Thursday, May 14, 2009

UPDATE ...!!!!!!

Soooooo many of you had responded to my April 13th post...."A Little Piece of Your Heart" in regards to the gal who 's house burnt down on Easter Sunday. The donations have been coming in and I am blown away at the generosity!!! It is a real treat to go to the mailbox everyday! I was going to mail out everything together but instead I arranged for everything to get back to Ohio via my wonderful friend Karen who is coming down here at the end of the month for a visit....(yippee...can't wait!!) . Anyway, for all the gals who responed and still have items to send, they will need to be here by the 27th of May. If you need my address again, just hit the email button and shoot me an email and I will get right back to you. I am going to be taking some pictures of the whole loot before it leaves to go back to Ohio. You won't believe it! You all should be soooooooooo proud of yourselves!! I sure am!!


  1. I must have missed that post but I am glad that all is coming together. Have fun with your friend. Dianntha

  2. mines going out tomorrow...:) can't wait to see what she is getting..:)
