Tuesday, August 17, 2010


So here it is ....finally!! Again this post is long with lots of pics! Click on pics to enlarge and read captions! You don't wanna miss a thing right?Blah~ boring bedroom with freebie furniture...

I had been trying to figure out how I could make the furniture work so I wouldn't have to run out and buy anything right now. Paint was the obvious choice...you'll see in a sec...
The mattress propped up against the wall is now INSIDE the closet! Can't believe it fit either!

Just a bunch of mix and match stuff with no personality. I had been wanting to get this done for ages and we had company coming from Ohio~Bob and Karen! Karen was (an still is!) one of my SUPER ALL TIME BEST CUSTOMERS when I had my shop in Ohio. She was so sweet to want to come down and see my place down here. I loved having them and their visit was just the motivation I needed to get it done. Honestly it took a day~ that's it. Tweeking on the other had continues!!
So are you ready for the afters?? Let's go............

The wall color I totally snagged from my dear friend Wendy. She has a room painted this color and she was kind enough to share. It is Simply Gray from Waverly available at Lowes....

Here's the dresser re-do.......

coat rack cribbed from my master bedroom.....

You should have seen me trying to get this duvet cover on....picture a WWF match up with me getting my butt kicked. I FINALLY got the thing on and love it but dang!

the headboard re-do and the stinky little expensive impulse purchase antique toile chair.

just REST.....ahhhhhhhhhh

here is alot of my favs...the table, the cupboard, the stool, the chippy box, the letters, birds and tiny little antique mirror ( a 1.00 yard sale find)

mix match frames add dimension...

these letters can also be hung, which may happen when I get the tweeking done

the mirror is just too darn cute

bargain corner!

the table I had in the back corner of the garage for the LAST FIVE YEARS! Ugh! So HAPPY to have it inside again!

the picture above the bed used to hang in my dining room in Ohio....

this wall will be getting more mirrors eventually when I find the right ones. Liz Claiborne garage sale hat .50.

Well there you have it! I can't tell you how happy I am to get this room done! It has a personality now and I can continue to tweek it as I want. I do have an old feedsack pillow I am working on for the bed. This make-over cost about $65.00 for the paint for the walls, bed and dresser, the valances I picked up at a yard sale and the duvet cover. The other items I had around the house and had purchased over time. I am linking this to Kathleens White Wednesday over at Faded Charm. Please enjoy all the other wonderful white always on display over there.
Also, MANY THANKS to all of you who have left such nice comments and continue to inspire me with all your heartfelt goodness!
Have a blessed day!


  1. Hi Beth, this turned out GREAT! Perfect wall color and I can see how the stinky chair started it all! Any guest will love it! Happy WW,

  2. Amazing what you accomplished with a minimal investment. Love the shade of gray you chose; it really says "restful".

  3. What a great make-over! Everything looks wonderful! LOVE the frames. I have a table exactly like yours...mine used to be black too..but is now white.
    Very, very nice.

  4. An inexpensive re-do that looks like a million bucks!!!! My fave kind!!!

  5. WOW! THIS room looks AWESOME! I love LOVE your itty bitty little mirror. I also am totally in love with your REST sign...it's all GREAT! Glad you shared this on WW!

  6. This is wonderful. I especially like the frames. Also the black painted furniture. olive♥

  7. Hi Beth! What a great job. It just proves that some talent and a bit of paint is all it takes to create a wonderful space!!

    Susan and Bentley

  8. Wow-it really turned out great. Love the REST letters and the round frames-my favorite!

  9. Hey Beth..can't believe you did this in one day! The room looks great, love it all. My fav is the little hanging white cupboard...any chance you want to part with it? LOL

  10. Your room turned out great.
    Just lovely....
    Sweet Blessings,

  11. Let's see.. I love the toile chair, I love the frames, I love the lamp.. and I love the room!! Hmmm... the REST sign is perfect.
    Great job.
    Ladybug Creek

  12. I think when you really put your mind to redecorating and start looking around the house for things you already have that you never noticed would work before, that the space turns out with a better outcome and you love it even more because you used the things that you bought and loved for a reason.
    I hope all of your guest love all the work you have done for the room!

  13. Hi Beth...how inviting your "new" guest room looks! Great job!!

  14. Beautiful makeover. Such a lovely retreat. ~~Sherry~~

  15. Gorgeous makeover! I especially love the bargain corner. You did a fantastic job! Stopping by from White Wed.

  16. Well done! It has a whole new look and feel to it! Very peaceful!

  17. This is beautiful, Beth! You have so many great little details in there especially the mirrors and that chippy cupboard. Very nice! I feel so guilty for putting my guests on an aero bed in the craft room! I do dress it up with fluffy white pillows and a duvet (totally with you on that process) though!

  18. Loving it all Beth....especially how the black really pops in the photos. Also love the wall color. I just took a peek at your other blog and saw the awesome pillow. What a great addition!

    Take care,


  19. Hi Beth,
    What a wonderful transformation! I love it all - the wall color, the black furniture, the chair and for some reason I think that old worn mirror on the dresser is my fav. You really did a great job. I also checked out you kitchen re-do. Love the wainscotting. You're right, it's such an inexpensive way to make a major change that gives such a classic vintage feel. You've done a wonderful job on everything. I look forward to seeing what you do next! (btw, came over from Faded Charm)


  20. Your bedroom makeover is fabulous! Love the black furniture with blue walls!
