo, Mr. OTM had to just hold the switch the whole way home.
We are 1/2 mile from pullin into the driveway and VOILA~ the lights just magically appear BACK ON!
Yep...memories being made! LOL
We did have a great time and got a slew of great stuff!

This is just a small sampling because as I am trying to take these pics ~it is getting ready to pour!

The old metal rusty "R" light is one of my all time finds ever! LOVE IT!
The white farmhouse bench is sweet too!

Apple Antiques decided to make their sign out of an old grinder pad! It's pretty heavy and I love the color!

And yes....we got pumpkins!!! Loads and loads of pumpkins.

I honestly wonder how much money I could spend on  pumpkins and gourds if I was able to just go and get all that I wanted! I get to the farmers market and just want them all.

As I was taking this~ it did start to rain cats and dogs as you can see proof on the pumpkins!
I loved this old enamel ware platter and found a bowl to go with it too.
Most of the items that you see here will go to the shop for our Harvest Tyme at the Marketplace Open House
The things I do for Junk!


  1. I so enjoyed this read today...I had a vision of what you went through...not funny but yet 'to us' it is! lol
    Glad you made it home safe and got lots of wonderful treasures.
    I am so into Pumpkins this year - it's like an obsession with me.

  2. Great post and sounds like so much fun.

  3. Oh, my! LOL If that'd been me and my husband, I'd have been giggling the whole time and he'd have been grumbling. It'd be several days before he'd be able to laugh about it.

    But what some wonderful finds! I'm like you. I absolutely love that R.

  4. Awesome finds! Could you explain the difference between coming to the store for Harvest Time at the Marketplace vs. Sunday at the Marketplace? I have to pick between 1!

  5. You found some awesome pieces and I am jealous you found baby boos ~ searching and searching for them myself!

  6. Making memories for sure. Love your care free nature. I am such a get in the car and GO girl myself, but the husband is not. And heaven forbid I did get him to road trip it and the lights went out...oh my! I'd be laughing...and hearing about that one for a good year. lol (We balance each other out though.) LOVE that R and white bench. I'd bring them home with me if we were closer!

  7. What great treasures you found! I love the "R" also!
