Wednesday, December 29, 2010

New Year's Wishes....

It's my sincere Wish that this New Year overflows with Blessings, Love and Happiness for you all.

Thank you to all who have taken the time to visit my blog and continue to support and encourage me in so many ways. For those that leave comments~ you are the fuel that keeps these creative juices flowing!

For my outstanding customers that I am extremely lucky to have~ I cannot thank you enough.

So much to look forward to this year.

Bless You!!


Another Cubby Find!

Has this ever happened to you......You are searching for a particular something....a book, piece of furniture,a toy, whatever. Your search has lasted months~ years even until one day~out of the clear blue.....BANG!! There IT IS! Now it doesn't stop there.....after finding your long lost treasure after ALL this time......the very next week you find another one?
How does that happen?
I remember looking for a Debbie Macomber book "16 Lighthouse Road" to complete the Cedar Cove series I had. Couldn't start reading without this one because it was the first in the series. I looked high and low for this book at every thrift store, flea market, book sale, garage sale YOU NAME IT!
Why was this sooooo hard to find? It isn't like it was a long lost relic or something. I could have easily purchased it from ebay or Amazon but I think I was enjoying the challenge. Took me 14 months til one day at Goodwill there is was...and there continues to be a copy practically every time I go from that day on.It's been like that with cubbies lately too! Let's face it....Cubbies are cool (go back a few posts and you'll see what I mean). This one is a doozie! Just look at her...100 slots in old distressed black paint! I have been a lucky junker lately to gets my mitts on these. I had looked for YEARS for these and had no look...two in the last month!
Right place~ right time I s'pose! What ever it is ...yee haw!
The other cubby I had posted about recently sold within a week of putting it in my booth at the Sleepy Poet. That"s were I took this one today.
So they say things come it three's?
I'm already excited to see the next one!
(keeping my fingers crossed!!)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Decorative changes!

Hello Dahlings ..... you'll have bear with me.....please...I watched Breakfast at Tiffany's last night for the millionth time and it always takes me a few days before the afterglow of Audrey Hepburn wears off so you'll catch me calling everything either darlings or super rats!!
YOU all happen to be darlings!
So just for that, I thought I'd share with you some small decorative changes I have made around the house the last few days.
With gift cards burning a hole in my pocket, I headed out to hither and yon to spend um! Every year I try...I REALLY hold on to them and spend them later, perhaps in the summer or fall or just when I need a pick me up day.....never happens.....ever!
Too much information? Just get on with it you say?
Okay....let's roll the photos...
First off is this little darling...(sorry)
I needed a two tiered galvanized serving stand with adorable bird perched on top like I needed a hole in my head BUT......How on earth could I have passed this up??Do you see what I mean? I blame it on the darn little bird. And seriously it's kind of too big for the counter but I am so not caring. LOVE IT!
TJ MAXX gift card...adios!

Next up are NEW LAMPS for the LIVING ROOM! Ran to Hobby Lobby with gift card #2. Had no idea I would walk away with the most AWESOME lamps EVER!
I saw them on the top shelf..way out of reach.I began to hyperventilate while trying to find a ladder, associate, crane ANYTHING to help me get them down! And oh dear Lord they were ON SALE!!! We're talking a huge HALF PRICE ~TAKE HALF OFF~FIFTY PERCENT OFF THE PRICE SALE!
Good grief I had to move FAST! You know there were hoards of other gift card spenders just lurking around every aisle. Not only did I instantly fall in love with these because of their style, we really needed some new lamps. Our old ones were super rats!! Wobbly shades and broken knobs!

I am THRILLED with these new beauties! (The curtains are the next thing to go....I am thinking Ballard Designs toffee check?? Yes?? No?? I need a gift card.*hint*hint*)
Speaking of Ballard, I really think these look like something that would be in their catalog!
Okay, onto this NEXT lamp switch a roo. Remember this one from the spare bedroom re-do this past summer?
A yard sale find that worked just fine but a tad too small for the size of this table.

