Wednesday, April 29, 2009

THRIFT STORE GOODIES...YA GOTTA SEE!! has definitly seen better days BUT I loved finding this old high chair.......espicially because of .....................................THE PRICE!! check it out!!!!!

NOT $ 1.50 .......BUT $ 1.51!!! WHAT THE HECK??? So without a care in the world , I coughed up the extra penny like I was Mrs. Got Rocks....livin large!!!

This framed puzzle is by artist Charles Wysocki. I have always loved his Folk Art style. The thing is HUGE!! I can just picture it over a dry sink or a fireplace. If you click on the pic to make it bigger you will get to see the case ya can't see it really does say .99 cents......get out!!! I know what you are thinkin!!!

And here is my FAV FIND (and I don't even know what it is!) the little screen box thing. Any ideas out there??? The old muffin mold will make some great pantry cakes(I am gonna give them a try) and the enamel lid is going to fit on an old pot I have ..... the pottery is from Salmon Falls. It is a garlic keeper I think because it has holes in it....and the candle is a cotton scent from Kohls never used (retail price tag says 18.00!!) whoa Nellie!!! BUT WAIT>>>>>>>>>>>>>>are you ready for the total on all this . I mean you better be sittin down because I cannot possibly be responsible for any injuries when you faint, fall over, get lock jaw, feel dazed or get the picture right???? Okay here it goes......drum roll................................................................................$ 9.48 PLUS TAX...I SO SWEAR!!! I bet you won't guess what the most expensive thing was...................guess again................nope.............keep guessin....................THE MUFFIN TIN!!! I know....hard to believe huh! That thing was 4.25 and normally I wouldn't pay that much but I have been looking for one for awhile and there it was just sittin pretty among all the cookie tins and since I was feeling like money was just no big deal....I would just go dig up another can of it in the back yard....I plopped it in the cart and felt like I had just scored BIG TIME! It was a good day. I was homesick this afternoon and when I go thriftin it seems to help!! The best part of all this haul is NOTHING NEEDS A MAKEOVER!!! YIPPEE!! I can enjoy it RIGHT NOW and it won't sit in the garage waiting for me....taunting me...calling my name....
Well enough of all this....while it is still light out , I better go get a shovel and start diggin!!!!


  1. I want to go to your Good Will! Our's around here are starting to think their stuff is from Macy's! You found some good stuff. My donation package is finally being mailed tomorrow!

  2. What a great haul you loaded into your car!
    I am drooling over your garlic keep, and your muffin pan.
    And you didn't break the bank!

  3. I think we're lookin' at a grain sieve here...I just saw one the other day that looked alot like this.

    go girlie!!!
    the season is upon us!

  4. Wow, you sure got some great buys at GW, which is my favorite store!!


  5. You did score BIG TIME! I really like that puzzle. You better not tell us where you live or we'll just come dig up some cans!

  6. You had a good day!!!! That was really a steal.
    I think I love the high chair too...will you paint it and prim it up or is it prim enough for you?
    Thank you for your kind words about Ruth...I miss her but I didn't want her to suffer...I will rejoice when I see her again. Dianntha

  7. Enjoyed your post and blog. I look forward to visiting!


  8. Hi Beth...lots of great finds today huh...oh the picture (puzzle) is beautiful...the frame alone is worth something!
    Cute Garlic Pot - I have some bowls from Salmon Falls Pottery and I love them.
    Not sure what the screen/box thingy is either.
    Loved this are a hoot!

  9. You always find the best stuff!!! That muffin pan is definitely a keeper!

  10. Great finds can't wait to see the redo's.


  11. Wow, wow, wow! You hit it big time! I would have paid $4.25 for the muffin tin too! And $1.51 for a highchair, Wow! Your GW has better prices than ours!


  12. What great finds! That high chair is unbelievable for $1.50! My friend Connie used to do Charles Wysocki puzzles and had them going up her stairway - it looked great! Have a good day tomorrow, Dawn

  13. wow you did everything you got are too funny..I love reading your posts...:)

  14. What is that screened thingie? Maybe something to dry seeds on? You sure got a lot of neat things for very little money!!! The 1.51 cracks me up...

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. That high chair looks like my old one from many years ago (minus a few rungs). I would of paid the $4.25 for the muffin tin, too! Great finds! ~~Annie

  17. That's why I love thrift about the 1.51 who came up with that extra penny?? hehe...I enjoyed my visit to your blog!!
    Take care,

  18. Hey Beth!!! Love all the finds!! My quess is that screen thingy would be used to dry seeds! Just a guess!

  19. Wow you really found the bargains! Love the highchair! Nothing is more fun then finding "treasures".

  20. Beth, it is very nice to "meet" you, thank you so much for dropping by my blog and leaving such a nice comment for me to let me know that you have been there. I have been reading thru some of your previous posts and am enjoying all the old time goodies that you find! I never come up with anything half as good as the markets here. Maybe I am looking in all the wrong places. I will be back. Have a good Thursday, Debby

  21. AWESOME finds!!!! That high chair was a steal for you, even with the extra penny, LOL! I saw one similar at our local antique mall awhile back for $50.00! Love the muffin tin too, that would look so cute filled with fixins:)

  22. Wow!! you did well!!!! I think that is a grain seive that you have.

  23. What wonderful finds! Great deals! The highchair is my fav and what a STEAL!

    Have a great day!


  24. Great finds! I would say the screen was made for a drying rack given the legs to lift it off the table. The primitive grain sifters I've found have not had legs--no need for them.
