Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Shop Pics!

I finally had the chance to upload some more shop pics to share with you tonight!
I would have gotten to it earlier but
I've been distracted with all the Elizabeth Taylor tributes on the TV.
Was she not STUNNING? Such a beauty. Mesmerizing even.
The camera loved her.
I was sad to hear she passed away today.
She will be missed by many.
After uploading all these , I realized that I need to take some more inside shots!
I hope you enjoy these and as I get some time , I'll take some more pics tomorrow.
Old shabby cupboard filled with old flour and feedsacks...
Love all the different tones...

NEW! Brown and cream check burlap ribbon on the wreaths...


My first customer of the day...PUNKY!

Lavender was a hit!

Spring blooms made the porch sing!!

Huge old birdhouse...
Seeing these makes me want to get diggin in the dirt...

Bright and Sunny...

Bunnies everywhere!

Thank you for all your sweet comments about this display. This is located right across from the cash register area! It makes me happy all day long.
Have a great evening everyone!
Rest in peace Ms. Taylor.


  1. Everything looks amazing!
    Makes me what to come Shop!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Love the beautiful flowers. I can't wait to find some here. Your shop is so inviting.

  4. Punkie's just darn near as cute as that brown/white checked burlap ribbon!!! Love it all, and would love to come visit!!

  5. Love all the pictures, but the next to last one with the standing bunnies and the carrots. I love those. Do you ship? If so what is the price of those? My email is Thanks and have a good day.

  6. I so wish I lived closer!!


  7. Everything looks wonderful! I bet the lavender was a hit indeed. Anyhoozles, I was just missin' ya and wanted to say hello real quick. Haven't been on blog or email much lately but I'll catch up with you this weekend!


  8. Lord look at Punky....adarn-dorable! Everything looks perfect, glad I was able to chat it up a little yesterday! Ha------ I did not mean Ha!, Janna

  9. Fantastic! Oh yes, one of these days I'm going to get down there. Love your outdoor areas. I am in our "downtown" block and I'd give anything to have more outdoor space, your flowers looked amazing. I'll be my friend Connie will be back soon too! Have a great spring, Dawn

  10. Hi Beth,
    Such a pleasant and warm place you have.
    It's a positive that if I get in your direction I will certainly will try and find your place.
    We want to go to Charleston and Savannah somethime yet this year so we will be in the area.


  11. Love your blog. i wish I lived closer so I could shop.

    BTY, thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting.

  12. Beth Love I've PINCHED your last pic to put in my FAVE file 'cause it makes me smile TOO....HOPE that's OK....!

    Yes....It was SAD to hear Liz had passed away....We were in Brenham at the hoptel when we saw the news....I HOPE she died happy & fulfilled surrounded by Friends & Family....!!

    See ya later,
    Tamarah :o)

    PS: PLEASE give Punky a SQUEEZE from me....He's a CUTIE for sure....!!