Soooo...I traded it out for THIS!!!
Just the right size and the shade is wayyyyyyyy
more darling( almost done)

It is nubby linen! I LOVE NUBBY LINEN!
Gift card #2......history!!

And finally...remember my little chandy that hangs above the kitchen sink?
Well I was sitting here the other day and I don't know what made me think of it but all the sudden I thought" gee...I wonder how that light would look with shades?

Here's my answer......ADORABLE! And the best part??? They were FREE!
Get this.....when I went to get out all the wrapping paper and stuff I had to move my old sewing machine case out of the way and these were all stacked up right beside the case. I can't tell you where they came from, or how long they have been in that closet but
I was happy as a dang clam!

Adds some oompf....

Oh and the last change?? Look close...and you'll see SNOW on the ground! Not a whole lot left but we were soooo lucky to have a white Christmas.
I am planning some more changes this coming year:
"new" old dining room table
moving the living room furniture around
re-doing the craft/computer/office /spare room
re-doing the master bedroom and bathroom
not to mention the wedding!
Sooo much to look forward to!
Bring it on 2011!
Bye Dahlings!
okay...I'm officially done! :0)

Friday, December 24, 2010


Just a quick reminder the we will be OPEN TODAY 10-4!Still have "Last minutes" that you need to pick up? We're here to help!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas Touches around my house

I just put a roast in the oven so that gives me a little while to share with you some of my Christmas decorating I have done around the house.
I wanted to do something different this year. Ever since I have left home and have been decorating for Christmas in my own home I have always gone the country primitive route. All my ornaments were adorable handmade santas, snowmen, candy canes you name it.
Stuffed gingerbread men filled baskets, snowman pillows were on every chair. I still love all of those things but I wanted to see if I could pull something different off this year AND it had to be CHEAP! With Mr. OTM laid off ~ buying all new Christmas decorations was not a priority so I challenged myself with a budget and went THRIFTING! My finds also include yard sale items like this piece d'resistance...
Remember the mail bags I found this past fall? Well...I kept one! I can be a stinker!
I love how this looks and it took all of like 2 minutes to put together.

This little tree was a thrift store find. I love that it has that "real" look to it. The little star ornaments were only .85 cents each at the Depot. I bought all they had left (six) and wish they had a few more. I need a bit more on this tree yet and I was thrilled when I found 12 miniature glass bulbs for .99 at Goodwill. Those will get on after I type up this post!

The white pointsettia was 3.50 at Wal-Mart. The shabby little white bucket I already had and the adorable oval clock was a 4.99 thrift store treasure!

I also found these beautiful marble dove bookends at Goodwill for 9.50 for the pair. I'm not sure if they are staying in this vignette or not...might be a bit hey it's Christmas so go big or go home right? lol!

One of Mr. OTM's farmhouse stars nestled in a wreath I already had....

The tree we had....EVERYTHING on the tree, ALL the glass bulbs were bought at a thrift store. Price for all you ask??? I dropped a cool 10.00 for the whole she-bang! I have NEVER used glass bulbs on my tree....EVER! This is a first and I am loving the different look. I made the burlap bow for the top out of ribbon I used at the shop.
Little ole ice skates! Well these really set me back! Listen to this one!!
I found these at a yard sale for 1.00 and I turned into a pathetic mess!
You see, I forget my purse and didn't realize it until I went to pay for these. I knew I had change floating around the car so I went scrounging and you'd a thunk(sp?) that I found gold when I
came upon a quarter under the drivers seat then ANOTHER one under the floor mat in the back. Can you picture my rear end hanging out of the car while I scrounge? I was quite the sight I am sure! The rest was in the console but my total was .98 cents. Just two cents short and the lady felt sorry for me I guess because she told me just to take them. She didn't want to take my last dollar. Good okay...I took um.......but laid the .98 cents on her check out table when she went to help another customer.
Pathetic huh?
Sorry to anyone who may have drove by and saw the aforementioned rear end. I was on a mission.

