Tuesday, February 1, 2011

He fought me..BUT I WON!

So here is how my day starts yesterday.....
I woke up from this dream:
I am at my shop working by the cash resister when all of these Egyptian people start to come in my back door......LOTS of them.....they just kept coming in. Then they were all wanting to order sweet tea and then they all asked if they could live there.
The End.
Okaaaayyyyy.....so I don't know what I ate before I went to bed but I do remember watching the news and seeing Egypt's troubles. That explains that.
What it doesn't explain is Mr. OTM's attitude toward my chest....um I mean TWO DRAWER CHEST. See below.
Just two days ago this little beauty had no top (good grief this post could go either way...sorry!)
It had everything else....a FAB gray paint, chippy none the less, all her knobs, nice and sturdy, dovetail drawers, cute little legs...so on.
Plus her price was right...WAYYYY RIGHT.....so I brought her home cuz I had an idea.
We had a stack of wood in the garage that came from an old farmhouse kitchen.
Nice chippy white wood.
I thought it would look awesome as a top.Mr. OTM...not so much!

He actually said it was "too chippy"!
Them's is fightin words!
I know...I know....and here I thought I had made such progress with the boy.
After what seemed like an eternity of pleading my case.....
And I am so beyond thrilled with how it turned out!
Please tell me what you think.
I promise to share the good and the bad with
Mr. OTM.
(I have a feeling you're gonna like it though * wink*)

It made it's way in the Sleepy Poet where she sits front and center....
with her top on!

This last little pic is a tiny teaser of the Depot booth that I spent all day putting together.
It's all done and yep...pictures are comin your way in the next few days.
I am linking this post to the FABULOUS Kathleen over at Faded Charm White Wednesday!
Get yourself on over there and be prepared to drool!


    It's darling and I too would have fought to win on this one...
    It's truly a keeper!!!!
    Amy (Mom to the Four Sisters and snowed in, in Iowa)

  2. It looks so good I was wondering "what missing top is she talking about" lol
    Love it!!

  3. You won, but Russ gets the gold star. I need me one of those Misters.... XOX

  4. That is a great find! Hope you enjoy your new treasure..............TALLULAH'S

  5. Looks like a match made in heaven to me with just the right amount of chippiness(with a side of drool..haha)

    Love it and can't wait to see your photos.

    Take care and enjoy your week.


  6. Heya GORGEOUS Beth....!

    I didn't know whether to laugh or scratch my head when I started reading this post....I WAS concerned you were goin' 'not coolant' on me....hahahahahaha....Suffice to say I am TOTALLY 100% in your corner....Please tell Mr OTM for me that he really shouldn't mess with you when it comes to your 'top' as you DEF have it goin' on ALL OVER THE PLACE....hahahahaha....!!

    Seriously though Lovey it looks AWESOME....So OBVIOUSLY a perfect match....It's like it was waiting for a Bethavention....NUFF said.... :o) !!

    THANK YOU so much for your note re my 'career move'....Your encouragement is MUCH appreciated....!!

    I hope you're having a WONDERFUL week my Friend....!

    Cheers from Oz,
    Tamarah :o)

  7. Just the right amount of Chippyness... this turned out wonderful. Sorry Mr OTM, this time she wins...

  8. That's a keeper!! I love it.


  9. It is a perfect match up! I love it. Wish I could see your last picture. Unfortunately I only get to see a red x. Hopefully I will get to see more later.

  10. I love this little chest :) It turned out perfectly! Yes, he did a great job. And I love the last photo, more chippy goodness!
    Becky C

  11. Regarding the cabinet top ~ Lucky YOU to find such a fit!!! As for the color ~ On this particular piece I think it needs AN EASEMENT... I'd take a wet rag with some greyish paint and do a quick wash on that top ~ still letting lots of white show...
    Jeanine, ChiPPy!-SHaBBy!

  12. Yup, you get my vote! Great match for the chest of drawes. Spring can't come fast enough, can't wait to get down there! Dawn

  13. Ok, well I'm glad you saw the vision and sweetly (or not) convinced your hubby it could look great, because it does! What a transformation. Hope it doesn't last long so you can go out and find more great treasures.

  14. Sorry Mr. OTM, I love it! And so glad she got her top on :-)

  15. The mr. did a good job with the top and I am glad that you 'saved' her. She a beaut...now pat him on the back and tell him he's good so he will work for you again. Smiles

  16. The chest is awesome! You have a great eye to see the potential in things.


  17. Your blog is great! I too love to make furniture come alive again and find hidden treasures. I just sent out my next post, including the first magazine of the series.
    I hope you stop by and read!
    Thanks for stopping by Simple Dwellings!

  18. Sometimes we just have to pick our battles....and when it comes to vintage, chippy, and white.....well....we'll fight the good fight! lol! I'm glad that you won! :) It looks absolutely fabulous!

    xoxo laurie

  19. That cupboard/dresser looks AMAZING! I think it looks like it was originally made that way. LOVE IT!

    Just found your blog on recommendation from a friend and I love it too!! I am a new follower.
