Friday, February 18, 2011

Wednesdays Projects...DONE!

Happy Friday!!
You may remember from my Wednesday post I did a little squacking about having a
"boatload" of projects to get done that day?
Ringin any bells?
Welllllllllll, I am happy to report that they fact.....get DONE!
I love basking in the glow of completed projects!
First up was the stack of old feed sacks that were waiting to be made into pillows.
I have had these lined up to get done before CHRISTMAS!
You know how that goes....

Plus I had all the down inserts stacked ready and waiting taking up a big corner if space in my
ultra organized , totally put together studio... slash computer, craft, spare bedroom
{insert sarcasm here}

While I loved looking at these all folded up neatly in a stack....

I am loving them even more now that they are DONE, they are priced, they are at the shop and they are OUT of my room!
Next on the list were some TAGS!
I have had a lump of some kind of clay stuff hanging around the computer/craft/spare bedroom since who knows when. I don't even know what kind it is...the label is MIA. Anyway I thought I could use it up and create some tags.

Plus I had these awesome old blue/green bottles lurking in a box in the ultra organized totally put together garage { more sarcasm needed here}

so I put them together...

and I am a likin what I see!

The "mystery clay lump" is used up so now I have to go on a search mission for more!

I thought these would be perfect to hold dandelions!
Remember being a kid and picking these for your mom?
Mine would always say "thank you" and put them in a juice glass and have a place of honor on the kitchen counter.
So these are now at the shop waiting to be priced but I will get that done today.

So there ya have it!
I am linking these projects to some parties today!
Please hop on over to:
P.S. Shhhhhh......the Etsy shop opening is getting closer! *wink* stay tuned!


  1. those feed sacks are awesome! :) love the bottles too! i nned to work on projects on my 4 day weekend! :)

  2. Love the bottles and pillows! Great ideas!

  3. Those bottles are so great!!! I love the color and that funny clay stuff worked perfect. I wish I could make some of those for our shop!
    The pillows are so perfectly vintage, too! Don't you love the feeling of getting things accomplished?? ;-)

  4. I Love those feedsack pillows! Love with a capitol L! And those tags are so cool~I like how you made them look aged.

  5. You HAVE been busy! Love all that you made!

    **LOL** about the craft room. Yup, that would be me!


  6. I can't wait for your Etsy store to open. Do you mind me asking how you make these clay tags? I understand if you don't want to give out you "ancient chineese secret"..haha.

    Great job on the pillows... I need to take my sewing machine in and get it fixed so I can get some of my pillows done.

    Enjoy your weekend.


  7. Waaaahhh, I want to be there to shop. your tags are wonderful, and on the bottles even better. and the pillows; awesome. I have a stack of old sacks I have to get busy on. Thanks for linking up, your inspiring me to get my rear in gear!

  8. Love the pillows & those bottles. You always have such wonderful ideas on how to make over your junk um..goodies.

    Have a wonderful weekend~Becky

  9. You are a busy little bee! You might just have inspired me to complete a project this weekend while I'm home alone!

  10. Quite the dilly dallying and open up that Etsy Shop....I'm dyin' over here! :)

  11. Great accomplishments! Love it all!

  12. Love the pillows and the bottles with the metal tags. I can't wait to shop your Etsy! Take care.

  13. Those feed sack pillows are perfect! They will fly out of your store for sure. Also, love your idea of dandylion vases, I have little boys that like to bring mommy flowers. :) I am feauturing you on my Flaunt it Friday Feautures this week. Please stop by and grab an "I was featured" button if you'd like. Thanks for linking my party. :)

  14. Such delightful little feedsack creations!! I love them! I also love your tags with your bottles- very pretty! Thank you for sharing at Feathered Nest Friday! :)

  15. Wow!! I'm totally jealous of those pillows! They look amazing! I love that look...the bottles are pretty awesome as well!

  16. Love the feedsack pillows! I am your new follower. Can't wait to see your Etsy store.

  17. I love the feedsack pillows!!They are fabulous.

