Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Decorative changes!

Hello Dahlings ..... you'll have bear with me.....please...I watched Breakfast at Tiffany's last night for the millionth time and it always takes me a few days before the afterglow of Audrey Hepburn wears off so you'll catch me calling everything either darlings or super rats!!
YOU all happen to be darlings!
So just for that, I thought I'd share with you some small decorative changes I have made around the house the last few days.
With gift cards burning a hole in my pocket, I headed out to hither and yon to spend um! Every year I try...I REALLY do....to hold on to them and spend them later, perhaps in the summer or fall or just when I need a pick me up day.....never happens.....ever!
Too much information? Just get on with it you say?
Okay....let's roll the photos...
First off is this little darling...(sorry)
I needed a two tiered galvanized serving stand with adorable bird perched on top like I needed a hole in my head BUT......How on earth could I have passed this up??Do you see what I mean? I blame it on the darn little bird. And seriously it's kind of too big for the counter but I am so not caring. LOVE IT!
TJ MAXX gift card...adios!

Next up are NEW LAMPS for the LIVING ROOM! Ran to Hobby Lobby with gift card #2. Had no idea I would walk away with the most AWESOME lamps EVER!
I saw them on the top shelf..way out of reach.I began to hyperventilate while trying to find a ladder, associate, crane ANYTHING to help me get them down! And oh dear Lord they were ON SALE!!! We're talking a huge HALF PRICE ~TAKE HALF OFF~FIFTY PERCENT OFF THE PRICE SALE!
Good grief I had to move FAST! You know there were hoards of other gift card spenders just lurking around every aisle. Not only did I instantly fall in love with these because of their style, we really needed some new lamps. Our old ones were super rats!! Wobbly shades and broken knobs!

I am THRILLED with these new beauties! (The curtains are the next thing to go....I am thinking Ballard Designs toffee check?? Yes?? No?? I need a gift card.*hint*hint*)
Speaking of Ballard, I really think these look like something that would be in their catalog!
Okay, onto this NEXT lamp switch a roo. Remember this one from the spare bedroom re-do this past summer?
A yard sale find that worked just fine but a tad too small for the size of this table.

Soooo...I traded it out for THIS!!!
Just the right size and the shade is wayyyyyyyy
more darling( almost done)

It is nubby linen! I LOVE NUBBY LINEN!
Gift card #2......history!!

And finally...remember my little chandy that hangs above the kitchen sink?
Well I was sitting here the other day and I don't know what made me think of it but all the sudden I thought" gee...I wonder how that light would look with shades?

Here's my answer......ADORABLE! And the best part??? They were FREE!
Get this.....when I went to get out all the wrapping paper and stuff I had to move my old sewing machine case out of the way and these were all stacked up right beside the case. I can't tell you where they came from, or how long they have been in that closet but
I was happy as a dang clam!

Adds some oompf....

Oh and the last change?? Look close...and you'll see SNOW on the ground! Not a whole lot left but we were soooo lucky to have a white Christmas.
I am planning some more changes this coming year:
"new" old dining room table
moving the living room furniture around
re-doing the craft/computer/office /spare room
re-doing the master bedroom and bathroom
not to mention the wedding!
Sooo much to look forward to!
Bring it on 2011!
Bye Dahlings!
okay...I'm officially done! :0)


  1. Oh your post is inspiring and making me wish I had gift cards to burn.
    Lucky girl.
    Now I want to get up off this couch and rearrange furniture.

  2. oh the lamps, LOVE those shades!!!
    Gift cards are just the best!
    have fun,

  3. Beth, I got tired just READING your post! You have so much energy!

  4. You really found some great things! Don't you just love gift cards??? Carla

  5. ....hahahahaha....I agree with Sue....Beth you just have TOO much energy for this time of year.... :o) !!

    LOVE your new lamps & the chandy with your 'I'm not sure where they came from shades' is ADORABLE....!!

    We received gift cards this year to one of the major chains & I'll be stocking up on boring grocery items we use on a regular basis....hmmmmmm....Olive oil, soy sauce, laundry & diswashing detergents....Nowhere near as exciting as NEW LAMPS....hahahahaha....!!

    Enjoy your new Treasures Lovey & have an A-W-E-S-O-M-E New Year....!!

    Cheers from Oz,
    Tamaeah :o)

  6. LOL! You are so funny, Beth! If you and I ever shopped together, it would be seriously dangerous!!!! lol! We could do some major damage, girl.... hahaha!

    Love all your new treasures - what a huge difference they made in your home! Great job!

    xoxo laurie

  7. Great Finds Beth...really enjoyed your post. The lamps are really cool and how lucky you were that they were on sale!!! Somedays are just meant to be. HAPPY NEW YEAR...WISHING YOU A GREAT YEAR!

  8. Looks like you had a great day shopping. I love those lamps! Have a Happy New Year!

  9. Love your new lamps. I wish I had some gift cards to play with! Not that I need anything, but it would be fun anyway. I LOVE TJMaxx. I always find something wonderful there. It's such a fun store. Happy New Year!

  10. Great finds Beth!! The lamps are gorgeous, I had no idea that Hobby Lobby had those. All your changes are perfect!

  11. I would Love to go shopping with you anytime, Darling! :) So fun! Fabulous scores! And I couldn't comment without saying that I simply Love your perfectly chipped shutters. xo Samantha

  12. You made some great choices! I love HLob and their 1/2 price lamp sales. BTW,Love the shutters at the kitchen window. Linda

  13. "Happy as a dang clam." Ha! I say that all the time. Happy to know a fellow dang-er. Love all your gift card goodies. Those lamps definitely look Ballard to me. And, don't you just LOVE it when you find a little treasure in the basement/attic/closet that you'd long forgotten (or never knew existed)?! Looking forward to your projects in 2011, sweet Beth!

    Happy New Year,

  14. I LOVE your new lamps!!! They are just perfect! I saw them in Hobby Lobby too and they were on the highest shelf at my store also! I really love them and hope they still have them at my store! Enjoy your cute new lamps!
