Friday, March 4, 2011

Muslin Tote Bag Transformation

Good Friday Morning Friends!
I have been working on so many things for the shop recently~ getting ready for our Annual Spring Tyme at the Marketplace Open House March 19 & 20 ( yep...that was a plug !)
One thing I've been wanting to make are some tote bags to sell and to hand out as door prizes during the event.
This is what I came up with!
I am lovin the results.Simple~easy~adorable!
My fav part is the vintage chair webbing! I was lucky to find this in my dear friend Tammy's JunkWild Etsy shop! As soon as I saw it I knew I had to have it...for what I had noooooo idea at the time. So there it sat in my ultra organized, totally put together, craft/computer/spare/office (do I need to tell you to add sarcasm here again? huh? do I?) and I would look at it everyday. Finally the other day, the clouds parted and the EUREKA moment happed and I thought RUFFLE...which lead to tote bag...which lead to my printing program...whick lead to iron on transfer...which lead to this post!

I luuuuuvvvv the red stripe...

And here's the goods! The part that took me the longest was the design of the transfer. I have a Broderbund printing program that I haven't used often so it took me a little while to navigate the thing. As usual. I wish I was a tech~ie.

Here's the transfer. An important thing to note when using a transfer is that you have to print the image in reverse so it faces the right way when you apply it. My printing program offers this as an option. Aren't they sweet?

And there you have it! I have 6 of these for sale and 4 for give-aways! If you make it to the shop for the open house don't forget to get your ticket for a chance to win!
This post is linked up to some MAJOR Parties!
Air Your Laundry@ Freckled Laundry
Vintage Inspiration Friday@ Common Ground
Flaunt it Friday@ Chic on a Shoestring Budget
Frugal Friday@ Shabby Nest
Everything But the Kitchen Sink@ A Little Knick Knack


  1. Beth~

    LOVE the tote bags. I would have never thought ruffle from chair webbing, but it works perfectly.

    Enjoy your day~Becky

  2. your bags look wonderful. I wish I lived closer so I could come to the open house.
    Have a great weekend

  3. Love the bags! Wish I lived closer so I could visit your shop!

  4. The bags are ADORABLE! Great job!

  5. Gosh Beth, these are soooo cute. The ruffle is just the icing on the cake! I have to take the plunge and try this transfer stuff. So glad you linked up for the party!

  6. very very cute...LOOVVEEE that ruffle addition with the red stripe. So creative!

    Swing by for a visit sometime!

  7. Oh what a FUN bag! I love it! Wish I could do something like this for our shop. And I wish I could come by your open house!! :-)
    Happy weekend!

  8. Oh, I'm too far away in Australia,I so wish I could come...Your bag is just gorgeous..xx

  9. BETH!!! These look amazing!! I'm so excited to see what you did with the chair webbing! I knew it would be somethin' grand!
    Love IT!!!
    I'll be sure to put the Spring Thyme Event on my know I can't miss an event at your shop!
    Hope all is well girlie! Miss ya!
    And Thanks for the shout out on the etsy shop!
    Tammy :-)

  10. i love that bag!!
    what a great way to use that beautiful trim...i have this problem with actually using things like that!
    i'll have to be on the look out for some of that stuff.
    i wish i lived close and i would come to your open house and buy up one of those bags.

  11. You are so brave. I bought some transfer paper 2 weeks ago but still haven't the nerve to try it. I've been playing around with gel medium transfer which I've finally gotten the hang of.
    Love the bag!

  12. So cute. Love the bag. I wish I lived closer so I could come to the Open House.

  13. How adorable! This came out great. :) I love the ruffles. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a cute comment for me at Humble Homemaking. I love your blog, it is so sweet. I am your newest follower! ;) Have a great day!
    Humble Homemaking
    p.s. feel free to hook up to our weekend review party this weekend (fri-mon).

  14. Love this! Chair webbing for a ruffle? Brilliant, my friend. Thanks so much for sharing with my MAJOR Air Your Laundry Friday party. You are too cute!

