Friday, August 20, 2010

What a day....

It could have been a WHOLE LOT worse. Yesterday morning Russ (aka Mr.OTM) was on his way to work like normal. It was lightening at home when he left but not raining here. Ususally his work day gets called off when it rains, so I wasn't surprised when he called me about 8:30 to tell me he was coming home. I love when he comes home like that. Anyway, when he gets home he proceeds to tell me he was involved in a SIX CAR PILE UP ON I 485! I am just standing there speechless before the freak out happens. Turns out it was a massive mess with cars leaving the scene, it was dark, raining, just bad. He knew a blue car was heading toward him so he veered into the guardrail and the blue car hit him anyway. The truck has some boo-boos but the important thing is Russ didn't have ANY! Oh thank goodness. I was weirded out all day yesterday with "what-if's".
To show my undying love we ended the day loading and unloading a huge truckload full of CONCRETE garden statues and birdbaths at the shop in a MONSOON rainstorm, flooding going on all around us, lightening everywhere. I couldn't help but stop, be in the moment, be overwhelmed and thankful for all that I have been blessed with. Most of all Mr. OTM.


  1. I am so glad that he is ok:) That must have been so scary. 'Someone' is watching over him;). Hope your weekend is a relaxing one.
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  2. those guardian angels were in overdrive for the dear DHOTM're blessed

  3. When I hear stuff like this, it freaks me out. I'm SO glad he is okay! Here in Southern CA we basically have NO weather. So its hard for me to imagine how difficult things would be living where you have "real" weather. Again, glad "someone" was looking out for your favorite guy!

    Take care, Sue

  4. So glad he is OK!
    The traffic on 485 can be a real nightmare in a storm.
    have a great day!

  5. His angels were watching over him, Beth, so glad to hear he's OK, trucks can be fixed:)

  6. So thankful that he is okay. I always fear that when traveling on 485. It can be a mess sometimes. Carla

  7. Whoosh, thank goodness everything turned out okay.
    don't focus on the what if's just live everyday knowing that it was a gift to reaffirm your love and life.

  8. Oh my gosh how lucky your husband was....and what a sweet frazzled wife you are to help with the heavy chore!


  9. Oh Beth love your post made me teary & put a lump in my throat....I'm SO glad Mr OTM is OK....It makes you stop & think doesn't it....BIG Aussie hugs for you both....!!

    On a lighter note....THANK YOU for your fun comment re our SVJ-X....Mr SVJ is CHUFFED you liked our balls....hahahahaha....!

    Cheers for now & TAKE CARE my Friend,
    Tamarah :o)

  10. Beth, I'm so happy to hear that he is OK and I hope everyone else was as lucky. A few years ago my husband was sideswiped and the SOB took off. The car was totalled, but he was OK..another foot away and it would have been much worse.
    Stay safe:)

  11. The story has a good ending. You are blessed to still have a husband to come home to you. I could have been a different story...Have a nice weekend together. sandi

  12. So thankful with you that your husband was okay. God is our protector, for sure!!
