Monday, July 26, 2010

Nifty Thrifty Tuesday!

I was watering my plants( second time today) this evening out on the deck on the back of my house. It occurred to me that most every single thing I decorate with back there is a thrifty find! Even the plants were an "end of the season" deal for $ 1.00 per pot.The barrel water feature was a steal at a yard sale about 6 years ago for 15.00. The angels, little birdhouse and tall planter in the background were also thrift store finds .

The concrete statue was $4.oo auction deal. One of my favorite accents out there is this old metal lantern. This was once an electric lamppost light. The top is hinged on so it tilts open, which is perfect for a candle. I remember paying 10.00 for it and thinking I paid too much!
I must have been close to broke that day and still had to buy either gas or groceries.
My other super fav thing is the old garden gate. I bought that in Ohio at an auction I would go to every Monday. It was usually me and a bunch of old guys. I always had a blast. One of the guys brought this to sell that day specifically because he knew I would buy it. He came up to me afterwards and told me that he almost threw it away but then he saw all the chippy rusty paint and remembered "that girl who always buys all that chippy junk at the auction!"
THANK GOODNESS~ 15.00 later I was thrilled!
I am linking this post to Nifty Thrifty Tuesday at Coastal Charm. Swing on over there to see other awesome thrifty cheap-o finds!


  1. What a fun barrel fountain! I love junk decor in a garden. I think it's funny but it does seem to be mostly old guys who collect old junk. Right now I have a bunch of small rusty belt buckles I want to do something with! Keep nifty! Jacqueline

  2. Oh I love your backyard! And the fact that you bought all of your wonderful items at thrift stores or auctions makes it that more special!! You are definately my kind of thrifty friend :)
    I like how, when you look at what you purchased, you can always remember the thought or feeling that whet with each item. Everything needs a story!
    Have a great week.

  3. I'm so glad we got some rain last watering this morning...although I do enjoy it. Your back deck looks cool and inviting especially with the water fountain. I love seeing how fellow collectors decorate their own homes.

  4. Everything is lovely...had to laugh at the comment the old guy made about you buying chipped up things:) It's so nice to remember where things came from, it makes them even more special:)
