Thursday, February 3, 2011

Tons of Bigger Booth Pics!

Good Morning Friends!
As promised here are some pics....ALOT of pics of my bigger , expanded booth at
The Depot! It didn't take me as long as I thought it would to pull it all together.....

I didn't have a plan or layout in mind at all.....

I just winged it and hoped I had room for everything....

My goal was to keep it "clean"....

I didn't want to overload it with alot of clutter....

I wanted you to be able to see the small stuff....

like these.....

and these....

but also the big stuff....

here are my hunky six pack burlap boys ....

lookin all fine as a table top display....

who doesn't need a hunky mannequin on their dining room table right?

New to the booth are some wonderful jewelry pieces....
some recycled glass cloches...

but I am totally diggin the jewelry....

can you tell?

These pages fell out of the book Mr. OTM was reading so they made it into the display....

These little cloches are dang cute...

fern garden English Staffordshire plates....

old chippy coal scuttle...

this is an old check in stand from a Boy Scout camp....

one of my favorite pieces cuz it's so different....

coal scuttle + free branches = super easy centerpiece


and there you have it! I am loving the additional space. I went from a 7 x 13 to a 7 x 26 and it's amazing what a difference it makes. Heck...I used to live in a 14 x 70 so I felt like I was back in the day!
Just a quick note to thank all of my wonderful followers, customers and fans who help to make all this possible. I honestly enjoy putting this all together for you and appreciate all your comments and encouragement!
Hope your day is super.


  1. Beth, as usual, it looks fab. I sooooo love the industrial windows, making your booth so bright. Makes me despise my mandatory pegboard even more.

    That scout check-in table is awesome!

  2. Beth ~
    Oh my gosh your booth is beyond
    gorgeous!! I just love each and everything
    in it ~ I wish I lived closer so I could
    come see it in person ~
    Thank you for your beautiful pictures ~


  3. Thank goodness that I don't live closer to you because I love it all and would want to buy it all... IT LOOKS FANTASTIC...

  4. I want to come shopping so bad!! It looks awesome, great displays. I need a burlap guy to add to all my burlap around here :)
    Becky C

  5. Simply Beautiful!! I LOVE IT!
    Wish I lived closer to you...

  6. okay, lots of questions here ..tell me about the tickings in picture 7
    ... AND the body forms!!!!

    email me

    I'm going crazy here, looking for stuff for shop the shed ...

  7. FANTASTIC! The big cupboard is wonderful - along with everything else. Dawn

  8. I love your booth. If my travels ever bring me close to your area, I will definitely come by. Love all the vintage items.You have it displayed just perfect. Have a good day.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. How do I feel about a burly man on a table...guess?
    It looks fantastic and if I could get there, I would buy that check-out in a heartbeat!

  11. I love the way your booth looks! Wish I lived closer!

  12. Beth.....these pictures are great!
    I would say you are ready to publish these in a book! Now you just have to decide on the name of your book.

  13. I love it. It is packed full but it really doesn't look cluttered.
    That takes talent!!!

    Wish I could shop with ya!

  14. Wow, I am very impressed! Everything looks great!
    Happy Thursday!

  15. One word to say "FANTASTIC",I so wish I lived closer to you, there are 2 big pieces that I saw and want so much in my home. Stop by to visit me sometime!

  16. Oh Beth, I just love your new space. You have the most wonderful things, and are a master at display. Makes me just want to move in!
    big hugs,

  17. Beth what can I say but...I LOVE IT! There are soooo many items that I would love to own. I'm with everyone wishing I lived closer. Do you ever come to Fla?
    Just kidding.

    I'm sure it will all sell very quickly.


  18. Fantastic Goodies! So many items caught my eye! Would love to visit your store (someday!)...xoox

  19. I love to visit your booth everytime I come to Gibson Mill. I love that place, always come back with the van loaded. I can't wait to see the new bigger booth. It always looks great. Vicky

  20. Thanks for sharing these "drool" worthy photos of your space redo. You gave me some inspiration for my own booth that I'll be setting up tomorrow.....did I say tomorrow? Gotta go finish pricing!

    Love all of it!


  21. wow! it looks amazing! i want it ALL! :)

  22. Looks beautiful, I'm loving the white pieces, thank you for sharing those pictures!

  23. Amazing. I love it. Thanks for sharing.

  24. Looks awesome Beth...lots of interesting pieces that I would love to bring home!

  25. Way to much beauty to take in while holding my breath wishing I could visit. The damage I could do to my pocket change or a few more dollars :)

    It would all work into my design style, whites with a touch of fog! with things that had another life.

  26. Everything looks amazing. I wish I lived closer! Love it all!

  27. It all looks great!! Do you make the spoons to order?

  28. Drool...

    Love the booth pics!

    Question - what are the spoons that are standing up? Do they say something on them?

    And did you make the Live, Laugh Love items?

  29. EVERYTHING is GORGEOUS, Beth!! you have the best eye for great pieces... I want to take it all home with me... please...!!! ;-)
    Have a great day, my friend!

  30. Hey! I'm your 700 follower! Thanks for the encouraging comment. There so much too learn but I'm getting the hang of it. Love, love, love your site - very inspirational!

  31. Love it so much. It has been so cold I haven't made it to Gibson in a few months..shoot. I wish I had been able to do a space there after seeing how beautiful yours is..My taste is so similar to yours- we must have great taste..
    Can't wait for it to get nicer so I can stop in and see your space..

  32. Your space and everything in it are wonderful! Oh my gosh those windows behind it too are awesome! Makes you want to move right in!

  33. What a treat to see your booth. Makes me want to burn the midnight oil and redo my own!!

  34. Just me looking at your pics again. I'm opening my first booth in April and I'm going to use these as inspiration!
    Also, not sure if you ever come over to Greenville, SC but if you do, give me a shout before hand and perhaps we could meet at my booth!
