Sunday, March 6, 2011

Introducing Villas & Bungalows!

Happy Sunday Everyone!
This is a quickie post I wanted to get up before Mr.OTM and I head out for some junkin!
My dear and extremely talented friend Wanda from Wanda S. Horton Interiors came into my shop yesterday as a "roving reporter" with camera in hand asking if she could take some pics.
She took some WONDERFUL shots of the shop and posted them on her blog Villa's & Bungalows.
I'd LOVE for you to see all the beautiful photos she took. If you have a minute, pay a visit!
I was blown away! We took a photography class together and it looks like she paid attention!
Hope you all have a great day! It's raining here {thank goodness} but I'm not gonna let that spoil a day of junkin! Heck, the kind of stuff I buy, a little rain may just make it look even better!


  1. Wow, Beth! You are just too awesome for words! (And when have you ever known me to be speechless? LOL!)

    Thank you for the huge honor of featuring my little blog. I'm glad you liked the photos . . . giving all the credit to the folks at Canon. :)

    Can't wait to see what you've found on your junkin' travels. One thing's for certain, they'll end up being jewels!

    A hug XO to you, today! ~ Wanda

  2. What a wonderful blug, Will return to see more good news and the likes. Keep up the great work. LenZie
    come and visit me at

  3. Oh how to take a peek!!

  4. The stuff I buy can always use a good bath and rain water is the best for a really good cleaning!
    Cool beans...I'm off to check her out.
