Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I think you're gonna want one of these!!!

Take a peek at what I just pulled out of my mailbox!!
My Hessian Vintage Style Burlap Clock Face Sack!
(I already goggled hessian for you: it's a coarse woven material. I didn't know either.)
All the way from the UK! It's BIG too...

20 inches across and 34 inches long!

Now.....just in case this is OLD NEWS and everyone and their brother has already seen this blasted across blogland months ago...(which is a strong possibility because I am usually a day late and dollar short when it comes to the next big thing)...perhaps you could just humor me this one time and pretend I am sharing with for the first time this AWESOME sack that I found......

on ebay! Wanna know the seller? I could be persuaded. Wanna know how much it costs? Money talks ladies.....Ha!! I am more than happy to share! The seller's id on ebay is letssackit.
Fortunately they have a BUY IT NOW feature for this and your cost will be 9.76 US. With shipping it will run you about 15.00 total.

But wait! Order now and you'll even get this beautiful HUGE GOLD GENUINE Royal Mail
stamp affixed to your package! A perfect piece to use in your next mixed media project that you could then list on your Etsy shop and sell for millions thus getting the Hessian Burlap sack for a mere pittance! Genius!

I bought mine to reupholster a hassock. Who says hassock anymore? The answer? Noboby. Sooo
don't worry...I googled it for you just in case you're like "what?"
hassock: "a padded cushion or low stool that serves as a seat or leg rest".
I have one of these at the end of my bed that currently serves as a clothes closet! Seriously...I am dying to rid myself of the "mound" of clothes it always collects. I probably should just get rid of it all together but my thought was that if I reupholstered it with something totally awesome , I would think twice , perhaps three times before I covered it up. At least that's what I told myself when I was justifying the burlap bag purchase! Plus it's been with me since I hung John Travolta posters in my room...1980 somethin.... so there's sentimental value ya know?
Anyway I love it and just had to share! If you do get one...share with us what you plan to do with it! Can you see this framed?? Made into a table covering? Chair backs? Curtains???
I think I better order another one!


  1. Not to worry Beth, I haven't seen this before..lol! It is really cool. Can't wait to see your "hassock" after you get done!


  2. I love it. And I've never seen it before either. Can't wait to see how your project turns out.

  3. Count me in also. I have not seen it either, but I am in love with it. I am into burlap right now. That and old clock faces together make a perfect piece. Share your finished project with us.

  4. nope,,,,,have not seen it but i do believe u r going to make this seller a ton of money.....cause i want one too!


  6. Love that you used the word hassock!! I wish I had the round leather one from when I was little that I used to roll around on! Let's see...was your hassock in front of a davenport?

  7. Morning GORGEOUS....!

    I hope this note finds you well Lovey & starting to THAW....hahahahaha....

    LOVE your hession bag....Yep here in Oz we call it hession too....I love it but it a little on the ITCHY side....The THINGS we do for fashion....I guess as long as no-one starts making UNDIES out of it it's 'doable'....!!

    Can't WAIT to see your hassock makeover....I know you'll do that sack PROUD....!!

    Hope you're having an AWESOME week....!

    Cheers from here,
    Tamarah :o)

  8. I love i!!!.Can't wait to see your finished project..xx

  9. It's darling my dear! Stamp and all!
    (And that is the first time I have seen it so I didn't need to pretend!)


  10. Beth - I haven't heard of this before, either! But I sure do love it!! It's going to look spectacular on your hassock!!!! Hurry up ... we're all waiting! lol!

    xoxo laurie

    PS and thanks for the scoop on where to buy one!!! :)

  11. Ha ha, you crack me up! My boyfriend says hassock!! Seriously! It's an ottoman, not a hassock!? ;-)
    I love your new find, the price is great!!! Enjoy!!
