Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Another Cubby Find!

Has this ever happened to you......You are searching for a particular something....a book, piece of furniture,a toy, whatever. Your search has lasted months~ years even until one day~out of the clear blue.....BANG!! There IT IS! Now it doesn't stop there.....after finding your long lost treasure after ALL this time......the very next week you find another one?
How does that happen?
I remember looking for a Debbie Macomber book "16 Lighthouse Road" to complete the Cedar Cove series I had. Couldn't start reading without this one because it was the first in the series. I looked high and low for this book at every thrift store, flea market, book sale, garage sale YOU NAME IT!
Why was this sooooo hard to find? It isn't like it was a long lost relic or something. I could have easily purchased it from ebay or Amazon but I think I was enjoying the challenge. Took me 14 months til one day at Goodwill there is was...and there continues to be a copy practically every time I go from that day on.It's been like that with cubbies lately too! Let's face it....Cubbies are cool (go back a few posts and you'll see what I mean). This one is a doozie! Just look at her...100 slots in old distressed black paint! I have been a lucky junker lately to gets my mitts on these. I had looked for YEARS for these and had no look...two in the last month!
Right place~ right time I s'pose! What ever it is ...yee haw!
The other cubby I had posted about recently sold within a week of putting it in my booth at the Sleepy Poet. That"s were I took this one today.
So they say things come it three's?
I'm already excited to see the next one!
(keeping my fingers crossed!!)


  1. lucky lucky you!
    I have too searched for years yet I had to settle for the PB version
    This one is black is just spectacular!
    yes, I can't wait to see the 3rd either.
    Good luck

  2. Oh how I love a cubby with or without drawers!! I have an old jewelers cupboard and I've been looking for other cubbies forever with no luck. You are one lucky girl!! Hope you find the 3rd one.

  3. JEALOUS! Cubbies sell immediately. Throw some karma my way.....

  4. That's a great cubby! I found one recently but no idea where I would put in it my house and it wasn't cheap, but I really wanted it! Maybe someday I'll get one. Can't wait to see what you find next!

  5. fabulous find! that is funny you found two so close in time...third one must be the most charming?

  6. Beth,
    I give up, I am looking for a cubby of my own, If I don't find one soon I will just have my wood guy just build me one and i will age it till it is old enough to place in my home.

    You have a piece to love!

    Happy New Year

  7. What can I say...fabulous, fabulous!

    Flora Doora

  8. Cubbies are the best, there are so many ways you can decorate with them!

    Most of the time when I'm looking for something for a long time and I find it, it cost to much but I buy is anyway! Then in a few days I find something similar for about 1/3 of the price I paid for the first one!

    Have a Happy New Year!


  9. The cubby is fantastic!! Can't wait to see your third find!!

    Happy New Year!

  10. I must be shopping at the wrong GW's, for sure!!! Wow! What an amazing find!! Maybe I'll just find your 3rd one for you.....??? lol!

    Happy New Year to you!

    xoxo laurie

  11. Beautiful blog! Have a warm, safe and cozy New Year!
    Take Care,

  12. I would love to have this, too bad I live in Texas~

  13. Hi Beth~
    I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy reading your blog!! I started following a while back and didn't leave a comment (I don't think, anyway..LOL) but just had to tell you I LOVE your finds!! I too am a bargain hunter, treasure seeker, and have been fortunate many times as well!! It is SO FUN and SO REWARDING to find those "GEMS" when we least expect it! Thanks for sharing and being so entertaining and fun!!
    Have a Wonderful, treasure filled and Blessed New Year!!

  14. Lucky Junker, indeed! Oh the crap I could stuff into each one of those 100 vintage cubby holes! Ribbon, paper, fabric...Ha! Just stopping in to wish you a Happy 2011 and thank you for your friendship. Happy to have met you in 2010, Beth! Thanks for always taking the Tyme :) to say something sweet and encouraging. I appreciate you more than ya know.

    ♥ Jami
