Sunday, February 20, 2011

Just Wanted to Share.....

Sweet Sunday Afternoon Everybody!
I hope your day is going well.
I just wanted to take a few minutes to share with you some wonderful blog
experiences I have had the last few days!
It always amazes me how awesome blog land truly is. I think back when I started my business fresh out of high school in 1987 and how I had to scrounge for every bit of information and even looking for inspiration was limited to Country Living more or less. Thank goodness for Country Living! Remember back then how thick the issues used to be and they always seemed to feature a log cabin filled with lots of blue swirl granite ware? Remember?
Okay...I got side tracked.~ back to wonderful blog land.
This first one is a least for me.
Faded Prairie is one of my{ super all time favorite} blogs I follow. Let's just say that prairie girl Kristin knows a thing or two about taking a FANTASTIC photo. I have admired her work for along time and to be honest she {without knowing} inspired me to take the leap and sign up for my first photography class. One of my goals was to be able to sign up for some of these photo challenges that you see on different blogs. Kristin is currently having a photo challenge and she encouraged me to sign up. I was n.e.r.v.o.u.s! There is a BIG OLE BUNCH of talented photographers that enter those things! I am not one of them. BUT, I went ahead and entered one of my {super all time favorite} photos I recently took of my feed sacks.
And guess what?
I was one of last weeks WINNERS! I am still on Cloud 9 and can't believe it. I realize it's not an Oscar or anything but to me it means the world!
Next up was a super unexpected email I received from Kate at Chic on a Shoestring Decorating! She has a fabulous linky party on Fridays called Flaunt it Friday! In her email she stated how much she enjoyed the post on the feed sack pillows and that she was going to feature it! How sweet is that? Plus she invited me to grab her button and I was thrilled to do it! I highly suggest a visit to her blog if you have never been.

And now for this one. Jami from Freckled Laundry has one of the most adorable blogs out there! She is a stinker for sure and I just love following her. To say she is talented is an understatement and her creations always inspire me. She hosts a neat linky party every Friday that she calls Air Your Laundry that highlights textile related projects. Really unique and fun! She was sweet to feature my thrift store stool make-over this week! I felt honored and so happy to have my work associated with her blog.
I am so happy to have been featured by all these super gals. I am not in the habit of tooting my own horn but I just had to share with you all the love that was shown to me these last few days. It couldn't have come at a better time. With Mr. OTM still out of work, it gets hard to not have those "down in the dumps" kinda days. You know?
This put a spring in my step~ a smile on my face and Joy in my heart!
Thank you all SO much! :0)


  1. Hi Beth,
    Congrat's!!! I'm happy for you! It's my year to "DO" and looks like you are "doing it"!
    I used to enjoy Country Living magazine...not so much anymore :(
    I didn't realize your hubby was out of work..I'll say a few prayers.

  2. Congratulations on all of your features, Beth! I love Jami's and Kristin's blogs, and they are both the sweetest! I was one of the winners of Kristin's photo challenge the week before... there have been so many beautiful photos turned in! I love your grain sack photo!
    Hope you're having a wonderful weekend!
    Jo :)

    p.s. I graduated in 1987, too! ;-)

  3. Looks like so lovely! I also collect vintage/antiques, all kind of old stuff. Today I bought 2 notebooks, ww2. Those books are full of markings; how many kg have children collected cones, bones, gum...

  4. Hi Beth, enjoyed our visit yesterday and I am soooo happy for you and your accomplishments!!! I don't think you realize how gifted and talented you are. You have a very special touch, and it is wonderful that others have been supportive, while recognizing and promoting your beautiful work. As I shared with you, not everyone is happy for you when good things happen in your life and that can be so disappointing!! I am happy this did not happen to you. Keep inspiring us, my friend!!!

  5. Sorry to hear your hubby is out of work, but if you ever need a pick me up day, just load all your great things and bring them to Texas!! You'll go home one happy woman with an empty truck. Thanks for your sweet comment, T

  6. Beth, you're on a roll, girl! Congrats on all the nice things happening to you. Much deserved, I'm sure!

  7. Hi there!
    Congrats on your photo win!! I thought your photo was beautiful and Im so glad you won too!!
    Sounds like you had a great week!!
    Im your newest follower (purehunnybee)

    Deborah :)

  8. Hi Beth! Congrats on your win! That photo IS worthy of recognition for sure! The textures and colors are just beautiful.

    I do remember how "rustic country" CL used to be. All dark and gloomy-ish. Sooo much better now!

    I adore Kristin's and Jami's blog and have followed them for a long time. They're awesome inspiration for all of us!

    xoxo laurie

  9. SO cool~ congrats!!! I have seen that stool on a few link-ups, I LOVE it! I remember the old CL's, my mom was a fan, I think that is why I love vintage home and country decor so much!

  10. Congratulations on winning the photo contest! Country Living used to be so good, not any more! They are trying to appeal to a younger crowd which cares nothing about old stuff! It's Country Living not Country Modern Living, or Todays Modern Country! Oh, I could go on and on with new titles! Have a great week!

  11. Congrats on all the features Beth! You are so creative and talented yourself! The photos are so wonderful and so happy that you took that leap! I have to admit that I stalk you a bit but just wanted you to know that your blog is so inspiring and so fun to come and visit!

    Have a wonderful week!

  12. Those are great treasures and blogs too!!!
    Hope your having a wonderful day

  13. This post has me smiling from ear to ear for you, Beth! You are so cute. You deserved the feature on my blog...and all of the others! I'm so happy that you won the photo challenge with your new photography classes and all!!! Hey, if you ever need a place to store them linens...ha! (Intentional bad grammar by the way.) Thank you so much for your sweetness, girlie!

