Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Patiently Waiting.....

Both of these items.....this huge white metal basket.....
all chippy and rusty and crusty and perfect.....

and this adorable old wagon.....

all chippy and rusty and crusty and perfect....

were found on two different junkin escapades around Christmas time.

Now they sit patiently waiting until I figure out what I want to do with them.
Any ideas?
Linking this to White Wednesday over at Faded Charm today!


  1. I'm brainstorming over here. The possibilities are nearly endless. Love them!!

  2. Hey Beth,
    Love 'em both. The wagon would look great filled with potted plants and flowers. As for the wire basket, you could just send it to me and then I'll figure out how to use it! hehe
    Have a great day,

  3. How big is the wagon? Could it be used as a coffee table?? With a piece of glass on top!

  4. I love them both! That wagon is amazing! If you can't figure out what to do with it just ship it to me and I will come up with something. LOL Just kidding! Happy WW!

  5. Lucky you..I know what you can do with that white wire basket, you can can send it to Melissa at The Vintage Attic and she'll use it to put her white towels in it for the bathroom..LOL! How ever you use them I know you will enjoy them and they will look fabulous.


  6. Your shop space looks beautiful!
    So wish I was closer, I'd roll that little wagon all the home with me!
    have a wonderful day, Lynea

  7. My ideas are the same as ones already listed, what fun treasures! I could not have passed on either.

  8. Oh my...I love that chippy wagon! My first thought was a coffee table too. It could also be fun for a party layered up on your table for serving??? Maybe sprayed with a little matte poly to protect your friends from "chips" in their chips ;)

  9. Lovin' that adorable wagon:)
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  10. love the baskets but the wagon is my favorite. My first thought was a coffee table. You could put glass on top and use the bottom as a shadow box effect.Put special treasures to display inside. Maybe put at the entrance to your home and decorate inside according to the season. If bath is large enough, a great space to store towels, etc. Have fun deciding on your options.

  11. Those are lovely and I have to agree with some of the other commenters...definitely plants and flowers in the cart!

  12. I can see pots of flowers sitting in both of them .
    What is it with wire baskets ? I can't seem to pass one up , I love them !

  13. Love the wagon! They both look ready for the garden to me.
    The baskets would be great for towels in the bathroom.

  14. I have the perfect idea for that awesome basket... you can make your best friend a really cool arrangement for her hearth! Wink wink!

  15. You could some neat old books in that basket, or pots of flowers? I'd make a table out of the cute wagon! :) Happy WW to you, Beth!

    xoxo laurie

  16. I would love to take the basket off of your hands so that you don't have to wonder about that anymore. Just sayin... :)

  17. Two wonderful items that I'd LOVE to have ! I'd fill the wire basket with my collection of old clay flowerpots..and the wagon...simply with herbs ! Love your blog !

  18. I know what you can do with the wagon. Send it to my house as a surprise LOL


    I had an old rusty wagon once filled with flowers and a lady at my yard sale offered me $30. and I took it. Wish I had my wagon back

  19. You find the best stuff! I think they are patiently waiting to hold beautiful flowers to announce Spring's arrival!

  20. I love your blog! It looks like you love junk as much as I do!
