Thursday, April 30, 2009

Makin Jam!!

Got up early this morning to make up some strawberry freezer jam! I picked up the berries yesterday (the key word there is UP....I DID NOT pick these myself....can't do it...or just don't want to do was my very first "real paying" job as a young teen and I grew to loath picking berries...we got .10 cents a quart....even back then in the early 80's I new that was a rip off!! lol!!) Anyway don't they look delicious???

I found a place last year ...COOKS STRAWBERRIES in Monroe. I bought a big ole bucket and there wasn't a bad berry in there. It made the BEST JAM so I was excited to go back this year and they didn't disappoint....perfection again! (after I took this pic I confess I ate about 4 of um....they were all nice and warm from the sun.....yum!!)

I really like using the Ball No Cook fruit pectin. SUPER EASY and great results. I highly recommend giving it a try.

Here is my "secret weapon" when it comes to mashing the berries....a PASTY CUTTER!! It doesn't see much action cuttin pasty so it feels terribly important during berry season. You gotta go with what works.......................!

And here ya go.....the final product! Ever put this on ice cream????? It is heaven on earth I swear!! This was from 4 quarts of berries , two packages of the pectin and 3 cups of sugar total. I will probably do up another 4 quarts to be sure I have some to share! Now off to the freezer to hunt for the ice cream............................:)


  1. Oh goodness does that look good!
    I love strawberry freezer jam!!
    I'll get the hot buttery biscuits ready and be there in a bit! LOL!

    I picked something like 36-40 quarts of berries last year in about an was NOT easy picking either....I just wanted to hurry up and get outta there!!!

    I enjoy your blog!

  2. I love making jam! But I've never made freezer jam! I'll have to give it a try!!

  3. That looks wonderful! I'll have to try it.


  4. That seems simple enough that i could even make this!
    I love strawberries that I could eat them everyday!

  5. YuM! We're going to pick berries Sunday! The plan is to pick them ~ I only have once or twice ~ but I may just end up picking them UP..LoL
    Plannin' lots of freezer jam here too!! :)

  6. That jam looks scrumptious! Freezer jam is also great on French toast or pancakes with whipped cream cheese! Yum!!


  7. ok, now I am offically hungry. I have made strawbeery jam in jars but never in the freezer, will have to give it a try.
    Thanks for sharing

  8. Oh my, those look wonderful! I've never picked strawberries. My Aunt Betty makes us all freezer jam and we all think there just is NO OTHER jam but hers! Freezer jam is the best!


  9. cousre, i can't keep up with u ...

    You WILL love the thiftn' story, tho!

  10. I just froze 8 containers of strawberry jam myself:) I love the ball fruit pectin too!
    take care Kim

  11. I've got the icecream...looks yummy...:)

  12. Oh YUM!!!!!!
    I can't wait for strawberry season, we start picking around June 22! a ways off yet.
    I don't care for strawberries but hubs loves 'em. So he picks and I make the jam. :)
    that's a pretty fair deal!

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  13. Did you find the ice cream yet? That jam looks wonderful and fresh. I was just talking to my girlfriend this morning about making some. How funny is that!

    Have a fantastic day and don't eat all that jam by yourself.


  14. Great idea with the cutter! I went by Springs Farms in Fort Mill the other day but it was so crowded, I didn't stop. I've got to pick some up soon!

  15. YUM! Looks so good.

    Have a nice weekend :)

    XO melissa

  16. Oh my gosh that looks SO GOOD! I've never made the freezer jam, but I will definatly have to give this a try it looks so easy and YUMMY!!!

  17. Oh over ice-cream would be yummy! What a wonderful way to spend a day :)


  18. I can just taste them on ice cream or hot homemade bread! What nice pics of them too:)
