Wednesday, July 28, 2010

White Wednesday

These are a few of my favorites things that I have had around the house at one time or another. The little cupboard was beyond heavy! It was from England and made out of slate~ you can imagine! This is a quickie post as I have a full plate today but couldn't miss out on White Wednesday! Be sure to visit Faded Charm to see all the chippy goodness!
Hope your day is blessed!


  1. Just found you ! Very cool blog you have here.... fun, inspiring stuff ! I'll be back to visit again often.... have fun junkin' !

  2. we were NOT meant to be across the country from each other!

  3. Great stuff, and I know about today having a full plate! I'm right there with you.

    Take care, Sue

  4. Great things in the picture. Hope you have a great day, T

  5. So glad you took the time to share these lovely whites with us today. I always love your photos and enjoy your birds chirping in the background.

    Take care,


  6. it seems all of our plates or overflowing with craziness these days.
    So glad Kathleen has this party to slow us down even if it is just for a items are always so beautiful to look at.

  7. Wonderful post. I love the old chippy paint white basket. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Morning Beth....!!

    Sounds like you're 'flat out like a lizard drinkin' today lovey....I hope you're not overdoing it....UNLESS of course you're out junkin....I don't think it's possible to overdo THAT....hahahahahaha....!!!

    Chippy doors, crusty scales, worn creamy fabric or wire basket....hmmmmmm....Don't know if I can pick a fave but if you were to threaten to stick me with a needle I might quickly say "BASKETBASKETBASKET"....hahahahahaSNORT....!!

    Cheers for now,
    Tamarah :o)

  9. Know what you mean about the heat, worst Summer I can remember since moving south 33 years ago!!

    You - and hubby - are such a sport to keep going moving all that wonderful stuff about to fill your booths....I really do wish we were just a tad closer so I could come by often. When Fall comes perhaps Vanessa and I can come back and spend a night in Charlotte to do your shop, The Depot and Sleepy Poet without the long drive there and back same day!

    Glad you like my table! I'll be looking for more stuff soon as I have some changes in mind. First though I'm having off-white slipcovers made for my sofa/chair, painting the room white again to start a new cleaner, modern farmhouse/country look, and plan to throw in a bit of industrial looking stuff if I can find the right know what I mean I'm sure!

    Happy weekend dear - say hi to Janna and Rachel when you see them please.

  10. That garage looks like a wonderful place to me just full of awesome things ~

    I cannot wait to see what you do with it ~


  11. Love it all!!


    barbara jean
