Tuesday, May 12, 2009

NOW.....WHERE WAS I.....?????

SARASOTA FLORIDA!!!!! YEP.....Mr. OTM'S (Russ) niece got married down there and we had the time of our lives!!! I sure missed you all while I was gone BUT I am here to tell you that I had been looking forward to this for EVER!! It was WONDERFUL getting together with family and friends and sharing this beautiful place. I took like a gazillion pictures but grabbed these few to share with you all before it's time to get back to work!!!
I know........beyond words......

The sand is whiter than my teeth! AND it is soooooooooooooo soft.....like flour...until it gets places it really doesn't belong then you are reminded that it IS indeed....sand! PLUS I brought home a bunch of it in the back seat of the car that needs to be sucked out.....I'll just put it in my flower bed!

Is this adorable???? We all recognize the soldier and nurse kissing from LIFE magazine but this is the HUGEST statue! I was lucky enough to get my picture without anyone standing underneath the nurse looking up her dress....believe me ....that is RARE!

I could easily live here........this boulevard of palm trees was just amazing to me....(remember you are reading this from a gal who grew up in the snow belt of Northeast Ohio)......I don't even know how many there were but right at the end was the beach. I mean I could EASILY get used to walking down this brick road to plop myself on the beach all day......oh that would be the life........Anyway , I am back and ready to get back to work. I really honestly took a vacation while I was there....there were thrift stores ....I think I saw at least 5 Goodwills and about 12 different Antique shops there BUT.....I didn't go in ANY! ( I heard at least 5 people hit the floor on that one because they just fainted) REALLY........I just wanted to relax and take in the fun, sun, family, friends, the Gulf of Mexico, the food, the sites. I found out something about myself on this trip...........I make a darn good tourist! Hope you are all well and happy..... I am glad to be home!


  1. What beautiful pictures. One day I hope to visit Florida it looks like a great place just to relax.


  2. I can only imagine your fun!!!

    missn ya hon

  3. GREAT PICS!! Looks so relaxing and I can so totally get use to that especially after living in Ohio all my life. You mean to tell me you didn't go thrift store shopping?!? WOW!!

    Glad to hear you had a nice time!!


  4. The pictures are beautiful. Sarasota isn't very far from where we go in Florida. I, too, could walk the beaches all day, every day!


  5. Isn't Florida a great place to take a vacation??? My brother-in-law lives near St. Pete and gets to walk those beaches any time he wants - and he always lets us know about it!!! Glad you have such a nice time, that's what vacations are all about, Dawn

  6. Oh, I could live there too...I would have no problem with it:) Beautiful pictures and loved the sunsetting one!

  7. Your photos are awesome!!! It's been a long time since I visited FL. My inlaws used to live in St Pete...my son in Okachobee (sp) I loved the soft, sandy beaches and the clear waters too!!!

  8. It is beautiful place. Glad that yuo had a had great time. You have a really nice booth in Waxhaw, too.Checked it out while I was down south.

  9. What a beautiful place! I can't grasp the size of that statue, it must be giant!

    I'm with you on walking down that boulevard every day to get to the beach!!!

  10. I want to lay on that beach!! When I first read the post my heart about stopped, I thought it said you and Mr Russ got married, I re read it, I am breathing again!!

  11. Lucky.....I could have fit in a large suitcase MISSY!! LOL!!

    I can't wait to head south!!

    Hope that all is well!!

  12. I am so envious - looks like a wonderful time in the sun!!
