Friday, February 11, 2011


The idea for this post occurred to me the other day when I was chatting it up with a customer about an item that I had in my shop that I purchased at an auction.

She was telling me that she had NEVER BEEN to an auction because she doesn't know what to do and feels intimidated!

I can understand that. It can be an intimidating place but I LOVE me a good auction and have learned a thing or two over the years.

Plus...I've bought some great stuff too.


My guess is that there are others out there who have missed the deal of a lifetime because they haven't gone for that very reason OR perhaps you do go but would just like some tips!
Here is your chance! If you have any questions about auctions that you'd like to ask, leave them in the comments of this post and I will put together an AUCTION TIPS post using this same photo as above so look for it soon!
Keep in mind that I am by no means an expert BUT I have done this since I was a kid so we'll say I have like 30+ years experience. Give or take a few years here and there!
So I will do my best for you and we'll see if we can't make an auction goer out of you yet!
Ask away......


  1. Ok, I'll be the first one to comment and admit I've NEVER been to an auction! Intimidated? Yes. Worried I will bid on something by accident when I scratch my ear? Yes.

    I'm going to think of some questions and get back to you! thanks for doing this, it's a great idea :-)

  2. Oh, just thought of couple. Do you have to register or something before the auction starts? And do you pay right after? And is it usually cash only? And HOW on Earth do you keep up with all that fast talking?!?

  3. I love auctions! I have gotten some of my best stuff at auctions. I'll be looking for your post on the subject.

  4. I've found some great things at auction, but have to admit I feel very intimidated at them. It seems there's always a "lady in a hat"(inside story) that always outbids frustrating.

    Years ago, before I started selling, my husband and I came across the best auction. It was full of amazing architectural goodness and awesome rusty junk. I was only buying for myself at the time, so let many great pieces get away. This is where the "lady in the hat" comes in. She bought should have seen her truck loaded down and she got everything dirt cheap even for back then.

    I still get angry thinking back at all the great stuff that got away...this had to be the best all time auction I'll ever see and there was so much of it they were practically giving it away:(

    Hopefully another will come along someday.

    Enjoy your weekend. Happy junk hunting.


  5. As if I didn't say enough in my last comment... I forgot to mention that I have a very similar notice that was my great grandfathers when he sold his farm. I want to get it framed and display it on the wall. The only thing about it is my Dad told me that he never got over not being able to make it and having to sell everything off that he never wanted to actually own anything again in case he failed. Isn't that sad? I wonder if many people felt that way back in the Depression.

    I wish he could have been able to hold onto it also. From the looks of the list of household items, there were some great pieces I would have loved to see be kept in the sad.


  6. "Excuse me lady, but you and I were just bidding on the same iron bed you just won for $10.00. I didn't really know what I was doing, so if I asked the auctioneer to rerun you think me and you could be the only ones to bid? I think I understand how to do bid now."
    This actually happened to me. 'Course I looked at her and! $10 seemed like a mighty fine price to me.
    Seriously, it's "best to know before you go"...or take along a Cat Daddy to do the bidding!
    Can't wait to read the Q&As...this'll be good!
    P.S. I once bought an electric drill when I thought I was bidding on a happens to the best of us.

  7. Have always wanted to go to a auction but don't have the first clue. So i just sit back and look at all the wonderful things you have. Looking forward to your points. Maybe one day I can do it. Hugs, Terri

  8. I'm an auction junkie ... with a lot to learn ... looking forward to this!! Thanks!