Sorry this is so dark. The large metal star was a 10.00 garage sale find years ago when I still lived in Ohio. Thankfully I had my purse with me that day...geez!
The old windows (converted into mirrors) I purchased from a gal that walked into my shop one day and said" I have these old leaded glass widows you might like"....I fell over.....then got the checkbook. These I have had for years and never get tired of looking at them.
Below is an adorable handmade cookie cutter ornament made by my friend Tammy of JUNKWILD! What you don't see is the carton of handmade fudge it was attached to. The fudge had since been inhaled and it resting nicely on my hips!

This old post was a garage freebie! The BEST kind right??

I was rummaging on the lower shelf in a Salvation Army store when I came across a huge plastic bag filled all these pine cones! Some are painted white, some are glittery and some are plain. The whole bag was 3.99.

I love the natural look....

Meet my.......tree skirt! I saw this lone drapery panel and fell in love with the texture...

It had that burlappy look yet was a woven nubby cotton...

and it was CHEAP! The sticker says 7.99 but lucky me, all blue tags were HALF OFF that day!

I came home and cut off the part where the drapery hooks went and then just folded the edge over and hemmed it. It will be great as a table cloth after the holidays.

I just pooled it around the bottom and that's it!

I would loved to have found 4 of these panels because I would have used them on my windows~ but a tree skirt/ tablecloth makes me just as happy.

The pine cone wreath was yet another thrift store find~1.99. I layered in on top of another wreath I already had and hung it up with burlap ribbon. It's a bit hard to see but some of the pine cones look frosted and I love the bits of greenery that were already tucked into it.

I think this old firewood sign looks pretty good above it. I bought that along time ago at a yard sale for 5.00.....had my purse with me that day too in case you were wondering! lol!
So there ya have it....I am really happy with how all my thrift store Christmas finds have created a comfortable, new, sparkly, natural theme this year. When you add up what I spent just on the Holiday items I bought this year it's under 40.00 and my budget was 50.00.
Look out...I still have 10 bucks just burning a hole in my pocket!
Hope you enjoyed peeking!
P.S. I am linking this to Cottage Instincts Make it 4 Monday! Hop on over to check out all the inspiration!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Shop with us on SUNDAY 11-4!

Still have Christmas shopping to do?
We'll be OPEN SUNDAY Dec. 19th from 11-4 to help you finish up your list!
Ho Ho Ho!!!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmas at the Shop!

Finally got a gazillion pics uploaded tonight and thought that if I am going to share any of the shop at Christmas time with you I better get to it!
Enjoy browsing!
Double sided street appropriate for this time of year huh?

Apothecary was a recent find! I am loving this and plan on making room for it in my office after the holidays are over.

ho ho ho

Wanna to know something neat? This big old cupboard is actually Steven Spieburg's! It belongs to my landlords now but for those of you that don't know, the movie The Color Purple was filmed in Marshville (where my shop is located). My shop was actually the General Store in the movie! If you were to go watch the movie right now, you would see my shop~ the front porch~ everything! Oprah has been in my shop! Sure wish I had had it back then!! Sure wish she'd come back! Anyway back to the cupboard....Steven had two of these built as props for the movie and only one survived. It's a love/ hate relationship with the thing. It holds a TON, it weighs a TON, I can't ever move it and nothing ever sold from the bottom shelves. I just added the burlap a few weeks ago and I am loving it right now. However, there are those days I would love to call Spielburg and ask him to come pick it up!

words to live by!
NEW beeswax candles just arrived!
One of the most popular displays this year! Nothing moves on this old bike except the kickstand...kind of!
old sled never looked so good!

Gi~gundeous birdhouse

Perfect wreath to display all winter long

old little red and white sled

Canisters to store all kinds of cookies!

Hope you enjoyed your tour.
May you all be blessed with
Wynter Tyme Blessings! :0)