Monday, July 26, 2010


So here we are again on a Monday morning~already. This past weekend "flew" by didn't it?
For me, this was one of those weekends that while extremley busy, felt great because I got a TON accomplished! For those of you who ask me " Beth, how do you do it?" Here is a play by play!
Friday night 7:00 pm: Deliver an awesome old workbench to a client in Charlotte. While there she wanted to show us her house. It's always a treat to be able to see inside a customers home and to see how the decorate with all the things they have purchased from the shop.
I was drooling by the time we left and realized I hate my house.
Just kidding. But it made me want to put it on the market and buy and old bungelow. Debbie had hers decorated beyond amazing. Sorry I didn't have my camera handy. It was the best!
Friday night 8:00pm: Mr. OTM treats us to a FANTASTIC dinner at Mama Ricottas in a trendy part of downtown Charlotte . To me it was trendy because it was outside of Marshville and they had cloth napkins~ and my Peach Bellini cost $8.00.
I had water with my meal which was Mushroom Ravioli in a tomato cream sauce ! Too die for!
SATURDAY 6:30 am: Time to hit some garage sales!! We scored a MAJOR deal on a beautiful old Savannah Style three tiered concrete fountain. Too say it is heavy is an understatement. Thank goodness it came in 7 pieces. We have it inside the shop already. The next time it will be moved will be for the lucky buyer! Overall it was a fun morning with some great finds!
SATURDAY 10:00 am: Head on over to the shop and get it Open for the day. Mr. OTM was a sweetie and minded the place so I could go back home to work on my table make-over.
SATURDAY AFTERNOON: With a heat index thru the roof, I did manage to get my table done. When Mr. OTM got home from the shop we loaded the truck to take a huge load to my booth at the Sleepy Poet. My gosh were we sweating. Unreal THIS HEAT! Anyway we got everything loaded only to find out the antique mall had to close early because their electricity was knocked out! I got nervous we were going to get a downpour so we then had to get out our plastic tarps and cover the load in the truck. We didn't get any rain.
SATURDAY EVENING: Too Hot to cook~ went for Mexican!
SUNDAY 8:00 am~ Braved the heat and headed out to a Flea Market. Stepped on a nail! OUCH!!! Found a few things and came home to re-load the truck to take it up to Charlotte.
SUNDAY 1:00 pm~ Arrive at the Sleepy Poet. Head to my booth to do a COMPLETE MAKE-OVER! We got old stuff out and loaded a cart, took new stuff off truck and transfered it to a cart ,loaded old stuff onto truck, took new stuff back to the booth. WHEW! Keep in mind it is now 104 degrees. The booth has needed some updating and I was soooo HAPPY with the new look!It looks COMPLETELY different! Tons of new great stuff in there!!
SUNDAY 5:00 pm~ Took a load on over to THE DEPOT! Took a farm table out of the booth and put in three new big pieces. Heading back over there today to give that booth it's BRAND NEW MAKEOVER!!
SUNDAY 7:00~ Arrived back in Marshville at the shop where we had to unload the truck( again!) and water the plants .
SUNDAY 8:00~ Dinner was a ice tea and a biscuit. Just didn't feel like much. We were pooped, smelly, sticky, sweaty, just gross. Pretty glamorous life huh?
SUNDAY 9:00pm~ Captain Phil repeat on Deadliest Catch
SUNDAY 10:00pm ~ Design Star
SUNDAY 11:00 pm~ zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
So there ya have it! I am going to be a busy bee again today re-doing my booth at The Depot. Can't wait to see how that turns out! I already loaded my camera!
See ya later!!


  1. Being self employed is not always easy! I think in this business we all know how hard we have to work to make it successful. Time? I think we just "do what we have to do" without giving it a second thought! Glad you got to go out for some "fine" dining!

    Take care, Sue

  2. wish I was a fly on your busy wall ....
    you just keep going and going and going!!

  3. Wow girl that's alot in on weekend! I was just at Gibson Mill on Thursday with some friends...will have to get back over there soon ( and Sleepy Poets too) to check out your new stuff!
    Stay Cool! Iced tea sounds good right now...
    Happy Monday
    Tammy :-)

  4. Sounds like my kind of weekend.....working hard on what I love doing. I won't complain about our dry heat out here in Calif. you've been like a sauna out there. Love the table.
    Happy junkin

  5. I just opened a vintage shop in Lincoln, NE and I'm learning just how much hard work it is. Your day sounds exhausting.
