Sunday, February 6, 2011

Feedsack Photo Shoot!

You may remember a few posts back I teased you with a photo of
one of the items that I bought when I went to market in Atlanta.
Guess what arrived yesterday??
I was soooo beyond excited to get the box open because look what was inside........Yep! Ten of the most wonderful nubby old feed sacks directly from France via Atlanta!
I was a lucky duck that day I found these. I was actually looking for a floor that was supposed to be selling Cash & Carry antiques. That turned out to be a farce.

Instead I was fortunate enough to find the couple who had these AND I was their first customer of the day.

They had a stack of about 6 or 7 laying on top of a table when they invited me to go "behind the curtain" and see what was back there. My jaw hit the floor! No was AMAZING what they had and then I hear this....."Go ahead and pick out the ones you want and we'll ship them to're lucky you're the first one to see them!" Oh my gosh did I have a BLAST! I was going through feed sack after feed sack wanting them ALL! In an effort to not blow my whole shop budget on just feed sacks, I decided on 10.
Here they are......

They are truly all in wonderful condition. I even loved them with the handmade repairs.

THIS one is my favorite. It's a neutral check that I have never seen before.

The pattern and texture are so beautiful.

Think of the pillows that could be made...

or simply used as table runners...

or just stack um.....

the details like this make me smile...

neutral stripes...

or red stripes are pure perfection....

stitched with love...

I am in heaven just looking at them.
I had plans to make so many things but now I don't know if I have the guts to cut them.
What would you do?
Cheers! :0)


  1. Love the feed sacks. I didn't know they had gotten so scarce and so expensive until I started searching for one to do a craft project. Luckily I had one and found 1 old one in bad shape, and a friend from out of state sent me a piece of one. Now I don't want to cut any of them up. Can't wait to see what you do with them.

  2. Wow, what a score! I just found a bunch online and they are pricey!! I bought a "faux" feedsack runner this weekend and plan to make myself some faux ones for the tables at my bday party later this month.
    I have to agree with you, cutting them up would make me sweat a bit but they look so wonderful turned into new creations, too!!

  3. Love them! What a great find. And the photos are wonderful too!

  4. Beth ~
    Those are just wonderful !!!
    That was a wonderful find and I bet
    so very exciting to open up !!


  5. Love them all and your photos are beautifil.

  6. I have a love for these myself.I always think I'm going to cut them up and make pillows too and I just can't do it.I put a king size pillow in mine and it works great.~Enjoy Kim

  7. Beth,
    You are soooo blessed to have found those and they are stunning.
    Thanks for sharing them with us and you total hit pay dirt with them.
    Amy (Mom to the Four Sisters)

  8. how exciting! Love the ones with the red ticking

  9. Be still my heart! Girl you find the coolest things. So, maybe cut one or two and save the rest for a folded that look!
    Have a great week and let us see if you decide to make stuff...

  10. WOW you lucky lucky girl! Thats great! Thanks for sharing with us!

  11. If they were mine I would admire them for a while...then I would give some to a friend who could sew to make something wonderful!

  12. The very first thing I would do is throw them on the bed and roll around on 'em! (I'd throw 'em on the floor, but it's too hard!)
    Then I'd have a major argument with myself on whether to keep 'em or sell 'em!

  13. Can't wait to see what you create with those cute darn things! Hugs, Janna

  14. ...or given to your blogging friend, Jami.

    lol! Love them. Good score! Why don't I have any "go behind the curtain" moments? Do you flash a badge or something?!

  15. Oh my gosh! What a FIND! Can't wai to see what you make with them! I was just thinking I should have a couple of the red stripe ones on my all white bed! Now you have inspired me to hunt for some! ;o)


  16. Thanks for coming by and your great comment. I really appreciate it! Love those new grain sacks!

  17. So glad you stopped by my blog beth! Always nice to find a fellow Ohioan even if you are living out of state. I also love chippy rusty shabby things. I have been to several events at Stan Hywet, maybe we have already met! I have started following so I can keep up with you and your lovely blog. Take care! Tracey

  18. Absolutely beautifull. I've been looking for some like those. Are you going to sell any of them??? If so I would love to hear from you. I have orders for them, and can't find anything as nice as there. Please let me JOAN
